Jubilee Procession 1832
At a General Meeting of the
Guildry Incorporation of Dundee
held within the Guild Hall on
the sixth day of August
years at twelve o’clock noon
to consider the programme of
the procession on the Jubilee day
The following programme of the procession on the Jubilee
day was laid before the Meeting.
The different Bodies will Assemble at such places as they
may find most convenient, and proceed to the Magdalene Yard
Green, so as to be there by eleven o’clock forenoon, and occupy the ground
pointed out to them by persons stationed for that purpose.
When the formation shall have been completed a great
gun will be fired from the Magdalene Yard point as
the Signal for the Procession to move off by Shepherds Loan,
Perth Road, Nethergate along the South of the High Street,
round the Trades Hall, north side of the High Street, Overgate,
North Tay Street, Ward Road to the Seminaries in the following
The Town’s Carters mounted on their Horses
Bands of Music
Masonic Bodies
Camperdown Lodge
Caledonian Lodge
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Forfar and Tannadice Lodge
St David’s Lodge
Ancient Lodge
Operative Lodge
Grand Lodge headed by the Right honourable Lord
Kinnaird, Grand Master Mason of Scotland.
Band of Music
Town Officers with Halberts
The Provost and Sheriff
The Magistrates
The Town Council three and three
The Clergy, Teachers of the Public Seminaries, and
Pupils attending the Seminaries three and three
The Directors of the Seminaries
Harbour Trustees
Commissioners of Police and Gentlemen not connected
with any of the Public Bodies in town three and
Band of Music
Guildry Officer
The Dean of Guild, supported by two Senior
The Guildry and the Incorporation of Maltmen,
four and four
The Nine Trades Officer
The Convener of the Nine Trades supported by the
Deacons of the two Senior Trades
The Members of the Nine Trades, four and four
The Convener and Deacons of three United Trades
Members of the Three Trades four and four
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen four and four
The Cooper Trade
Band of Music
Dundee Political Union including the Journeymen
Tailors, and Rope and Sail Makers, as members
St Paul’s Lodge of Free Gardeners
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Operative Shipwrights Society
Mr Lawson’s Workmen
Philanthropic or Harbour Porters Society
The Machine Makers and others at Duff’s
Works, South Tay Street
Messers Brown and Allan’s Workmen
Messers I & C Carmichael and Messers Umphen-
stone and Kerr’s Machine Makers
Gas Light Company’s Workmen
The Dundee Lappers and Parkers
The Journeymen Bakers
Dundee Weaver Lodge
Hilltown Weaver Lodge
The Workmen of Mr James Small Junior and
Mr William Anderson, Manufacturers
The Perth Road Weavers
The Mechanics of Tay Foundry
King James’s Lodge of Wrights
Dundee Nailers
Workmen at Peep-o-Day Factory
Journeymen Painters
Dundee Caledonian Society
Workmen at Messers Bell and Balfour’s Work
Baxter Brothers and Company’s Workmen
Workmen at the Factories of Mr Neish and
Mr Whitton
Workmen at Messers Brown’s Mills
Mr William Johnston’s Workmen
Dundee Operative Wright Society
The Workmen of Mr Low Moniefieth
So soon as the head of the Procession shall have reached the Seminaries
another great gun will be fired. The Procession will then halt, and the
Masonic Bodies will open out so as to leave a space for the Grand
Lodge, the Magistrates and Council, the Clergy, the Directors and
Teachers of the Public Seminaries, and the Pupils attending the
Seminaries, to pass to the Front for the purpose of performing
and witnessing the ceremony of laying the foundation stone.
After the ceremony shall have been completed, the Procession
shall move off in the same order as before, the Harbour Trustees
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at this time taking precedence of the Directors of the Seminaries and the w(hole)
Procession will then be by the east Meadow gate, along the east side of the Mea(dows), Baltic Street, Wellgate, Murraygate, Seagate, Trades Lane, Dock Street to the new Dock
And on the arrival of the front of the Procession at the New Dock, a third great (Gun)
will be fired when the Procession will again halt and the Masonic Bodies (will open)
out as before so as to allow the Grand Lodge, The Magistrates and Council, (and the)
Harbour Trustees to pass for the purpose of laying and witnessing
of laying the foundation stone of the New Wet Dock. This ceremony ha(ving)
been completed, the Procession will then move off by Union Street to the
the Masonic Bodies then taking the lead in their reverse order, the
Lodge preceding. At the High Street the Procession will move
in a circle and close up till the whole form one compact body, (the)
Magistrates and Town Council being in the centre of the Street. (A)
Royal salute will the be fired from the Harbour, After which (the)
different Bodies composing the Procession (will)
proceed to their respective places of destination after g(iving)
Three Cheers for the King
Three times Three
For Reform
A display of fireworks will then be let off from the litt(le)
Meadows at half past eight in the evening. And the
Magistrates specially enjoin that no person will under a(ny)
pretence whatever injure the wooden railing round the
ground laid out for the Seminaries or go within that (wooden)
Note: Public Bodies and others still wishing to join (the)
Procession will intimate their intention to Captain
Downie betwixt and Wednesday next.
The Meeting unanimously agreed to engage the Montrose
Bank along with the Harbour Trustees each body paying hal(f the)
expence and the Committee of Harbour Trustees being present
the Meeting agreed.
©Innes A. Duffus
Archivist to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee