February 8, 2016- April 6, 2018


  1. Mapping of the Culture Sector Governance System in the Republic of Azerbaijan,outlines the picture of the current state of art of the Azerbaijani culture sector built on the direct knowledge of the governmental and non-governmental actors functioning in the culture sector. It has been developed on the basis of situation analysis surveys, interviews, meetings with the local stakeholders.
  1. Concept of new culture sector governance model-Mid and long-term strategy papers, based on the Culture Concept of the Republic of Azerbaijan approved in 2014 by the Decree of the President of the Republic. The political programme fixes the objectives to be pursued in order to ensure the proper and comprehensive development of culture sector in the country. The document includes a mid and long-term strategy, based on forecasts and priorities set by the Azerbaijani government through the “Azerbaijan 2020: Look into The Future” Concept of Development.
  1. Supporting document for elaboration of a roadmap for full implementation of a new culture sector governance model and administrative reform plan, structured in fourparts

1 - Current situation in Azerbaijan

2 - EU regulatory framework

3 - Italian experience

4 - Objectives to be pursued

of the following seven fields, arising from the 2014 Culture Concept of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

  1. Application of modern methods in culture management - development of cooperation with the local self-government bodies in culture management, including art management
  2. Diversification of funding sources and improvement and expansion of culture services
  3. Improvement of the educational and re-training systems in the field of culture
  4. Restoration and protection of historical and cultural monuments
  5. Modernization of the museum branch
  6. Modernization of libraries and related information supply
  7. Protection of immaterial cultural heritage and use of the available personnel at city (district) culture clubs
  1. Draft Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage, worked out in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, ready tobe submitted to the Culture Committee of the Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  1. Assessment report, List of needed revisions of the legal and normative framework,Recommended texts of revised laws, decrees and bylaws, which provides legal review, including recommendations, to introduce the reforms planned within the above reports into the current legislation of culture sector. Relevant amendments to existing or new primary and/or secondary legislation covering all identified gaps have also been drafted
  1. Innovative concept to the use of the ICT, digitalisation and new technologies to deliver old and new cultural products and services to the regions, which drafts a comprehensive new scenario of ITC, aiming at supporting the process of implementation of the new culture sector governance model identified
  1. Comparative review of Azerbaijani present legislation, Amendments to existing or new primary and/or secondary legislation, a review of Azerbaijani legal base on preservation, protection and promotion of cultural heritage to align with contemporary European and international standards; relevant amendments to existing legislation drafted
  1. Recommendations for model of administration and management of national cultural heritage, which introduces the model of the integrated management planning into Azerbaijani administrative framework. The model is based on proper coordination and collaboration of public and private actors, and consist of an organizational practice that addresses the territories as whole, not more as a juxtaposition of natural/cultural sites, museums, monuments and nature reserves. With this practice natural/cultural resources are managed as a main vehicle for improving social life and economy.
  1. Regional Culture and Tourism Departments Integrated Management Planning


  1. Regional Culture and Tourism Departments Integrated Management Planning


  1. Regional Culture and Tourism Departments Integrated Management Planning


  1. Document for the improvement and modernization of Cultural Craftsmanship Club of Lahij, after the country’s independence, the network of more than 2000 Culture Clubs progressively lost its original role and functions and at the present most of them, especially those located in remote areas of the country, are in need of improvement. The pilot project, applied on the town of Lahij, tests the methodology for renovation and improvement of Culture Club to support modernization.
  1. Museums for All, aimed at planning the actual development of museum system towards a modern and user-friendly management. The outline of organizational features and functions of the Baku Museums Network is also drafted


The following TRAINING COURSES have been undertaken by various Italian expertsduring project period:

  1. Investigative Techniques and International Norms for Fighting Trafficking of Cultural Properties
  2. Project Cycle Management
  3. Public-Private Partnership figures in culture management - Italian case studies
  4. The challenges of change: Managing the museum in the 21st century
  5. Safeguarding museum collections: the conservation of easel paintings at the Pinacoteca di Brera
  6. Role of heritage in socio-economic development; Fundraising
  7. Training of trainers
  8. Examples of current initiatives in cultural planning in Italy
  9. Presentation of Mus.E Association of Florence in regard with the Public Private Partnership model functions

In total, 170 persons attended indifferent training and presentations of project in two years. 39 institutions and agencies participated in those trainings and seminars besides the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

  • 3 STUDY VISITS have been implemented for the purpose of improving the skills of the Ministry’s staff through the exchange of experience and best practices:
  1. first study visiton Coordinated management of a big tourist hubto the most important museums, libraries and cultural centres in Florence. During the visit representatives of Regional Government of Tuscany, Municipality of Florence,Confservizi CISPEL Toscana as well as Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism of Italy were met. Five Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s officers attended the visit
  1. second study visiton Italian experience in integrated landscape planning: legislation, methodology and implementation at regional and local levels. The study trip was devoted to two territories of Italy: in Liguria region (Cinque Terre) and in Tuscany region (Val d’Orcia) – both areas are in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.Four Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s officers attended the visit
  1. thirdstudy visiton Italian experience in integrated governance model of Cultural Districts to three districts of Lombardy region.The study visit aimed at introducing the Azerbaijani representatives to the important experiences implemented in Italy in one of the major fields of interest of the Azerbaijani reforming process, which is the cultural districts methodology. Four Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s officers attended the visit.
  • Two THREE-WEEKSINTERNSHIPSwere conducted under the project
  1. Subject: New forms of cultural heritage management - Internship by AssociazioneMus.E

Twoadvisors of MCTwere sent to Florence to study legal and administrative framework

ofMus.E Association, services and events organized by this association

  1. Subject: Cultural Districts Management Model. Two advisors from the Ministry were sent to international master course on World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Developmentheld by Turin School of Development by the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization(ITC-ILO, University of Turin, Politecnico di Torino, UNESCO, ICCROM)