Confirmation Retreat II: Purify My Heart Friday, January 16, 2015

Queen of Angels Parish Confirmation Preparation 2014-2015

4:30 Arrive / Pick up name-tags, choose a card from the blue deck
Meal Prayer Rob
Dinner – clean up after yourself

4:55 Icebreaker – “Shuffle the Deck” led by Rachel
- Candidates get in different groups/orders by value, suit, color, etc. as time allows

5:05 Opening Prayer Rachel / Tom
Pater Noster chant

5:10 Talk – The Upper Room/ Christian Witness Rachel w/ assistance
- Scripture reading from Acts 1:1-14 – Paul Giancola
- nature of the prayer of the apostles
- teach first half of refrain to “Refiner’s Fire”
- difficult task ahead of them, the “witness of the martyrs”
- how do we witness to Christ through Confirmation Prep? after Confirmation?

5:25 Journaling Candidates
- sheet with questions to answer, perhaps on an unused page of their journal
- choose 2 of the 5 questions - play “You Speak” & “Power of a Moment”
- candidates spread out throughout the room and adjacent
hallways to write quietly for ~10 minutes
- catechists help candidates stay on task

5:35 Talk – Pentecost / Symbols of Confirmation Rachel w/ assistance
- Scripture reading from Acts 2:1-12 – Cathy Irvine
- effect of the Spirit to transform the lives of the Apostles
- teach second half of refrain to “Refiner’s Fire”
- so why do we anoint with oil and not with fire or wind?
- anointed not just as a witness, but chosen as priest, prophet and king

5:50 Breakout Session / Chosen as Priest, Prophet King Catechists
- some groups will go down hallway to other conference rooms
- table pairs explore themes:
- priest (1&5): Heb 4:14-16 - king (3&7): 2 Sam 5:1-2 and Ps 61:1-9
- prophet (2&6): 2 Sam 12:1-7 - chosen (4&8): Eph 1:3-6 and Jn 15:12-17
- brainstorm what is needed for that role
- read Scripture passage(s) which illustrates that role
- discuss the passage(s) and answer a few questions
- each group will need to select a scribe to record brainstorming and answers

6:15 Return to Large Group / Share answers Groups

6:25 Talk – Purification and Continuing Conversion Rachel w/assistance
- Scripture reading from Malachi 3:1-4 – Jane Bishop Lillegard
- purification removes anything that is not of value, can feel like being “tested”
- teach verses to “Refiner’s Fire” and mention “Shake it Out”
- close with “Sacraments 101: Why We Confess” video from BustedHalo


6:45 Catechist Witness – Conversion and Challenge Roine
- share a time you felt tested and your faith grew stronger as a result
- opportunity for questions & comments from candidates and/or other stories from catechists

7:00 Making a Good Confession Monica
- Rachel leaves to open the church & set up for Reconciliation
- how to pray during the Examination of Conscience
- steps for confession (also listed on the back of the worship aid), lighting candles

7:15 Clean up / Restroom break / Coats on (bundle up!) Catechists

7:25 Out the door – Walk to Church (Monica remains behind to clean up)

7:30 Reconciliation Prayer Service Msgr. Jim & asst priests

- see worship aid for the order of service
- candidates light a candle to show that they have gone to confession
- after candidates have returned from confession, they may pray quietly, then go
to the gathering space at the back of church to complete an evaluation
- pick up Confirmation Novena handout when done with evaluation
- catechists help with maintaining a prayerful atmosphere, but may also go to
confession once candidates have gone

What is a Novena? Stella

8:25 Reminders and Closing Prayer Rachel

8:30 Dismissal