Mayor Angela Dale (Chair)

Councillors: Melanie Bell, Mary Dale, Lidia Gaina, Helen Grant, Kevin McGready, Lynn Nassau, Iain Scrivin, & Michael Ward

Clerk: Philippa Graves

There were 11 members of the public present and District Cllr William Glover

1.  APOLOGIES – Cllrs Jagannath Sharma & Stuart Styles



It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 15th September were approved as a true and correct record and were signed by the Mayor.

Matters arising

Lorry Parking and environmental health issues on Easton Way – Cllr Styles had spoken with Sally Sutherland, RDC Streetscene, who had cleaned up the area and handed out some on the spot fines. Number plates had been noted and relevant lorry companies contacted.

Yorkshire Water sludge lorries – since no response had been received the clerk was requested to write and ask for accurate daily journey numbers as residents and councillors were convinced the numbers had increased (if necessary request under the Freedom of Information Act).

Mayor’s First Charity Dinner – everyone was in agreement that this had been a splendid evening thoroughly enjoyed by all who had attended (copy of thank you letter from Garrison Commander, Colonel Padgett circulated at meeting). £500 had been raised for the Mayor’s charities which were Colburn Village Hall and the Church Hall, both in need of restoration.

Over 55’s social event – had raised £793, another great success.

Church Service – scheduled for 5th December would have to be changed as it clashed with the Pantomine in which both the Vicar and Cllr Dale were participating.

Lighting up of Christmas Tree agreed for Saturday 6th December at 5 pm.


PC Gary Treweek attended with the following report for period 14th Sept to 19th Oct (circulated at meeting and put on website). Crime report for same period 2013, 15 compared with 12 for 2014.

3 Criminal Damage –of these offences two have been in relation to fences being damaged and one was tyres let down on a car

1 Robbery – two males have been arrested and interviewed in relation to this offence and are currently on bail pending further enquiries. The males were from outside of the area.

3 Theft – 1 incident theft of mobile phone lost on Piper Hill field, 1 theft from shop with ongoing enquiries to CCTV. 1 theft of garden furniture with a male arrested but the complainants have withdrawn their support for the Police and the person was released with no further action.

1 Sexual – an offence between young people which is live therefore no details.

1 Fraud – enquiries are ongoing

2 Violence – 1 a domestic incident between father and son and the other was a male arrested in possession of a knife in a public place. He was not offering violence to members of the public or Police and has received a caution.

Anti-social Behaviour – 42 reports (27 in the same period 2013)

There has been a sharp increase in incidents of anti-social behaviour in the ward over this period which seems attributable to a group of young people taking advantage of the darker nights. A number of the group have been identified and spoken to in person in relation to their behaviour. 9 First Warning letters have been delivered to the parents of the group outlining the behaviours and potential consequences for both themselves and the young people should the behaviours continue.

The rise has been brought to the attention of the Multi-Agency Problem Solving Meeting and the local patrol strategy has been altered to concentrate resources in the Colburn area. There is a spread of these incidents throughout the ward with the more recent and persistent ASB being focussed on the Piper Hill area.

As of today, there are new powers available to the Police and partners brought into effect by the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014. These include the power to disperse people who have or are likely to commit acts of antisocial behaviour and require them to hand over any items that are causing or likely to cause antisocial behaviour and not re-attend the area for up to 48 hours.

Ward Surgery

At Colburn Village Hall on Tuesday 21st October and Tuesday 25th November

National 24 hr non-emergency number 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111

Cllr Ward asked for action to stop people “parking” on the roundabout at the top of Colburn Lane and blocking access when there was a tailback. It was generally thought that now the traffic lights were working and the construction completed that this situation would resolve itself.

Cllr McGready spoke about the new act which contained good new powers but would not be a ‘cure all’ for anti-social behaviour since both the criminal orders and civil injunctions had a cost implication if contested and funding was therefore an issue. The ‘community trigger’ would come into play if a resident was victimised on 3 separate occasions within a 6 month period and they could appeal to the police and local council/housing department to see what action was being taken to combat their problems.


Cllr Grant reported:-

a)  The new traffic lights on A6136 were now in use but the timing needed adjustment to give preference to maintaining the flow on the main road. A steady flow would also prevent the backing up of stationary vehicles on the roundabout at the top of Colburn Lane.

b)  From 3rd November a Library consultation is taking place as volunteers are in short supply. Cllr Grant had suggested 15-17 year olds, dependent army wives and single army men as groups to target. It was agreed that Catterick Garison should be the ‘hub’ library with Colburn and Richmond as the satellite supports. Member of the public suggested contacting Darlington College as there are students with moderate learning difficulties on the Pathways Course who might be suitable for outworking one day a week.

c)  That she had put on Facebook the legal situation with regard to Back Lane which she read out at the meeting. The prohibition was in place for 12 months following public advertisement and no objections and would then be reviewed. Cllr Dale asked about access for leisure pursuits such as dog exercise, walking through and enjoying the stream and common land. Cllr Grant to confirm position.

d)  A problem has arisen with school transport into Richmond school since Abbotts had cancelled their service from 1st December. County and the school are making arrangements to provide a bus or create passes to resolve the situation.

e)  That she had attended the Heroes service in Ripon Cathedral which had been a very memorable and moving occasion.

