Partnership Meeting Minutes

November 3, 2014

Thomas Wood Saratoga

Jim Brangan CVNHP

Marlene Bissell Hudson Crossing Park

John Sherman Schuylerville

John Hayes Prospect Hill Cemetery

Devin Rigolino – Proxy for Julie Stokes Saratoga PLAN

Alane Chinian NYS OPRHP

Teri Ptacek ASA

Sara Idleman Greenwich / WC

Jean Carlson Schaghticoke

Frank Rooney NYS Dept. of Ag & Markets

Dennis Morreale Corinth

Chris DeBolt Washington County Planning

Joe Durkin Rensselaer Land Trust

Kay Tomasi Senate Appointee

Charles Vandrei NYS DEC

Andrew Alberti Lakes to Locks Passage

Linda Palmieri Stillwater

Ed Kinowski Stillwater

Marilyn DuBois Assemblyman Englebright

Tim Holmes Friends of Saratoga Battlefield

Joe Finan SNHP

Tom Richardson Mechanicville

Elizabeth Nostrand Assemblyman Englebright’s Office


Tom Richardson called the meeting to order at 10:05 with greetings and introductions.

Acceptance of the minutes from the September 29, 2014 Meeting

·  John Sherman proposed passage of minutes

·  Jean Carlson seconded the motion, passing unanimously

Presentation by Hartgen Associates on Saratoga and the Border Wars

Matt Kirk gave a fascinating presentation on the Saratoga area before the American Revolution, and the various interplay between the Dutch, French, English, and American Indians. The study area covered private and public ownership of approximately 150 acres. The study was made possible by an American Battlefield Protection Program Grant and will help guide future archeology.

RFP for Design and Construction of Visitor’s Center

Michelle Bissell: The RFP is finalized and legal notice was published November 1st.

Tom Wood: It is exciting to have the RFP completed. As of this morning we had four responses looking for more detailed information. We are scheduling a pre-submission meeting Thursday November 6th at 10:00 a.m. to allow applicants to ask any questions they may have prior to submitting application. We are providing potential applicants with in-depth material. We will get lots of proposals which might make it tough to choose one. This is for design and construction. The deadline is December 1st. A committee of 5 people will independently score the applications.

Tom Richardson: This is great news for us. The building is getting closer.

Update on Land Purchase Discussions

Tom Richardson: Francis Sheehan will be in touch with Danielle Dwyer. We need an arrangement between Parks and the Partnership (contract). We already have an agreement to lease from the Town for 99 years for $115,000.

Update on Stewardship Plan

Tom Richardson: Do we have an update on the Stewardship Plan?

Joe Finan: I sent out a template Stewardship Plan to the subcommittee to send back with comments for the final RFP.

Other Business

Tom Richardson: I want to congratulate Saratoga PLAN. How much money did you get?

Devin Rigolino: $1.6 million to cover two projects in Ballston and Stillwater. Big missing link connected to overall picture.

Maria Trabka: 650 acre farm in White Creek; Hoosic River watershed.

Tom Richardson: I will be going to Marist College on November 11th at 10:00 to give an update on PCB dredging.

Joe Finan: On November 20th the National Park Service is holding a training session in Albany: A Partnership Workshop. It should be good. LaSalle University and the National Park Service will explore “How to sustain a Partnership” and continued funding. We may have additional open seats. Let me know if you are interested in an additional spot.

Sara Idleman: In Greenwich we are having a meeting tomorrow – a visioning group with Economic Development and the Chamber of Commerce – looking at expanding Hudson Crossing Park into Washington County; the Susan B. Anthony House: How to make sure her legacy is out there and what to do with the SBA house that is in bad repair; and a Trails and Parks expansion looking at the preservation of buildings. Also, along the Battenkill, an owner was showing me a road that had been used in the 18th century that would make a great addition to the park.

Next Meeting

Tom Richardson: Our next meeting will be November 24th, the last Monday of the month, at 10:00 a.m. Hopefully we can give you ideas on the turnout of the RFP.

·  Ed Kinowski made a motion to adjourn

·  John Sherman seconded the motion, passing unanimously

Meeting ended at 10:55 a.m.