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Minutes to meeting held at 7:30 pm on Tuesday 21st September 2010
at the Methodist Church Hall, Forest Road, Huncote
Present:Cllr A. Knight (Chairman)Cllr A. Taylor (Vice Chair)
Cllr J. BattellCllr K. Davies
Cllr J. GrundyCllr B. KilbyCllr J. Melville Cllr R. Taylor
In attendance:Stuart Bacon (Clerk)
Cllr M. Murphy (Blaby District Council)
31 members of the public
- To receive apologies for absence
No apologies were received.
- Declarations by Members of Personal and/or Prejudicial Interests
(In relation to Agenda items)
Cllr A. Knight and Cllr K. Davies have previously registered interests in the proposed development under item 5645 in the minutes.
- Chairman’s opening remarks
The Chairman welcomed all present and explained the appeal process, with Blaby District Council having to defend their decision to refuse planning permission in front of The Planning Inspectorate, with Huncote Parish Council also continuing to oppose the development.
- Review Planning Appeal
(i)To review appeal details and to plan approach to inquiry process, acknowledging previous response and opinions on major planning application proposed by Jelson, before deadline of 7th October
10/0165/1/OX - Proposed residential development (maximum 93 dwellings) associated infrastructure and open space (Outline) for Land South of Narborough Road, Huncote, Leicester
All the previous correspondence sent to Blaby District Council's Planning Office in relation to the initial planning application will be forwarded to The Planning Inspectorate to review as part of the case. Should you wish to make additional comments or apply to speak at the appeal (alone or representing a group of residents) to add your thoughts to your comments, you must register your desire to do so with The Planning Inspectorate before Thursday 7th October 2010 - further details can be found on the Parish Council or The Planning Inspectorate websites, or from Blaby District Council’s Planning Department and Huncote Library.
The Chairman explained the appeal process allowed anyone to submit further comments to add to those they had previously registered, i.e.:-
- Huncote family having been turned away from HuncoteCommunityPrimary School by the education authority
- Requesting that if the planning decision is overturned and the plans do go through, then there is a need to have the ability to have investment in the village from the developer
The Chairman continued by explaining to those members of the public present how the planning process nationally is in an element of disarray , following the changes implemented by the Secretery of State for Communities and Local Government Eric Pickles, and developers are taking advantage of this and appealing against a number of applications; citing the five appeals currently within Blaby District as an example.
Cllr Davies urged parishioners to write again, adding additional new facts and recent developments to illustrate changes as well as highlighting the number of available houses for sale within the local area.
A parishioner acknowledged that after speaking to the case officer at Blaby District Council, all copies of previous letter would be forwarded to The Planning Inspectorate, that the design statement for the development was out of keeping with the area, noting that County Highways were against the proposals, the possible loss of the Free School bus to Brockington College and the service cuts to the 50A bus service on Sundays and in the evenings; some of which have occurred since the original application was submitted.
The Chairman explained that the purpose of the meeting had been to explain the appeal process and to disseminate additional ideas, to allow parishioners to put new evidence to the appeal.
Some parishioners believed that secrets had been intentionally kept, through lack of publication of appeal details, and believing the 24-hour traffic survey that concluded just prior to the meeting, showed how Jelson were trying to work around the issues. Although the road bridge over the railway on Huncote Road, Stoney Stanton was still to be reopened, any figures this provided would produce readings that were non-representative of true traffic volumes when the bridge was open.
The Chairman explained he had spent the better part of his day trying to work out issues with the surveillance cameras, which had been independently installed for a 24-hour survey only.
Parishioners questioned:- the legality of cameras in proximity to a school?
- whether Jelson had made a planning application to alter the road layouts?
- the reasoning behind the lack of divulgence to Jelson’s appeal?
- how David Cameron’s idea of the ‘Big Society’ affected the proposals?
- why the letter from Blaby District Council was delivered so long after the appeal was lodged?
- why no information was available on the Planning Portal website as the letter indicated in relation to this appeal?
- whether the statutory notice period had been met, though information not being available via Planning Portal?
- why this meeting had not been more widely advertised?
Cllr J. Battell explained that Jelson were not able to amend their application as part of the appeal and could only appeal against the details included a part of the application which were reviewed before the application was denied approval.
