Performing preliminary setup

2. Performing preliminary setup

Before you begin using Comdata Interactive Integration with the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import Interface, you must perform the preliminary setup. These tasks include:

·  Verifying your license.

·  Setting up the socket to allow interactive integration with Comdata.

·  Setting up the account and customer codes that identify your interactive account.

·  Setting up Security Cards for the users who will work with the interactive integration.

Information on completing these tasks is provided on the following pages:

Verifying you are licensed to run the interface 2.2

Setting up the Comdata socket 2.4

Setting up Account/Customer codes 2.7

Adding an account code 2.7

Adding a Customer code 2.8

Setting up Security Cards 2.9

Verifying you are licensed to run the interface

Special licensing is required to run interactive integration with the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import Interface. You must be licensed for:

·  Fuel Import – Comdata

·  Comdata Interactive Interface

To verify that the proper licensing has been applied to your database, follow these steps:

1. From any TMWSuite application, select the About command from the Help menu.

2. Click the More button located in the bottom right of the window.

3. The system displays a second About window. The licensing window provides a table containing three columns:

·  Option Name

Lists the applications and features available in TMWSuite.

·  Option Value

Signifies whether the application/feature is active.

·  Option Expiration

Lists the date that the subscription to a feature will expire.

Scroll through the list to find both licenses:

Comdata Interactive Integration license

Fuel Import, with Comdata as your vendor, license


1. The list is alphabetical. The list of Fuel Import licenses are also alphabetized according to vendor.

2. If the required license is not listed, contact your Support Team.

E-mail / Phone
Support Team 1 / / Call 216/831-6606 and choose Option 6. Follow the prompt to select your team’s extension. If all support personnel are busy, you can leave a voice mail message.
Support Team 2 /
Support Team 3 /

Setting up the Comdata socket

The socket tells the system how it is to communicate with Comdata. The IP address you enter is provided by Comdata.

Note: The socket(s) you set up will be associated with Comdata account codes and customer codes when you set up a security card for the user that will be working with the interactive integration program.

1. In the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface, select Card Maintenance from the Fuel Maintenance menu.

2. The Card Maintenance window displays. From the Fuel Maintenance menu, select Maintain Socket.

Note: The Maintain Socket command displays in the Fuel Maintenance menu only when the Card Maintenance window is opened.

The Maintain Sockets window displays.

3. To set up a socket ID, click New. The Winsocket Definitions window displays.

Make entries in the following fields to create a new entry for Comdata.

Socket ID / Enter a unique alphanumeric ID of up to six characters to identify the socket.
Note: You can have multiple sockets, with different parameters, to allow your computer to communicate with other computers on different networks.
Description / Enter a description of up to 256 alphanumeric characters that will help you identify the socket.
Address Family / The socket family address is defined as the “Address Family” your network uses for sockets. The options are:
·  0 – Unspecified
·  1 – UNIX
·  2 – INET
·  3 – IMPLINK
·  4 – PUP
·  5 – CHAOS
·  6 – NS or IPX
·  7 – ISO
·  8 – OSI or ECMA
·  9 – DATAKIT
·  10 – CCITT
·  11 – SNA
·  12 – DECNET
·  13 – DLI
·  14 – LAT
·  15 – HYLINK
·  17 – NETBIOS
·  18 – MAX
Type / Enter the socket type. The options are:
·  1 – Stream
·  2 – DGRAM
·  3 – RAW
·  4 – RDM
Protocol / Enter the socket protocol. The options are:
·  0 – IP
·  1 – ICMP
·  2 – GGP
·  6 – TCP
·  12 – PUP
·  17 – UDP
·  22 – IDP
·  77 – ND
·  255 – RAW
·  256 – MAX
Name length / Enter the size of the byte stream sent to the server when connecting.
IP Address / Enter the server address to which the socket will connect. This address is provided to your company by Comdata.

4. Click Save to retain your entries, and then click Close to exit the window.

Setting up Account/Customer codes

An account code is the unique ID number assigned to your company by Comdata. The customer code, which is also assigned by Comdata, is associated with the account code. The codes Comdata provides to your company will identify the services available through the interactive integration with TMWSuite. You set up all of these customer codes in the Account Code/Customer Code Maintenance window.

Note: Comdata can provide detailed information about what features and rules are applicable to each of your customer codes.

Adding an account code

Account codes must be entered before you can enter the customer codes. To add an account code, follow these steps.

