Good morning fellow 5th Grade Parents,

My name is Adrienne Ortyl and my daughter, Sophie, is in Mr. Studley’s 5th grade class. My husband Michael and I have volunteered to organize the 5th Grade Spaghetti Dinner this year. This is our 2nd time doing organizing the dinner, we did it in 2012 for our older daughter, and I can tell you from experience is that it is a busy evening but a really great event that the children truly enjoy. I wanted to touch base with all of you as we are getting ready to send out Spaghetti Dinner flyers and put up the Sign Up Genius Website. I am specifically writing to all of you as you expressed an interest in volunteering for Spaghetti Dinner at the 5th Grade Activities meeting this fall. The date for the dinner has been set for Thursday, February 25th, the week following February vacation. As was the case last year, we will be doing three seatings: 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30. We will have diners eat and the cafeteria and then proceed to the gym for coffee, dessert and a photo booth. Again, this is a really fantastic event but we need a lot of helping hands to make it a success. To that end, here is a link to the Sign Up Genius, where you can sign up for shifts, etc:

More specifically, big jobs that we really need help with are as follows:

Chef Hat Personalization: A few of you have volunteered for this and I just want to verify that you are still interested. If we still have more than one volunteer it would be great if you could coordinate this together so all the hats look similar.

Dessert Coordinator: We really need one person to volunteer for this position. You will need to be able to create Sign Up Genius to organize dessert donations, etc.

Ticket Sale Coordinator: Someone to pick up completed ticket order forms at Bowman, keep track of ticket orders and send out email confirmations. We are going green again this year so this volunteer will need to do this electronically.

The sign up Genius site has a spot to sign up for the Dessert Coordinator but not the other two positions. If you are interested in either the Chef Hat or Ticket Coordinator job please email me directly.

Again, there are a lot of jobs on the sign up genius so please take a look and let me know if you have any questions. Also, I have attached the ticket order form and permission forms so you could have a ‘sneak peek’.

Thank you,
