1.1.  The TCAA SSP Team held its first retreat in Morogoro from 1-8 December, 2009 to conduct an SSP gap analysis and develop the TCAA SSP implementation plan. ICAO Doc 9859– Safety Management Manual (2nd Edition 2009) was used as the main reference and guidance material. The plan describes how the SSP will be implemented in order to allow TCAA discharge its responsibilities associated with the management of safety in civil aviation. The development of an SSP implementation plan will allow the Authority to:

a.  formulate an overarching strategy for the management of safety;

b.  coordinate the processes executed by the different aviation organizations under the SSP;

c.  establish the controls that govern how the service provider’s safety management system (SMS) will operate;

d.  ensure that the operation of the service provider’s SMS follows established controls; and

e.  support the interaction between the SSP and the operation of the service provider’s SMS

1.2.  The implementation of an SSP must be commensurate with the size and complexity of the aviation system, and require coordination among multiple authorities responsible for individual elements of civil aviation functions. For that reason, the team will require more time to come up with a comprehensive plan including the budget. In addition, the sequence of events, timelines and deliverables provided in the proposed plan may be revised during implementation as need arises.

1.3.  Organizations required to implement SMS will benefit from the SSP as components of the two, which forms the back borne of their frameworks are basically corresponding.


2.1.  Following the gap analysis of the structures and processes existing as conducted against the ICAO SSP framework, the team compiled a list of actions to be performed in order to implement the SSP. Each element of the SSP framework was assessed to determine the need to create or modify regulations, policies or procedures.

2.2.  The outcome of the gap analysis formed the basis for the development of the SSP implementation plan. The gap analysis report is herewith attached as Annex I


3.1.  The SSP implementation plan is a blueprint of how the SSP will be developed and integrated into the safety management activities. Given the potential magnitude of the effort, associated with the activities underlying the development and implementation of the SSP, it is proposed that the four components and eleven elements of the ICAO SSP framework be implemented in a sequential order, with slight deviations as need arises so long as this will allow for the achievement of specific deliverables.

3.2.  One of the specific objectives of an SSP is to generate a context which is supportive of the implementation of SMS by service providers. Within the scope of the SSP framework, the team identified specific actions, milestones and expected deliverables as summarized below. The SSP implementation plan is herewith attached as Annex II

3.2.1.  State safety policy and objectives - Summary of activities, milestones and deliverables  State safety legislative framework

a.  Review, develop and promulgate a national safety legislative framework and specific regulations, in compliance with international and national standards, that define how the Authority will oversee the management of safety within Tanzania.

b.  Provide all necessary resources to enable the SSP team ensure the coordinated participation of all aviation organizations in specific activities related to the management of safety in Tanzania, and the establishment of the roles, responsibilities and relationships of such organizations.

c.  Establish a time frame to periodically review the safety legislation and specific operating regulations to ensure they remain relevant and appropriate.  State safety responsibilities and accountabilities

a.  Identify, define and document the requirements, responsibilities and accountabilities regarding the establishment and maintenance of the SSP. This will include the directives to plan, organize, develop, provision of the necessary resources, and continuously improve the SSP.

b.  Revise the functions of the SSP Accountable Executive to include inter alia:

i)  ultimate responsibility and accountability for the implementation and maintenance of the SSP;

ii)  full authority on all human resources issues related to the SSP;

iii)  full authority on major financial issues related to the SSP;

iv)  final authority over service provider’s certificate management aspects; and

v)  final responsibility for the resolution of all aviation safety issues within Tanzania

c.  Assign the time required for each task associated with the implementation of the SSP among the different management levels of the Authority.

d.  Introduce all staff to SSP concepts at a level commensurate with their involvement in the SSP.

e.  The team developed a draft State safety policy for consideration and implementation. The draft is herewith attached as Annex III

f.  Establish the necessary means to ensure that the State safety policy is understood, implemented and observed at all levels within aviation organizations in Tanzania.  Accident and incident investigation

An independent accident and incident investigation process, the sole objective of which is the prevention of accidents and incidents, in support of the management of safety and not the apportioning of blame or liability has already been established under the Ministry of Infrastructure Development.  Enforcement policy

a.  Develop and promulgate an enforcement policy that establishes the conditions and circumstances under which service providers are allowed to deal with, and resolve, events involving certain safety deviations, internally, within the context of the service provider’s safety management system (SMS), and to the satisfaction of the Authority. The enforcement policy also establishes the conditions and circumstances under which to deal with safety deviations through established enforcement procedures.

b.  Include in the policy a provision to ensure that no information obtained from an internal hazard reporting system or a flight data monitoring system established under an SMS will be used for enforcement action.  SSP documentation

a.  Develop and establish a safety library.

b.  Ensure the safety library maintains and updates, as necessary, the SSP documentation related to the national safety legislative framework, the State safety policy and objectives, the SSP requirements, the SSP processes and procedures, the accountabilities, responsibilities and authorities for processes and procedures, and the State’s Acceptable Level of Safety (ALoS) related to the SSP.  Milestones

a.  State safety policy drafted.

b.  Lines of safety responsibility and accountability established.

c.  Proposed SSP organizational structure approved.

d.  Budget for SSP processes approved.  Deliverables

a.  State safety legislative framework and specific operating regulations promulgated.

b.  State safety responsibilities and accountabilities established, documented and published.

c.  State safety and enforcement policies signed by the Accountable Executive.

d.  State safety and enforcement policies disseminated within the aviation organizations and among service providers under oversight.

e.  SSP organizational structure in place.