On opening the floor to those present, parishioners highlighted various points they felt relevant to the appeal that they planned to use in their appeal letters. These included:
- Only 2 properties have noticeably sold in the village during the last year, as well as only 4 of the flats opposite Huncote Road, Narborough, and 17 of the 54 houses near Palmers nursery on St Johns, Enderby.
- Changes to street lighting, with lights being switched off between midnight and 5:30 am. These changes may be good for saving money but create other issues i.e. safety of pedestrians along busy Narborough Road.
- The education authority having turned a pupil away due to the remodelling of classrooms at HuncotePrimary School, though acknowledging school changes would come with S106 improvement monies if plans approved
- Who will residents of new Duncan Avenue development be?
- Will the development stop drug dealers in village from moving away? Creating possible new market to sell to?
- Planned development on Sportsfield Lane as well as Duncan Avenue takes us towards our quota for new developments
- The changes to the 50A bus service; following loss of Sunday and evening service, now make transport details less accurate and could strand a greater number of parishioners when they need to travel to/from work
- Potential for County Council to stop providing Free buses to BrockingtonCollege
- Traffic volumes to increase following the re-opening of Huncote Road railway bridge from Stoney Stanton, and temporary closure of railway bridge at Elmesthorpe
- Current market for housing leaves existing properties unable to sell, why would new development fair differently? How long will properties likely sit vacant for before they sell? How will this affect the village and neighbouring house prices?
- 170 houses to be built off The Fleet, Stoney Stanton with potential to use Huncote as a cut through to Leicester and motorway network
- Severe lack of parking provision for new houses in outline plans, not providing 2 parking spaces plus visitor parking per property
- Concern that plans do not acknowledge accessible space in roads, with moving traffic and cars parking along Forest Road and Narborough Road, and proposals for additional junction only makes a bad situation worse
- Concern of increasing through traffic utilising Denman Lane to get to Forest Road, when Denman Lane is designated an access road only
- Recent Road Traffic Collisions on Narborough Road
- Proximity of mineral deposits to development land
- Government Chief Planner’s statement - ‘The involvement of local views should be taken into consideration’.
- Concern over removal of feeding grounds for local Peregrine Falcon, regularly observed feeding from development site and impact on other wildlife on the site
Cllr Battell explained the extra issues which have developed need Huncote parishioners to write additional letters to vocalise their concern over the proposed development, packing their letters with objections.
The subject of affordable housing was then discussed, debating whether affordable homes are the alternative for young villagers to buy as a first step onto property ladder, or will they bring new people into the village? The reasoning behind who is allocated these properties was also questioned.
Members explained that the housing schemes cover the whole of Blaby District and not just Huncote so there was no guarantee that Huncote residents would get new houses.
A minority of parishioners disapproved of shared ownership properties not going to local villagers, and locals not getting the opportunity to be higher prioritised for local properties. Examples of local issues were provided, requesting District Councillors look into the issue further.
Resolved: Cllr M. Murphy to look into the issues further.
Anyone wishing to be allocated affordable housing is recommended to contact housing associations directly for spaces as well as housing officers at District Council. The fact that District Councils were not allowed to own properties any longer and that they have been transferred to housing associations to manage under a joint service agreement was explained. This was seen as a short sighted approach, which should be reviewed again nationally.
The proximity of building land to existing and reclaimed quarry and landfill sites was discussed, with questions raised about 30 year settlement periods.
The Sportsfield Lane development was acknowledged as ex allotment land, very near to an ex-landfill site. Cllr R. Taylor explained the groundwater issues which had arisen at the old tip site of Narborough Quarry, and the problems the Pavilion has faced with the ground settling over the ex-landfill site.
Cllr. Taylor continued by questioning the potential for future issues with gas; with unknown potential risk of gas permeating out from under rocks near the proposed development.
Councillors acknowledged the District Plan up until 2026 had yet to be delivered leaving the number of houses necessary to meet target unknown. Councillors acknowledged Blaby District Council were being pushed for a decision while a lack of planning guidance nationally left their hands tied.
Cllr Melville reminded parishioners copies of the Parish Council’s objection to the original application were available from Huncote Library.
