Dependant Declaration


The Human Resources Branch of the Department of Education and Training is collecting information about you and your Dependants on this form in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) to ensure that you receive any compensation benefit you are entitled to under the RAIS scheme.

The form will be securely stored within your school, relevant Regional Office or Central Office.

This information will only be accessed by officers within the Human Resources Branch. Some of this information may be given to third parties such as the Australian Taxation Office, Queensland College of Teachers, other Commonwealth and Queensland Government departments, Industrial organisations or other entities in accordance with or where requested by law or industrial instrument.

The information will not otherwise be given to another person or agency unless you have given us permission.


The Department of Education and Training will conduct random audits to confirm the information provided by you on this form and may verify this information with Local, State and Federal Government agencies.

The Department may seek clarification (from you) of the details provided in this form. Should the status of your Dependants change in respect to claiming this benefit you should advise the Central Office Payroll team immediately.

Guidelines for Payment

The Department makes the compensation benefit payment in March and September each year, based on your commencement date in the RAIS location.

To assist in the assessment of entitlement to the compensation benefit, teachers should detail their dependant information below. Any delay in returning the form may impact on timely payment of the cash benefit payment amount.

The compensation component of RAIS is provided to offset the cost of return travel to Brisbane and to nominated provincial centres once each year in TR5 –TR7 Schools. Teachers working in communities operating under Government alcohol reforms are entitled to one return journey to Brisbane and two journeys to nominated provincial centres each year.

Payments are included in your taxable income and as such attract the normal personal income tax rates.

Schedule of Dependants

Dependent Spouse / The teacher’s partner (not a teacher) living with the teacher who earns less than the Queensland Minimum Wage (currently $727.50 per week gross per week). Where both claimants are teachers only one need claim for their dependants.
Adult / An adult living with the teacher in a family situation and for whom the teacher is legally responsible. The adult must earn less than the Queensland Minimum Wage to be eligible for RAIS Compensation.
Up to 16 years of age / The child of a teacher and/or his or her spouse, including those fostered or adopted, for whom the teacher has primary responsibility of care AND for whom the child is financially dependent.
Note: A Child(s) principal place of residence must be that of the teacher in the RAIS location.
17 – 24 years of age / A child of the teacher and/or their spouse (aged 17 to 24) who is a full-time student at a school, college or university and whose gross weekly income is less than the Queensland Minimum Wage.
Note: A Student(s) principal place of residence must be that of the teacher in the RAIS location.

NB: In cases of shared care a determination will be made of who is the primary caregiver and payment will be made to that employee.

Schedule of Payments

Table 1 / Table 2
Transfer Rating / Annual Cash Benefit / Dependant Type / % of Annual Cash Benefit
7A / $6000 / Spouse and adult dependant/s / 100%
7B / $4800 / Child <14 years of age / 50%
7C / $3000 / Child 14 to 16 years of age / 75%
6 / $2100 / Student 17 to 24 years of age / 75%
5 / $1200


Teachers claiming cash compensation for dependants through RAIS must provide evidentiary proof of the relationship with the adult / child. Examples of evidence may include copies of the following:

·  Birth Certificate

·  Passport

·  Student ID

·  Centrelink statement

·  Family Tax statement

·  Statutory Declaration

Employees may also be required to provide additional evidence upon request and sign a statutory declaration to confirm the details of this claim. It should be noted that this is a legal document and employees may face disciplinary and / or legal action if found to be providing information that is misleading or incorrect.


Employee Details

Through the Remote Area Incentives Scheme (RAIS) teachers are entitled to receive a compensation cash benefit payable from date of appointment to a RAIS location until separation from a RAIS location.

Employee ID No: / Employee Name:
Location Number: / School Name:

Dependant Declaration

Dependant name / Date of Birth / Relationship (e.g. Spouse, Student)

I declare that all information provided by me in this form is true and correct. I understand that providing false or misleading information may lead to disciplinary action.

Teacher / ______
Name - please print / ______
Signature / ______/______/______
I verify that the staff member has submitted this claim for payment to me, for processing by Central Office Payroll Services.
Officer in Charge / ______
Name - please print / ______
Signature / ______/______/______

Please FAX this page only to: (07) 3220 6130

OR scan and email the page to: with the subject: RAIS Declaration Form



Child includes but is not limited to:

·  your adopted child, stepchild or ex-nuptial child

·  a child of your spouse, and

·  someone who is your child within the meaning of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cwlth) (for example, a child who is considered to be a child of a person under a state or territory court order giving effect to a surrogacy agreement).


Your ‘spouse’ includes another person (whether of the same sex or opposite sex) who:

·  you are in a relationship with that is registered under a prescribed state or territory law

·  although not legally married to you, lives with you on a genuine domestic basis in a relationship as a couple.

Refer to the Australian Taxation Office at:


1)  A parent, of a child, is any of the following persons:

a)  the child’s mother;

b)  the child’s father;

c)  a person who exercises parental responsibility for the child.

2)  However, a person standing in the place of a parent of a child on a temporary basis is not a parent of the child.

3)  A parent of an Aboriginal child includes a person who, under Aboriginal tradition, is regarded as a parent of the child.

4)  A parent of a Torres Strait Islander child includes a person who, under Island custom, is regarded as a parent of the child.

5)  Despite subsections (1), (3) and (4), if:

a)  a person is granted guardianship of a child under the Child Protection Act 1999 (Qld); or

b)  a person otherwise exercises parental responsibility for a child under a decision or order of a federal court or a court of a State.

Then a reference in this Act to a parent of a child is a reference only to a person mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b).

Refer to the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (Qld)

Direct your RAIS inquiries to the relevant Principal Human Resources Consultant:

Regional Offices: / Darling Downs South West Queensland
T: (07) 4616 3771 / Central Queensland
T: (07) 4842 8404
North Queensland
T: (07) 4758 3222 / Far North Queensland
T: (07) 4037 3994
North Coast
T: (07) 4122 0888
Brisbane Offices: / Transformation, Human Resources
T: (07) 3055 2980 / Payroll Services Unit
(Payment inquiries)
Payment inquiries are to be directed to your Payroll Services Centre.

Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document. Page 2 of 4