1. Select the Account/Customer Codes command from the Fuel Maintenance menu. The Account Code/Customer Code Maintenance window displays.

2. Click in the top portion of the window, then click the Add icon in the sheet toolbar or select the Add Row command from the Edit menu.

3. Make entries in the following fields:

Account Code / Enter the unique alphanumeric ID provided by Comdata to identify your company.
Description / Enter a brief description to identify the Comdata account.
Interface Type / Click in the field to display the drop-down list of vendors and select Comdata
GL Number / Enter the general ledger number applicable to transactions associated with this account code.
Company / This is a custom field.
Socket ID / Enter the unique alphanumeric ID used to identify the connection to Comdata for transmitting data regarding this account code.
Note: For more information, see the Setting up the Comdata socket section.

4. Click the Save icon in the sheet toolbar.

Adding a Customer code

Customer codes are recorded under their corresponding Account code. To add a customer code, follow these steps:

1. Highlight the appropriate Account code in the top portion of the window.

2. Click in the bottom portion of the window, and then do one of the following:

·  Click the Add icon in the sheet toolbar.

·  Select the Add Row command from the Edit menu.

3. The system adds a row for the customer code. Make entries in the following fields:

Customer Code / Enter the unique alphanumeric ID provided by Comdata to identify services available under the account code.
Account Code / The unique alphanumeric ID provided by Comdata to identify your company.
Note: The system automatically fills in the appropriate account code.
Description / Enter a brief description to identify the service provided by Comdata under the account code.
GL Number / Enter the general ledger number applicable to transactions associated with the services identified by the customer code.
Company / Click in the field to display the drop-down list of companies used to group transactions.
Note: The options are user-defined using the Company label, which is accessed in the System Administration application.

4. Click the Save icon in the sheet toolbar.

Setting up Security Cards

You must set up a Security card for each user who is to have permission to update or modify card and advance information. The security card verifies that the user is authorized to perform maintenance functions and record transactions for the account and customer code with which it is associated. A single user ID cannot have more than one security card for a Comdata account. If your company has multiple accounts with Comdata, you must have a separate security card, issued to a unique user ID, for each account code.


1. Security cards can only be set up by a user with system administrator rights.

2. The security card ID provided by Comdata impacts TMWSuite in only three ways. Users must have a security card set up to be able to: 1) access the Card Maintenance window; 2) access fuel transactions, electronic checks, and card advances in the Advances/Misc Labor window; 3) use the Comdata Interactive Integration module.

3. If you are licensed for the Comdata Interactive Integration add-on module, the system will validate the security card and password before you can proceed with any interactive Comdata transactions.

To set up a security card for a user, follow these steps:

1. Select the Security Card command from the Fuel Maintenance menu. The system displays the Fuel Service Security window.

2. Click the Add icon in the sheet toolbar.

3. The system adds a blank line. Make entries in these fields.

Security Card / This is a required field.
Enter the user’s Comdata user ID. An entry of up to 10 alphanumeric characters is allowed. The ID indicates the level of administrative function permissions the user has been granted by the vendor.
Note: This number must be unique.
Account Code / Select the appropriate account code to which the user has access from the drop-down list.
User ID / This is a required field.
Select the user’s ID from the drop-down list of valid TMWSuite users.
ECB Code Word / This field is applicable only if your vendor is Comdata. Enter the code word used to verify Express Cash Batch data. Comdata assigns a code word to your company.
Note: This field pertains to the MOTRS= setting in the [FuelServ] section of your TTS50.ini file. If the entry is made as MOTRS=Yes, your company is using the V2.x interface to Comdata’s Express Cash Batch application and a code word is required. If the entry is made as MOTRS=MOTRS3, your company is using the V3.x interface to Comdata’s Express Cash Batch application and a code word is required.
Vendor User ID / Enter the user ID supplied by the vendor that is to be associated with the TMWSuite user selected in the User ID field.
Vendor / Using the drop-down list, select Comdata as the vendor:
Note: The system does not allow multiple security cards for the same vendor to be set up for a user. If the specified user ID already has a security card set up for Comdata, a warning message is displayed:

Customer Code / Enter the customer code associated with the account code It indicates what services this user authorized to access.

4. Click the Save icon in the sheet toolbar to save the user you just added.

5. Click the Close icon in the sheet toolbar to close the Fuel Service Security window.

TMW Systems, Inc. 6/2006 2.3

02.PreliminarySetup.doc TMWSuite Comdata Interactive Integration