B.O.B. (Big On Beagles) Rescue

Questions for Potential Adoptive Family

Thank you for your interest in adopting a rescue beagle! We screen all potential adoptive families with a home visit and vet references. We also ask for an adoption fee.

In order to find the best match possible for each beagle, we need the following information:


Please explain your reasons for wanting to adopt a homeless beagle:

Is there a specific beagle in the B.O.B. program that you want to adopt? If yes, why do you want to adopt this dog?

If not, provide a brief description of the physical characteristics of the dog you are interested in adopting, including any strong preference you may have in color, gender, age:

Provide a brief description of the behavioural characteristics of the dog you are interested in adopting, e.g. active, couch potato.

What type of home do you have? (house, condo, apartment, city or country):

Are you planning to move in the near future?

Do you own or rent? If you rent, does your rental agreement have any restrictions re pets?

Describe the human members of the family e.g. adults, kids and ages:

Who would be the primary caregiver for the dog?

What is your employment status (provide # of hours worked if applicable):

(a)  Full Time

(b)  Part Time

(c)  Shift Work

(d)  Self-Employed

(e)  Semi-Retired

(f)  Retired

(g)  Home-maker

Does anyone in your home have allergies to pets?

Are there any smokers in your home?

Describe any other pets in the household:

Tell us about any dog you have previously owned and what happened to them:

Tell us about any experience you have with beagles, if not described above:

Please provide us with the name, address and phone number of your veterinarian:

Do you have a fenced in yard?

Would the dog be an indoor dog?

How many walks would your adopted beagle enjoy per day?

Describe the exercise program that you have in mind for your beagle:

What type of food would you feed your beagle?

How many hours per day would the dog be alone?

Where will the dog be kept when you are out?

Would you crate your dog for training purposes?

Where will the dog sleep?

Would you travel with your dog?

How will your beagle be cared for if you have to be away from home for an extended period of time on vacation or for business?

Do you have any dog training experience? If so, please describe:

What canine behaviour would you find totally unacceptable and why?

Describe your method of disciplining a dog?

Are you willing to seek guidance/attend classes with your adopted beagle should you experience behavioural challenges in the future?

Would you consider a “special needs” dog? ( e.g diabetic, 3 legged, deaf/blind , etc)

Other than described above, will the dog have exposure to children under the age of 5?

How will you react to the following:

if the dog pulls on the leash?

if the dog has an accident in the house?

if the dog howls excessively?

if the dog digs up your flowers or chews something precious to you?

if your dog has an altercation with another dog at the park?

Check any of the following reasons you would consider giving your beagle away:

1.  Fleas or other nuisance or chronic condition 

2.  Getting married/divorced 

3.  Allergies 

4.  Destructive behaviour 

5.  Too expensive – unforeseen veterinary costs, etc. 

6.  Taking up too much time 

7.  Children no longer care for dog 

8.  Having a baby 

9.  Moving where no pets are allowed 

10.  Other: ______

Street Address:

Postal Code:
Phone Number:

Thank you, again, for your interest in adopting a homeless beagle!


(416) 693-5590 (B.O.B. Hotline)