This form is used to authorize travel and request a travel advance.
Traveler Name:Date Submitted:
Employee Status (check one): Faculty Staff Graduate Student Undergraduate Student
Employee ID:Phone Extension:
Home Address:
City: State: Zip:
Purpose of Trip:
Departure Date:Return Date:
Estimated Total Cost: Advance Amount:
Destination*: Means of Transport:
*For international travel, Travel Authorization Form B must be completed and attached.
Signatures and Authorization
I request authorization to travel under the provision of Trustee Policy T92-031.Traveler’s Signature: / I verify that this travel is appropriate as to purpose and amount. Coverage of classes and/or other assignments has been arranged, and the requested travel is approved.
Immediate Supervisor’s Signature:
Account Information/Approval
The account to which this travel is charged has the necessary funds to cover the expenditure.
Account*: Speedtype:
Choose one: 726311-Travel 726200- Out of State Travel 726120 -Foreign Travel*
*Form B must also be completed
TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION FORM B –for International Travel
TAs for international travel should be submitted at least10 business days before travel.
Traveler Name:
State the cities and countries you intend to visit under this TA:
Specify the purpose of the trip (i.e., research, to establish international collaborations, conference, etc.):
If you know the specific individuals or organization in this country that you intend to visit on UML business, please indicate it here (i.e., name of university, specific persons(s) you will be collaborating with,organizations or businesses):
Traveler: review the Country Groups at and check the appropriate box below:
International travel is NOT to a Country Group D or E.
Travel is to Country Group D or E. This completed TA must be forwarded to the Compliance Office for vetting and approval and also be approved by the Dean. This is to ensure compliance with all U.S. export control laws and regulations. A Clearance Statement will be issued to the PI, Dean, and travel accountant after approval. Documentation or additional approvalsmay be necessary to take certain equipment or computers to these countries.
For Travel with University-Issued Electronic Equipment:
I have submitted with this TA form a 'Request for Annual Certification for Travel with UML Issued Laptop' and request a letter to indicate that I am in compliance with export control regulations for travel with electronic equipment outside of the U.S.
I have an annual certification letter to indicate compliance with export control regulations for travel with electronic equipment outside of the U.S. Date of certification:
I will be taking other equipment with me for research purposes and will submit the Request to Ship Materials out of the U.S. form
Traveler and Dean Signatures and Authorizations:
I understand the U.S. export control requirements for international travel and the information or technology restrictions on controlled items or technology.Traveler’s Signature: / I approve this request for international travel. Travel to Country Groups D or E has been cleared by the Compliance Office and the documentation is on file.
Dean's Signature:
For Completion by Compliance Office Only:
Travel request to Country Group D or E has been vetted and cleared by the Compliance Office and a Clearance form has been issued to the PI, Dean and Travel Accountant.
Travel Authorization Form A and B rev 2-16-10 (4).doc