Amplifiers are used whenever a very small pulse or signal must be boosted.

For example:

Typically, the size of the signals received from transmitters at the antennas of Radios, TVs, Mobile Phones etc. is in the order of microvolts (millionths of a volt, mV).

Similarly, the voltage variations (signals or pulses) generated in microphones; record player needles; CD / DVD optical detectors; heads in hard-drives; antenna in remote-controlled devices such as automatic garage door controllers, VCRs, car alarms etc. are also extremely small.

When you make a call with your mobile phone its signal strength is only about a quarter of a Watt. It has to radiate in all directions. Imagine how small the fraction of this signal must be that intercepts a small network antenna a kilometre or more away.

The problem is however, speakers require many volts to work, so do the remotely controlled devices that arm alarms in cars and lock/unlock their doors, turn on the motors the operate automatic garage doors etc. So these signals and pulses must be greatly increased to be useful. Amplifiers perform this task.

·  In this course we study one type of amplifier called a Class A CE (Common Emitter) Linear Amplifier.

Their basic components are (i) a single Transistor (ii) a Voltage divider

(iii) capacitors (iv) Resistors

·  These amplifiers preserve the input signal’s frequency:

Input Frequency = Output Frequency

·  Only the amplitude of the input signal is amplified by a constant amount. This magnifying factor is called the amplifier’s VOLTAGE GAIN. It is defined as:

Gain AV = -


Eg: In this example, the Amplifier’s GAIN = - 4.0V/0.02V = - 200

Most amplifiers invert the signal (we will see why later). This is the reason for the negative sign. This inversion is usually not a problem but if it is, a second inverting amplifier (2nd stage) is used to follow the first.

·  Typical Vin – Vout Graphs for inverting amplifiers:






0 VIN (mV)

20 40

Amp. 1. Amp. 2.

The gain of Amp. 1. = - 8.0V / 0.020V = - 400

Therefore, if its input ∆VIN = 5mV about the quiescent point, then the output signal would be:

∆VOUT = 400 x 5mV = 2000mV = 2V

Vcc = 8v

0 v

A graph of this amplifier’s output in this example would look like:



4V Peak-to-Peak voltage = ∆VOUT

= 6 – 2 = 4V


0 V time

The signal’s Amplitude is 2 volts.


You can’t get something for nothing:

Again consider the first Graph. What if the input signal varied with a peak-to-peak value of ∆VIN = 30mV. What do you expect the output signal’s peak-to-peak ∆V to be?

Would it be 400 x 0.030V = 12Volts?

No! The amplifier is only supplied with 8V so this is the highest output voltage achievable.

What would the output signal actually look like? It would be clipped and if it were driving a speaker the sound would be distorted.




0 t

In fact for this amplifier, if the most the output can swing between is 0 to 8 Volts and the gain is 400, what is the largest ∆VIN possible that will not result in a distorted output?



30mV ∆VIN


Amplifiers – what’s inside:

Basic circuit:

VCC Supply

R1 Rc




Input Q


Earth (0 volts)


·  As you can see above, there are really 2 types of voltage in the amplifier circuit:

(i) DC (Direct Current) - consisting of the Supply Voltage, Vcc, and the various voltage levels around the circuit controlled by the resistors etc.

(ii) AC (Alternating Current) – this is the signal passing into, through and out of the amplifier. This is classified as AC since, unlike DC, it varies with time.

·  C1 and C2 are capacitors (these block DC and only pass signals – AC)

·  Q is a Transistor – it is the principal amplifier component. Everything else is there to help it do its job.

·  R1 and R2 form a voltage-divider. It sets the DC voltage of the input to the transistor (its base).

·  The maximum peak-to-peak swing of the output signal, ∆VOUT would be VCC – 0 = VCC. To achieve this, the DC level at the output should be set to halfway between Vcc and Earth = ½ Vcc. This is the job of RC and RE (RE isn’t always present).

For example, if VCC = 9V, then it is desirable to set DC level at the output to 4.5V so the amplified signal can swing from 4.5V up to 9V, down to 0V and so on.

9V 9V

4.5V ∆VOUT = 9V 7V VOUT = 2x(9 - 7)

= 4V

Ov 0v

Max ∆VOUT achieved. Less desirable.

The role of the Capacitors C1 and C2:

e C


Current = 0




+ + -

- + -

Decoupling AC and DC:

The input signal to an amplifier is usually a mixture of AC and DC. The Capacitor C1 removes the DC component while allowing the AC signal to pass into the amplifier. Similarly, the output capacitor C2 removes the DC component from the amplified signal. We say capacitors decouple AC and DC.

Input to C1 Output of C1




t t

DC + AC ripple DC removed



It is a semiconductor device that has become essential to the modern electronics industry. Invented in 1947 at the Bell Telephone Laboratories by physicists Bardeen, Shockley and Brattain. It won John Bardeen the first of his two Nobel Prizes. (The second was for the theory of superconductors, known as BCS theory. He is still the only person to ever win 2 Nobel Prizes in Physics).

A transistor can be used as an amplifier or a switch. There are several different types of transistors, in this course we use npn BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) -types.

Current flows into the Collector C and out of the Emitter E.


IB @ 0

IE = Ic + IB

@ IC


A very tiny current on the transistor’s base B is able to control the transistor. Very small changes in IB cause very large changes in IC. This is how it acts as an amplifier: the small input signal causes the tiny variations in IB which cause very large variations in IC.

