Appendix E: Parallel simulation notes (PCD++)


Discrete event simulation system. Discrete event system where time advances using a continuous time base.

To Start (PCD++):

./mpirun –np n ./cd++ [-ehlmotdvbfrspqw]

where, n = number of computers used

Running CD++:

1)  course website => cell devs visualization applet samples => queue – download it in the same file we unzipped

2)  cd++/sample/queue

ð  highlight all files and change the read=>write/ Owner=>write

3)  delete queue.log & queue.out

4)  click demo.bat

ð  vi demo.bat

ð  always open terminal file add ../../simu at top of file

5)  terminal => ./simu –h

Command Line Options:

-efilename: to use external events

-lfilename: all messages received by each DEVS processor will be logged

·  -l: all log activities will be sent to standard output

·  filename.XXX: one log file will be created for each DEVS processor. XXX is a number

-L[I*@XYDS]: allows to define which messages will be logged

I: initialization messages

*: (*,t) internal messages

@: (@,t) collect messages

X: (q,t) external messages

D: (done,t) Done messages

Y: (y,t) output messages

S: All sent messages

-mfilename: indicates the name of the file that contains the model definition

-pfilename: indicate partition file used to specify the machine where each atomic model will run on. (only for PCD++)

-ofilename: output file name used to store output generated

-o: get results on standard output

-t: set simulation finish set. Otherwise stops when no events. Format: HH:MM:SS:MS

-Dfilename: one file for each file LP will be used. This file lists all identification of DEVS processors running.

-d: defines tolerance

-pfilename: shows addition in for when parsing a cells local transition rules.

-vfilename: enable verbose evaluation. Each rule evaluated, the result will be shown.

-b: when the parameter set, ignore macros

-r: to check for existence of multiple valid rules at runtime

-s: show finish time in stderr

-qvalue: set value for quantum

-w: allows to set the wide & precision of real values of output. E.g. 10 characters, 3 decimal digits=> -w10-3

Atomic models:

Devs –formalism:

·  to tell CD++ about new atomic definition, the model must be registered in ParallelMainSimulator.registerNewAtomics() function

·  to access current state => ModelState *getCurrentState(), the pointer returned should be casted to proper type

Structure of Model files (.ma)

[myGroup] => name of group

my1: value

my2: value => parameters of group

Atomic Class:

holdIn(state, VTime): ta(s) function of DEVS formalism

passivate: external event is received

sendOutput(VTime, port, BasicMsgValue): sends output message through the port. Time set to current time.

sendOutput(VTime, port, value): for backward compatibility, sends real port

NextChenge(): returns remaining time for next internal transition (sigma)

lastChange(): returns time Model last changed

state(): returns the current model phase

getParameter(modelName, parameterName): returns parameters used defined in .ma file. ModelName is an instance

Inherited Atomic Class Methods;

·  virtual Model&initFunction(): invoked at the beginning of the simulation, all initialization takes place here

·  virtual Model & externalFunction( const MessageBag & )/ virtual Model & externalFunction( const ExternalMessage & ): these invoked when external events arrive from port (dext).

·  virtual Model & internalFunction( const InternalMessage & ): corresponds to dint

·  virtual Model & outputFunction( const InternalMessage & ): this called before dint. Sends all the output events

·  virtual Model &confluentFunction (const InternalMessage, const MessageBag &): corresponds to dconf function of devs.

*new structure for output => new class that derives BasicMsgValue has to be made

BasicMsgValue Class:

·  virtual int ValueSize() const: returns the size of class

·  virtual string aString(): returns string, used in log file to log the value sent or received

·  virtual BasicMsgValue *clone(): returns the pointer to a new copy of the message value. The function that receives the pointer will own it.

·  BasicMsgValue( const BasicMsgValue &): copy constructor

Coupled Models:

Formal Specification:

GEN = < S, X, Y, dint, dext, l, ta >

-  Internal couplings: how the models are interconnected internally (defined)

EIC: external input coupling

EOC: external output coupling

IC: internal coupling

·  Components: model_name [@abc] [model2] [@abc2Class]….etc.

This component that make the coupled model. For atomic model component, instance and class name specified. For coupled model component, model name specified.

·  Out: protname1, portname2 => enumerates mode output ports

·  In: potname1, portname2 => enumerates input ports

·  Link: source_port[@Model] destination_port[@Model] => define link between components and the coupled model.

Converting CD++ models to PCD++:

A.  In the header file:

Add the following lines of code to your header file:

-  #include “atomicstate.h”

-  class modelNameState: public AtomicState {


modelNameState() { };

virtual ~modelNameState() {};

modelNameState& operator =( modelNameState& thisState);

void copyState(modelNameState *);


-  In the protected section of the atomic class add:

ModelState *allocateState() {

Return new modelNameState;


If any of the private variables are declared in the AtomicState class instead of the Atomic class, getters and setters are required. Example format of a getter:

inline variableType modelName::variableName() const {

return( (modelNameState *) getCurrentState() )-> variableName;


B.  In the source code file:

Add the following lines of code to your cpp file:

-  #include “parsimu.h”

-  modelNameState &modelNameState:: operator =( modelNameState &thisState) {

(AtomicState &) *this = (AtmoicState &) thisState;

//copy all private variables example:

this->variable = thisState.variable;

return *this;


-  void modelNameState::copyState(modelNameState *rhs) {

*this = *(( modelNameState *)rhs);


All holdIn functions should have the active state defined through AtomicState

i.e. holdIn(AtomicState::active, preparationTime);