Auburn Art Walk • PlacerArts • 808 Lincoln Way • Auburn, CA 95603 • (530) 885-5670

2015 Auburn Art Walk Contract

Please copy the body of this email into a new email, fill in requested information, correct any errors, and email it back to your venue manager and to , , and.

Be sure to initial your agreement where noted below.

Art to be exhibited from ______to ______

Artist/Group Name(s):______

Mailing Address(es):______

Phone(s): ______

Email address(es):______


Title of Show (optional):______

With these initials, I/We have read and agree to the following: ______(ARTIST INITIALS)

  • to be current member(s) of PlacerArts (Annual Membership is $35 for an Individual and $25 for a Senior/Student).
  • to pay a participation fee of $10 per Art Walk event.
  • to exhibit original and framed (when appropriate) work only.
  • to coordinate with the venue on a mutually agreeable time to hang and remove the work.
  • to provide labels for each work with: Title, Medium, Price, Artist Name.
  • to submit a brief biography and photos of representative works.
  • to provide a complete inventory of works on exhibition.
  • to attend the reception on Art Walk night from 6-9 pm.
  • to follow-up regarding sales of works.
  • to replace any sold works with additional original works.
  • to hold harmless PlacerArts, the Business/Venue, and their respective agents and/or employees from any responsibility to include, but not limited to: fire, theft, malicious mischief, acts of God, etc.
  • to assume all risk of loss, damage, or destruction of his/her work.
  • that a commission will not be paid for any sales of exhibited works.


Venue Owner/Contact Name:______

Venue Name:______

Location Address:______


Email address:______

With these initials, I/We have read and agree to the following: ______(VENUE INITIALS)

  • to be a current member of PlacerArts (Annual Membership is $75 for a Business).
  • to pay a participation fee of $10 per Art Walk event.
  • NOT to serve, or allow to be served, alcoholic beverages during Art Walk reception unless properly licensed to do so.
  • to provide easily accessible and visible space for the exhibited art work.
  • to coordinate with the artist(s) on a mutually agreeable time to hang and remove the work.
  • to remain open during the reception on Art Walk night from 6-9 pm.
  • to display the art works during regular business hours for the time period above.
  • to provide reasonable security during the entire time the works are in their keeping.
  • to refer inquiries about the sale of artwork to the artist's phone number above.
  • that a commission will not be charged for any sales of exhibited works.


Venue Manager Name:______

Mailing Address:______


Email address:______

Rev. 2/7/14