Cllr Scrivin asked about cutting the hedges on Back Lane which Cllr Grant would report again.


Nothing to report not already covered in minutes.


To continue monitoring now that the traffic lights were functioning. Trade had been badly affected by the long queues on A6136.


A working party consisting of Cllrs A Dale. Grant and McGready would look at the issues and discuss in November.

(Agenda item)


a) Changes to children’s & maternity services at Friarage Hospital – from 1st October there will no longer be an inpatient (overnight) children’s ward and from 6th October a midwifery-led unit will open for women who have been assessed as low risk. High risk patients will be delivered at either the James Cook or Darlington Memorial Hospital. The special baby care unit will close on 6th October and since there will be no children’s doctors or inpatient facilities in the Friarage, children should not be taken to the accident and emergency department (full details in letter circulated with agenda, notices on noticeboards)

b) Remembrance Day Service - annual invitation for the Mayor to lay a wreath at the service on 9th November at St Johns, Hipswell.

c) Care & Support where I live Strategy – NYCC are consulting on this draft which ends on 17th November. Anyone wishing to take part should go online to www.northyorks.gov.uk/careandsupportstrategy


Hildyard Arms, Colburn Village – a new Premises Licence has been applied for and any comments should be received by 4th November 2014 to Mercury House or by email . Members of the public attended to voice their objections to the proposed extended hours to remain open until 2 am with dancing and recorded music. At present food is offered with closing at 11 pm.

Everyone present felt that such an extension would detrimentally affect the whole community within Colburn, not just the village, and the rural position of the Hildyard Arms was not suitable for a ‘night club’ hours business. It would stretch the sparse police resources which can at present concentrate around Louis Bar on the Garrison; the access road is either via Back Lane (vary narrow with few passing places) or Colburn Lane. Colburn Lane is through the main residential area of Colburn settlement which has a speed restriction around the school and speed bumps further down since speeding cars have been a problem for children crossing the road to access the shop, see friends etc. The residential area of Albermarle Drive will be affected by higher traffic at night cutting through to Back Lane. There is a large play area at Albermarle Drive adjacent to Back Lane and despite fencing children regularly run into the road playing or collecting loose footballs.

Since the closure of Colburn Lodge and the Scorpion club Colburn has not experienced night time disorderly conduct due to drinking and there is real fear this will re-appear with extended hours. There is also concern for the environment and maintaining the character of old Colburn Village. Bats and owls are regular inhabitants of the old farm buildings and their flight paths have already changed due to bright parking lights at the pub which disturb their night vision. The stream cuts through Common Land with access to footpaths and generally the area is quiet, rural and appreciated for these assets.

The Town Council would like a review of the existing licence as aspects of bad language, broken glass and a negative impact on the quality of life for those living in the vicinity was reported at the meeting and extended hours would simply exacerbate these problems to the wider community. They would also request that should the licence be extended that the number of events held each year be limited. The clerk to respond before 4th November.

All councillors encouraged the individual residents to personally email their objections and points of view and ask other affected residents to take similar action. The number of people responding was important to the outcome.

Plans received and agreed by Colburn Town Council:-

Full Planning Permission for Conservatory on Front Elevation at 17 Peppermint Drive, Colburn Dl9 4UF (closing date 6 Oct)

Full Planning Permission for Change of Use from Betting Shop to Dental Surgery at 16 Hildyard Row, Colburn DL9 4DH (closing date 7 Oct)

Full Planning Permission for Siting of Garden Shed in Front Garden at 84 Colburn Lane, Colburn DL9 4LZ (closing date 17 Oct)

Full Planning Permission for Construction of a Single Storey Car Valeting Port (revised scheme) at Alpha Imports, 1 Easton Way, Colburn DL9 4GA (closing date 23 Oct)

Application to vary Condition 9 of Planning Permission in relation to HGV/HCV deliveries at Colburn Lodge, Catterick Road DL9 4QX to allow sourcing of food products from main wholesale markets on daily basis (closing date 27 Oct)

RDC decisions passed:- none


Colburn Leisure Centre six monthly report – April to Sept 2014 with details of how the £8000 grant is being spent (report circulated at meeting). Matt Prosser attended the meeting and was congratulated on the further success of the Leisure Centre.

Great North Air Ambulance – request for support for the charity under Section 137 (letter circulated with agenda)

It was RESOLVED to make a grant of £150 to this excellent charity.

Cheques for approval – list circulated at meeting

It was RESOLVED to pay the following cheques presented for 2 signatures:

Many Bookkeeping Services Oct Payroll £15.00

United Carlton Office Systems – copier charge September £30.00

United Carlton Office Systems – copier charge October £30.00

Yorkshire Water – Broadway car park Oct – Mar 188.32

Clerks Manual (2013 complete update) £55.50

RDC Allotment Lease (3rd qtr Oct – Dec 2014) £87.50

RDC Litter picking Play Parks September £402.97 £490.47

Colburn Village Hall – office/room rental Oct to Dec £550.00

Hambleton & Richmondshire CAB – annual grant £1000.00

Clerk’s mileage 24 x .55p £13.20

System Mechanic computer cleaning Sept £3.99

Stamps 24x62p, 24x53p £27.60 £44.79

Clerk’s salary Oct (+6 hrs) £508.72

Quarterly figures – were circulated with agenda showing a closing balance of: