Safety Plan template for a Car Bash

Contact Name:

(Note: This is the person who will be on site during the entire event and will be responsible for implementing this plan. Include an alternate in case you aren’t available.)



Date/ Time:

(Include Start setting up, event duration, clean up, If weather is inclement, the demonstration will be cancelled or is there a rain date?)


(confirm this after you have sent the final version of the safety plan to the space administrator and they have approved the location.)

Event registered on (date)

Expected # of participants

Sponsored by:

Will this be open to individuals not affiliated with MIT?

Proposal outline:

Activity summary


Safety Concerns and Mitigation



Other Practical Considerations

Diagram of Structure(s)

Key Points:

What hazards are associated with this event (risk of accident, injury, exposure, etc.)?

Who will interact with these hazards?

Who will oversee safety aspects?

What safety precautions should be taken?

If outdoors, do you have an alternate weather plans?


Parking lot will be cleared of cars, with approval of MIT Parking Office and help of MIT Police. A used car will be delivered from Phil's Towing in Somerville, MA. Car will be delivered with all fluids (gas, oil, etc.), glass, mercury containing light bulbs, switches, etc. and other hazardous materials removed. The tires are also either flattened or removed. In the afternoon, brothers and guests will spray paint the car. In the evening, after signing a waiver and being checked into clearing house, two guests at a time "bash" the car using sledgehammers. Each guest is required to wear goggles, gloves, and hard-toed boots. Guests are also instructed to stay on opposite sides of the car, and are monitored by a large number of brothers in attendance to maintain safe behavior. Guests are also allowed a regulated amount of time to bash the car (approx. 1-2 minutes). Police will observe the event periodically throughout the night. Clean up will be performed by the brothers immediately after the event's completion.


●A fun activity to introduce freshman to the brothers of the Zeta Psi Fraternity

●A good way for new students to meet each other during one of the first weeks of

Safety Concern / Mitigation
• Car may contain hazardous or flammable liquids. / - All fluids will be removed from the vehicle prior to its delivery to the parking lot.
- Tires will also be deflated and/or removed to further ensure the safe destruction of the vehicle.
• The Car may have sharp or dangerous parts such as glass still attached. / - Before new students are allowed to destroy the car, brothers will go in and thoroughly clean the vehicle. All glass and other potentially dangerous items will be removed from the car.
• In the process of its destruction, the car may become more dangerous to the participants. / - Only two people will be bashing the car at a time.
- Each participant will be required to wear hard toed boots, gloves, and safety goggles.
- There will be multiple brothers, as well as a police officer monitoring the participants at all times.
- The amount of time each person can bash the car will be limited to 1-2 minutes.


• A junked car with all fluids and gas removed

• 2 - 4 10 lb. sledgehammers

• 2 - 4 Pairs of work gloves

• 2 - 4 Pairs of hard-toed boots of various sizes

• 2 - 4 Pairs of Safety Goggles

• A generator

• Police/Caution tape to mark off the area

• Construction Lights

• Spray Paint


1. Clean the Car of all hazardous materials before any guests are exposed to it

2. Paint the vehicle

3. Enclose the area around the car to ensure that only two people are within ~20 feet of the car at any given time

4. Ensure that each participant is wearing sufficient safety materials (discussed above)

5. Give sledgehammer to participant

6. Observe and maintain the safety of each participant as they hit the vehicle for anywhere between one and two minutes

7. At the end of the night, all loose debris will be stacked back onto the remaining frame of the car

8. Any sharp pieces remaining will be carefully collected while wearing work gloves, hard-toed boots, and safety goggles, in addition to the usage of multiple shop-vacs

9. The next morning, the car and all debris will be removed by Phil’s Towing

Other Practical Considerations:

Noise-- We will be playing music throughout the event. Therefore, we have notified campus police of this event.

Space-- We will be using all of the ______Parking lot. We have contacted the MIT parking office to reserve the space