A transistor will not conduct until the voltage between the Base and Emitter is 0.7 volts:

VBE = 0.7V (We say 0.7 V is the forward bias)

Þ VB = VE + 0.7 (VB means the voltage at that point relative to earth: 0v)

The transistor is a current amplifier.


Typical values: 20 < b < 200 VBE

0 0.7

When the DC Voltage levels around the circuit are set for the transistor to operate we call this the Quiescent point. This is set by the resistor values. At the quiescent point the transistor is more or less “turn half on”.

A simple Amplifier: Circuit 1

VCC = 10v







VB R2 500W VC


Calculations: (Take b = 150)

(i) VE = (ii) VB =

(iii) IR2 = (iv) IR1 =

(v) Use the voltage divider rule to find R1:

(vi) Given that IB = 30mA, and b = 150, what is IC ?

(vii) What is the emitter current IE:

(viii) To achieve the maximum possible peak-to-peak output voltage ∆VOUT, the collector voltage VC should be set to:

(ix) Use this value and your answer for IC to calculate the required value of RC:

Note: Keep R-values in kW and I-values in mA: V=I x R will come out in Volts

since kW x mA = 103W x 10-3 A = 1 x volts

Circuit 2: A npn CE Amplifier

VCC = 12V

R1 2.2KW RC = 1.2KW








Calculations: (VC is set to 4V).

(i) IC =

(ii) Given that IB = 50mA, calculate the transistor’s current gain b = IC / IB =

(iii) Approximately, what is the value of IE?

(iv) VE =

(v) VB = (vi) The voltage across R1

(vii) The current in R1 =

(viii) The value of R2 =

(ix) What happens to the value of VC as IB (and therefore IC) rises in both circuits? Can you explain why these amplifiers invert signals?

Circuit 3

(No R1 and RE)


R1 330kW RC 1.2kW

C Vout = 4V




0 V


1.(i) What is the DC value of VB?

(ii) What is the voltage across R1?

(iii) Calculate the transistor’s base current IB:

(iv) What is the current passing through RC?

(v) What is this transistor’s current gain b = IC / IB?

2. Given the magnitude of an amplifier’s Voltage Gain is AV = 40, find the value of V1 on the horizontal axis in the graph below:


8 V

∆V = ______mV

V1 = ______mV

2 V

0 V

V1 250 VIN (mV)

Notes: (not for exam)

·  Most amplifiers are more complex than these. The problem with these Class A amplifiers is that they are very inefficient: they constantly draw current even when there is no signal at the input. More efficient designs use the signal to switch the amplifier on.

·  Most amplification is actually done in stages, with several amplifiers cascaded. This way a very tiny input signal is gradually amplified. The overall amplification is just the product of the gains of each of the stages.

A simple radio might be modelled by:

Triple J 3MMM



A1 A2 A3 Speaker

Gain = A1 x A2 x A3

·  An Amplifier’s gain actually changes with the frequency of the input signal.

The effect of CE can be seen in the graph: reducing the gain makes the amplifier more stable, widening range of usable frequencies.


Operating range.

Reduced gain with CE

Input signal Freq. (Hz)

This axis is usually: Log10 f

So one amplifier doesn’t fit-all. An engineer’s job is to design the amplifier to have a desirable gain that is linear over a suitable frequency range. This frequency range is different for almost every application - radio , mobile phones, telephones, TV, modems etc. Often there is some trade-off between gain, linearity and frequency range (and sometimes cost and size) so compromises have to be made. Amplifier design is still not an exact science.


Circuit 1

(i) VE = 0 V (ii) VB = VBE + VE = 0.7V (iii) IR2 = 0.7V / 0.5k = 1.4mA

(iv) IR1 = IR2 = 1.4mA (v) 0.7V / 10V = 0.5k / (0.5k + R1) Solving: R1 = 6.6kW

(vi) Ic = b x IB = 150 x (30 E -6) = 4.5 mA (vii) Take IE = IC = 4.5mA

(viii) ½ VCC = 5V

(ix) VRC = 10 – 5 = 5V Þ RE = VRE / IRE = 5V / 4.5mA = 1.1kW

Circuit 2

(i) Ic = (12V – 4V) / 1.2kW = 6.7mA

(ii) b = Ic / IB = 6.7E-3 / 50E-6 = 133

(iii) IE = IC = 6.7mA

(iv) VE = 6.7mA x 0.5kW = 3.3V (v) VB = 3.3 + 0.7 = 4.0V

(vi) VR1 = 12 – 4 = 8V (vii) IR1 = 8V /2.2kW = 3.6mA = IR2

(viii) R2 = VR2 / IR2 = 4V / 3.6mA

= 1.2kW

Circuit 3

1.(i) VB = 0.7V

(ii) VR1 = 8 – 0.7 = 7.3V

(iii) IB = 7.3V / 330k = 0.0221mA = 22mA

(iv) IRC = IC = (8V – 4V) / 1.2kW = 3.3mA

(v) b = IC / IB = 3.3mA / 0.0221mA = 149

2. ∆VIN = (8 – 2) / 40 = 0.15V = 150mV

So V1 = 250mV – 150mV = 100mV

Paul Cuthbert - 7 –


Camberwell H.S.