A parishioner explained how Eric Pickles wrote to Council Leaders abolishing the Regional Spatial Strategies on 6th July 2010, creating a void in determining housing requirements within an area. The parishioner also commented that Mr Pickles letter indicated the feelings of local residents would be taken into account when approving planning applications, but this does not seem to fall in line with the strategy put in place nationally. Parishioners voiced concern at making their points but viewing their opinions as not guaranteed to be counted when Planners make future decisions.
As each parishioner was offered their turn to speak, additional points to raise in letters to The Planning Inspectorate were:
- The proposed development land is on a Greenfield site outside of the existing plan and this is contrary to –
Policy C1 that refers to agricultural building only on a Greenfield site
Policy C2 that states that planning permission will not be granted for development, which would have a significant adverse effect on the appearance of characteristics of the landscape.
- The need for homes locally is more likely for elderly bungalows and not property styles/types indicated in application. This would allow 3 bedroom homes to be freed up for families.
- Building on the site has been previously turned down, with the traffic situation worsening since. How would new development be safe?
Parishioners were reminded that the letter they received asks for 3 copies of each letter be sent or for comments to be submitted online to The Planning Inspectorate before the deadline of 7th October. Issues with previous online submissions were recited, with Councillors recommending multiple copies of letters be sent in the post.
A parishioner questioned who will be held to account with possible changes to Denman Lane, Acresford Quarry and future issues within the village?
Members explained Blaby District Council are responsible, and that they should be making their comments in writing to Blaby District Council if they do not like what is going on in their area.
Cllr A. Knight informed parishioners about the Blaby Community forums, which bring together many local agencies on a quarterly basis, and while villagers are welcome, very few ever attend. Details are published on Parish Council notice boards for anyone to read and attend, at least a week in advance.
A parishioner explained to those present how the Parish Council are handcuffed with a lack of powers to control what goes on within the Parish and in many cases, like this, are often only a consultative body. The parishioner explained that villagers can help by submitting many of the same comments.
Cllr Knight explained that if the appeal is overturned it will cost Blaby District Council a considerable amount of money, for their own and Jelson’s legal costs.
Cllr Knight explained that a Public Inquiry revolves around very strict procedure, similar to a court of law, and while no official announcement has yet been made for the date or location of the appeal it is anticipated to be held in rooms at Blaby District Council. If parishioners wish to speak at the appeal they are entitled, but must submit their request as part of their letter.
A request was made for the Parish Council to provide a note of comments for parishioners to include as part of their appeal letter.
Resolved: A newsletter will be distributed to advise parishioners of comments to raise as part of their letter and additional information will be available in Huncote Library and on the Parish Council website.
Parishioners requested further information on Jelson’s grounds for appeal. Members responded that they were testing the new governments resolve and ability, in light of the abolition of the Regional Spatial Strategies.
A parishioner questioned the ability to review buying the field as public land.
Members acknowledged that while the idea contained good merit, Parish Council funds were not available to enable such a purchase.
The recent land registry approach to register a strip of land backingonto houses to the North of DenmanLane was acknowledged, with dispute over how much land each property owned due to boundary hedge being removed. Residents questioned their ability to purchase this land.
Residents were advised that the land price will go to the land owner if the fields are granted planning approval.
Parishioners were again advised any comments they wished to make should be sent to The Planning Inspectorate, 3/01 Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, TempleQuay, Bristol BS1 6PN, ensuring they include the appeal reference no.: APP/T2405/A/10/2134739/NWF and sending three copies of their letter. If anyone requires acknowledgement of receipt of their correspondence they must include a request for The Planning Inspectorate to do so. Alternatively comments can be submitted online via The Planning Inspectorate website -
Cllr Battell explained the Parish Council will continue to develop their letter in acknowledging parishioner opinion, in objecting to the planning application.
- Any other business
(It should be noted that no substantive issues can be raised under this item (i.e. those requiring decisions or with a financial implication. It should be used only to register items for a future Agenda or items that are solely for information only)
- Date of next meeting
7th October 2010 – Methodist Church Hall, Forest Road, Huncote at 7:30 pm.
Meeting closed at 20:57
Minutes – 21st September 2010Page1 of 6Chairman’s Initials______
Huncote Parish CouncilDate ______