3.2.2.  State safety risk management - Summary of activities, milestones and deliverables  Safety requirements for the service provider’s SMS

a.  Establish the requirements, specific operating regulations and implementation policies for the service provider’s SMS (SMS regulatory framework, advisory circulars, etc.) as the controls which govern how service providers will identify hazards and manage and control safety risks.

b.  Establish a time frame for consultation with service providers on those requirements.

c.  Establish a time frame to periodically review the requirements and specific operating regulations to ensure they remain relevant and appropriate to the service providers.  Agreement on the service provider’s safety performance

a.  Develop and establish a procedure for agreement on the safety performance of individual service provider’s SMS based on:

i)  safety performance indicator values;

ii)  safety performance target values; and

iii)  action plans

b.  Include within the agreed procedure, provisions to ensure that the service provider’s safety performance is commensurate with:

i)  the complexity of the individual service provider’s specific operational contexts; and

ii)  the availability of the individual service provider’s resources to address safety risks

c.  Measure the safety performance of the service provider’s SMS through periodic reviews of the agreed safety performance of the SMS to ensure that safety performance indicators and safety performance targets remain relevant and appropriate to the service provider.

d.  Develop a means to assess lower-level outcomes and most frequent processes among different service providers.

e.  Determine measurable performance outcomes within different SMS.  Milestones

a.  Draft proposal of SMS regulations distributed to service providers for review.

b.  Draft proposal of SMS guidance material distributed to service providers for review.

c.  Training of technical personnel in hazard identification and safety risk management completed.

d.  Procedure for agreement on the safety performance of service providers completed.  Deliverables

a.  SMS regulations promulgated.

b.  Guidance material on implementation of SMS distributed to service providers.

c.  First annual review of the agreed safety performance of service providers completed.

3.2.3.  State safety assurance – Summary of activities, milestones and deliverables  Safety oversight

a.  Establish mechanisms to ensure an effective safety oversight function.

b.  Establish mechanisms that guarantee that the identification of hazards and the management of safety risks by service providers follow established regulatory controls.

c.  Establish mechanisms that guarantee that safety risk controls are integrated into the service provider’s SMS.

d.  Develop an internal SSP audit.  Safety data collection, analysis and exchange

a.  Develop and establish a means of collecting, analyzing and storing data about hazards and safety risks at the State level:

i)  establish a mandatory hazard reporting system;

ii)  establish a confidential hazard reporting system;

iii)  develop a State hazard database;

iv)  establish a mechanism to develop information from the stored data;

v)  establish a means to collect hazards at both the aggregate State level and at the individual service provider’s level; and

vi)  establish a means to implement corrective action plans

b.  Ensure that the service provider’s hazard identification and safety risk management processes follow established regulatory requirements and that safety risk controls are appropriately integrated into the service provider’s SMS, including, but not necessarily limited to:

i)  inspections;

ii)  audits; and

iii)  surveys

c.  Observe the following sequence for implementation:

i)  regulatory safety risk controls integrated into the service provider’s SMS;

ii)  oversight activities to ensure the service provider’s hazard identification and safety risk management processes follow established regulatory requirements; and

iii)  oversight activities to verify that safety risk controls are practiced by service providers

d.  Establish the acceptable level of safety (ALoS) related to the SSP, comprising a combination of safety measurement and safety performance measurement:

i)  Safety measurement includes the quantification of the outcomes of high-level, high-consequence events or high-level State functions, such as accident rates, serious incident rates and regulatory compliance.

ii)  Safety performance measurement includes the quantification of the outcomes of low-level, low consequence processes that provides a measure of the realistic implementation of an individual SSP beyond accident rates and/or regulatory compliance.  Safety-data-driven targeting of oversight of areas of greater concern or need

Establish procedures to prioritize inspections, audits and surveys, based on analysis of hazards and safety risks  Milestones

a.  Data storage and processing of hazards and safety risks at the State level.

b.  Information on hazards and safety risks at both the aggregate State level and the individual service provider’s level collected.  Deliverables

a.  State mandatory and confidential hazard reporting system in place.

b.  First annual review of the safety policy and objectives conducted.

c.  First annual review of the enforcement policy conducted.

d.  ALoS established.

3.2.4.  State safety promotion – Summary of activities, milestones and deliverables  Internal training, communication and dissemination of safety information

a.  Identify internal training requirements.

b.  Develop and provide generic safety training to all staff.

c.  Develop a training programme on key components of SSP and SMS for staff that includes:

i)  indoctrination/initial safety training;

ii)  on-the-job (OJT) safety training;

iii)  recurrent safety training

d.  Establish a means to measure the effectiveness of the training.

e.  Develop a means to communicate safety-related issues internally, including:

i)  safety policies and procedures;

ii)  newsletters;

iii)  bulletins; and

iv)  a website  External training, communication and dissemination of safety information

a.  Establish means to provide two-way communication of safety-relevant information to support SMS implementation among service providers, including small operators.

b.  Develop training and guidance material on implementation of SMS for service providers.

c.  Establish the means to communicate safety-related issues externally including:

i)  safety policies and procedures;

ii)  newsletters;

iii)  bulletins; and

iv)  a website  Milestones

a.  Minimum knowledge and experience requirements for technical personnel performing safety oversight functions established.

b.  Guidance material on SMS developed and published.

c.  Training programmes on SMS for State aviation organizations and service providers developed.

d.  State newsletter and bulletins developed.  Deliverables

a.  First cycle of generic safety training for staff completed.

b.  Training programme on key components of an SSP and an SMS for technical and support staff completed.

c.  Guidance material on SMS distributed to service providers

d.  First cycle of training for service providers on implementation of SMS completed.

e.  Means to communicate safety-related information, internally and externally, established.


4.1. TCAA management review and approve the draft State safety policy.

4.2. TCAA management review and approve the draft SSP implementation plan

4.3. The SSP team propose a budget based on the approved SSP implementation plan

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