Badgerland AYF League Meeting

Minutes – 03/12/06

Badgerland AYF

Meeting Minutes

March 12, 2006

President Tim Buss called the meeting to order.

Roll Call

Columbus: Present

CUDA: Present

Loyal: Present

Neillsville: Present

Nekoosa: Present

Spencer: Present

The Secretary's Report is available online.

The Treasurer handed out a summary of our current financial situation.

Commissioner's Report: Reviewed rule changes.


1. 2005 Taxes: If you have not handed in your tax report or expense report, please contact Tim.

2. 2006 League Officials: Weight certifications will be done at the scrimmage. If your community is not going to be present at the scrimmage, you will need to make arrangements with Tim. 2006 Scrimmage will be held at CUDA. Spirit Coordinator: because there has not been any interest in this position, it was decided that each community should self govern themselves. If a complaint needs to come to the board, it should come in written form.


1. Status of Badgerland AYF Organization (Federal EIN, Incorporation name, Communities Incorporation Name)

Mark distributed forms for changing community names. It will cost each community $25 on the state level. Tim will email the forms for the Federal EIN as soon as he can get them. Return state forms and payment to Mark or Tim. Your community does not have to have AYF in the name. Mark will handle the name change for the Central Wisconsin Pop Warner.

2. Review Updated Badgerland AYF documents:

a. Badgerland AYF By-laws: Updated

b. Badgerland AYF Game playing Rules: nearly complete, please review before the next meeting.

c. Badgerland AYF Weight and Age restrictions: Over weight added on the bottom because it is not AYF rule. Also, it was agreed to allow 1 pound extra if the temperature is under 30 degrees-this would be an informal rule.

d. Badgerland AYF Registration Form: Tim created a new form and showed the group. It will go to the print shop and be in triplicate. Communities are reminded to verify birth dates and make sure they are accurate.

e. Badgerland AYF Physical Form: Please review the form.

3. 2006 Badgerland AYF Budget: estimates were given. It was estimated that 18 teams will register (Spencer will have 7th and 8th grade teams). Dues are less with American Youth Football than with Pop Warner. Neillsville, Loyal, and CUDA are eligible for scholarships.

4. Badgerland AYF website: the Central Wisconsin Pop Warner website will remain until subscription runs out, with a link to Badgerland AYF website. It was moved by CUDA and seconded by Neillsville to keep the website until subscription runs out. Motion carried.

5. Posters and Fliers for Registration: it was decided that each community can make their own fliers/posters. The AYF logo is on the website. Tim will send each community a copy of the AYF flyer with it's history.

Community Registration Dates:

Columbus: May 7th

CUDA: April 24-27

Loyal: April 23rd

Neillsville: May 1st

Nekoosa: Last week of April/first week of May

Spencer: April 24th and 27th

6.Need for April meeting?: there will be no April meeting. Please read game rules before the next meeting.

Motion by Neillsville, seconded by Columbus to adjourn.