West U Rotary Club

July 14, 2009

Minutes of the Board of Directors and Officers

Officers, Directors and Visitors: X =Present

Name/Position / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec
Ronnie Hallenberger-Pres / X
John Collier – Pres Elect / X
Don Raskin – Vice Pres / X
Linda Holter -Secretary
Cecile Schutter – Board Sec. / X
Dee Ullrich – Past Pres. NoVote / X
George Adams - Treasurer
Board members:
Manesh Shah - Community
Honey Leveen / X
Kathy Kokas - International
Clarence Miller
Jerry Gips
Greg Faldyn
Philip Bryant - PR / X
Carl Stutts
Sharon Williams / X
Terry Ziegler - Polio / X
Michael Larsson / X


Ray Schutter

Gene McFaddin

Vanessa Lanceley Hauser

Larry Gray

Carol Gradziel – Vocational Committee

Ken Walker

Laney Littlejohn

Meeting called to order by President Ronnie Hallenberger 7:10 am

Minutes from June 2009 – Reviewed. Motion to accept: Terry Ziegler; Second: Honey Leveen. Approved by acclamation.

Club Secretary's Attendance/Membership Report: Greg Faldyn and Linda Holter, not present. 63% attendance. 97 members as of June 30, 2009, per email from Linda July 4, 2009.

Perfect Attendance list for 2008-09 currently being reviewed and will be ready for presentation to members in August.

Membership Committee: John Collier

AMC (Area Membership Chair) – Ole Donaho – Bellaire SW RC

New Members to approve:

Michael Silver – attorney in energy business, sponsored by ??

Chuck (Charles) Guffy – sponsored by John Neighbors, 2nd term City of West U Council

Motion by Don Raskin to approve Michael and Chuck as members, second by Terry Ziegler, all in favor. Motion passed.

New Proposals:

Bill Dietz – proposed by Philip Bryant

Alice Moore – her father is a Rotarian from Santa Fe, NM and are frequent visitors. Proposed by Ronnie Hallenberger.

John Collier is re-evaluating the Red Badge and Membership process to make it more streamlined, less confusing, and more effective. (Distributed to board members July 15, 2009 and attached to these minutes)

Treasurers Report: Cecile Schutter

June 30, 2009- Operating Account$22,402.44

June 30, 2009 - Money Market Account $14,814.78

July 1, 2008 – Operating Account $26,256.76

July 1, 2008 – Money Market Account $13,602.41

Files and data base have now been turned to new treasurer – George Adams (not present)

West U Rotary Club Foundation (WURCF): Treasurer Ron Kahanek (not present)

Jun 30, 2009 - Operating Account $54,280.67

Jun 30, 2009 – Money Market Account $37,655.96

July 1, 2008 – Operating Account ??????????

July 1, 2008 - Money Market ?????????????

WURCF - Need to clearly identify the financial needs of each club committee to the club Foundation Board and they need to set up their books for us the board to better understand our financial needs.

As well as create a restricted accounting for funds for water projects or other very long term projects.

International Service – Don Raskin and Kathy Kokas

RYE Student, Juliette Pezaire from France. Host families are Bentley and Kyttie Sanford, Terry and Sarka Ziegler, Honey Leveen and JimGoodale.

Nursing books – Ray Schutter and Vivian Dawkins – sending our own container to Zimbabwe – in the spring.

Community Service – Sharon Williams and Manesh Shah

Still not communication with the DeBakeySchool for an Interact Club. It is suggested to draw students to RYLA as a way to build interest at the DeBakeySchool for an Interact Club.

We are considering to pursue another school in addition to DeBakey.

Vocational Service – Carol Gradziel

The Women’s Home – interviews continuing under the guidance of Ken Walker. These are mock job interviews. Dick Cancelmo's company – Bridgeway Funds, have embraced the concept and fully participated with interviewing over 12 of the women.

Request for help at the Thrift Shop in training for customer service, organizing, etc. Particularly any assistance from club members that have worked in retail.

Outreach at YMCA – Carol soliciting for ESL instructors. Also needs for vocational guidance, women's groups, and need bilingual assistance. Have requested immunizations and physicals for back to school. ECHO offers free immunizations.

Polio Plus Campaign: Terry Ziegler

Ray Schutter raised an additional $400 through the mailers for flag subscriptions.

$285 raised at the 4th of July BBQ with the display and explanation of the Iron Lung. The Iron Lung, on loan from Angie Jimenez (Houston club) is available for other events, is stored at West U Travel.

Post Polio Survivors – how can we embrace this group and get involved?

New Business:

GulfCoast leadership Institute Conference budget of $250 per person, full two day commitment including a Saturday night hotel stay. Dates are Sept 19 -20, 2009. Space commitments must be in by July 22 to Jon Eiche.

Phone Duty:

Ronnie forwarded the phone duty list to all board members. See attached.

On duty for August and September:

Aug 1 – 15 – John Collier

Aug 16 – 31 – Don Raskin

Sep 1 – 15 – Dee Ullrich

Sep 16 – 30 – George Adams

Meeting Adjourned 8:15am.

From John Collier, Membership Chair July 15, 2009

Here is the process for member Red and member Blue Badges spelled out in order of occurrence. If we are all on the same page it helps interpret the process to everyone in a consistent fashion.


Rotary Club of West U: Application to Blue Badge Process

1. Secretary Linda H. gives out application on request; if needed ask John C for help getting sponsor for applicant

2. Secretary receives completed application, making sure of sponsor name

3. Copy of completed application goes to

(a) Membership Chair John Collier

(b)Cecile Schutter (board secretary records)

(c) George Adams Treasurer (for invoicing)

(d) Ronnie H. President

4. After three (3) visits and completed application, Board votes on candidate

5. John C Membership Chair sets up orientation meeting for those approved and requests Red Badges from Honey Leveen.

6. Linda Holter Secretary sends info to George Adams Treasurer to invoice new candidates

7. Carol Lester gets info from John Collier and secures mentors for each member

8. Red Badge given to new member after orientation and after dues paid.Sponsor pins new member at meeting. No Red Badge unless dues paid.

9. Mentor guides Red Badger thru more info/Rotary activities on membership orientation list on westurotary.org website. Go to Membership, then link to New Member Orientation to see list of at least 4 of the activities needed for Blue Badge.

10. Mentors report progress on orientation list to Carol Lester for each Red Badge member and Carol posts progress on website under each name.

11. When mentor reports at least 4 activities are done off of orientation list, Red Badger becomes Blue Badger and Carol asks Honey to order Blue Badge for each new member who completed 4 activities.

(may take 2-3 weeks toorder)

12. Blue Badges presented at designated Thursday meeting when Blue Badge arrives with new member name on it and member is present on a Thursday.

Posey Parker and Barbara Veres will help with social interactions for Badgers