The Ascent Condominium Council of Co-Owners

Annual Meeting Minutes

Meeting held 04-18-17

6:00 p.m. – 7:05 p.m.


8 Unit owners via proxy

19 Unit owners in attendance

14 Corporex Units via proxy

41 Total Units Represented

Call to Order

Tim Timmel, President called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.

Proof of Notice

Tim Timmel asked for proof of notice and proof of a quorum and was presented with both by Karl Chalk, EM

Welcome and Introduction – Tim Timmel, President

Tim welcomed the owners to the 2017 Annual Meeting. He introduced himself and Tom Cody, Vice President, John Domaschko Treasurer along with Karl Chalk, Executive Manager and recognized the absence of Tom Banta from the meeting and Steve Moeller candidate for the board.

Tim also introduced Angel Huenefeld, president of HPM Solutions, the HOA’s management company.

Approval of Prior Year Minutes – Tim Timmel

Tim requested a motion from the floor to approve the prior year’s annual meeting minutes. Gary Schmitt moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Carolee Schwartz and passed with none opposed.

Officers Report- Tim Timmel, President, Tom Cody, Vice President

Tim thanked many people for their support of him and the board for the past three years. Tim also thanked the current and past board members for their hard work and lastly encouraged more people to think of sharing their talents in the future by running for the board or serving on committees.

State of the City Report

No Report

Developer Report – Lee Robinson, Realtor

No report

Budget Report – John Domaschko, Karl Chalk

Karl presented to those in attendance a history of how we prepare the budget. Then he went over the results of our income/expenses for 2016, followed by a review of projects completed last year and projects that are scheduled for 2017.

John then spoke to the reserve fund, the history of the fund, where we stand now and where we are projected in the future.

Social Committee Report – Valerie Bopp for Donna Peters

Valerie reminded everyone of the summer party scheduled for June 10th and went over the exciting plans for that evening.

Energy/Green Committee – Evelyn Laux

No report

Fitness Committee- Jeff Chuck

Fitness committee updated the owners in the hard work they did this year, including the survey they did, the new equipment that has been ordered and the 4 classes that are scheduled to be taught this spring.

Limo Committee- Graeme Murray

The limo committee will be releasing a survey in the near future.

Decorations Committee- Mary Ellen Cody

The dining room chair project has been completed and we are in the process for getting new furniture for the Guest Suites.

Declaration and By-Laws Committee- Graeme Murray

No report

Open Forum Q & A

Peter Gaughan, owner of 704 had three questions. Q) What is the amount we pay for recycling? A) The cost of recycling and garbage pickup is the same cost, no additional fee. Q) He had multiple questions concerning the changes to the fitness room. A) Jeff Chuck, chairman answered that many of his concerns were choices that were made by the committee, based on the results of the surveys and approved by the board. Karl addressed his concerns about the TV situation in the fitness room and shared with those in attendance that the TV’s are part of a 9 year old technology that is no longer being supported by the manufacturer and that we will need to switch to other forms of viewing options. Q) His last concerns were how the reserve funds were invested. A) John Domaschko gave an overview of past concerns and limitations from the owners for how the board has invested in the past. Tim Timmel had suggested that he might consider joining the finance committee if he had an interest in these matters.

John Lowe reminded everyone about the 150 anniversary of the completion of the Roebling Suspension Bridge and the celebrations planned for this June.

Karl released the results of the winners and alternates for the guest suite lottery for 2017

Election of Board Members

Tim requested that we acknowledge the election of Steve Moeller by acclamation. Motion was made by Jeff Chuck and second by Evelyn Laux to accept the results of the election by acclimation. Steve Moeller was declared the winner and was welcomed by all to the board.


Tim asked for a motion to adjourn the annual meeting at 7:05 p.m. Motion Tom Cody Second Ken Roth