English Test


Intermediate (Level 5)

Your name: ...... 

Class: E......

Date: ......

TOTAL / /100

READING (___ /25M)

PART 1: (10 Marks) ___ /10

  • The people below all want to book a day out by train.
  • On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight-daytrips.
  • Decide which trip (letters A-H) would be the most suitable for each person (numbers 1-5).
  • Write the letter in the space provided.

1 _____ / / Mrs Williams and her friend enjoy visiting old buildings especially in large city centres, but they are not free on a Saturday, as they have to work.
2 _____ / / Jean-Paul loves the countryside and is keen on taking photographs, so he is looking for a trip which will give him both possibilities.
3 _____ / / Janis and Tony would like a trip to the country that does not leave London before nine o’clock, as they hate getting up early.
4 _____ / / Sarah and her brother love travelling on a train and want a trip that includes three meals. They are on holiday in June and would also like to visit a museum.
5 _____ / / Tim is looking for a Saturday trip but he must be back in London by 21.00 hours so that he can catch the last bus home. He is interested in boats and sailing.
Lovely Somerset in Autumn! Leave London about 8.30. Call at Reading with breakfast served as we head for Weston-super-Mare. Transfer to coaches for a road tour of the beautiful countryside before our first stop in Wells. Board the train again at Taunton for the journey home during which dinner will be served. Arrive London about 21.00 hours. / B
Visit the splendid Summer Festival in Malvern these two weekends. Special trains leave London about 8.15 and call at Reading as breakfast is served. Travel out to Wales and enjoy lunch before arrival in Malvern. Now there is time to visit the Festival before catching the train for the homeward journey. Dinner will be served and we will arrive in London at 21.30.
Train leaves London 07.00 and breakfast is served as we head north. Arrive Durham after a light lunch and visit this city full of history with its famous castle and cathedral. Travel by coach to the open-air Museum of Northern Life just outside Durham. Leave Durham station for the journey home arriving in London after dinner on board at 22.00 hours. / D
Try a Sunday luxury day out! Train leaves London about 9.00 and breakfast is served on the journey. Transfer to a comfortable coach at Repford station which takes you I straight to the famous Shockton House built in the heart of the city in the sixteenth century. Arrive back in London at 21.30 hours.
New route for 1997 Train leaves London about 08.30. Breakfast and a light lunch will be served on the journey and the train will run slowly over the most beautiful parts of the route. Leave the train in the Lake District and take the opportunity to photograph the countryside. Dinner will be served during the journey back, arriving in London at 21.30 hours. / F
This trip is especially for photographers. Leaving London at 09.30 for the Museum of Photography in the west country. Lunch is served on arrival at the Museum and after a short talk by the Museum Director you are free to enjoy the exhibitions in the afternoon. Train arrives back in London at 20.00 hours.
Train leaves London about 09.15 with breakfast served on the way. At Chepstow we transfer to coaches and drive to the lovely Wye Valley where there will a boat waiting to take you on a river trip. We will I stop on the way for a short walk. Dinner will be served on the return trip, arriving back in London at 21.30 hours. / H
A day trip to the coast! Train leaves London at 08.00 and breakfast is served before you arrive at Poole Harbour. There you have the rest of the day to watch the ferries or take a fishing trip. Supper is served on the return journey arriving back in London at 20.30 hours.

READING PART 2: (10 marks) ___ /10

Look at the statements below.

Read the text on the opposite page to decide if each statement is correct or incorrect.

If it is correct write T for TRUE, if it is incorrect write F for FALSE.

11_____The staff at the Visitor Information Centre will book hotels for you.

12_____The fastest trains from London to Canterbury depart from Charing Cross Station.

13_____Visitors to the attractions described in the text must travel to Canterbury West Station.

14_____Visitors who want a Rail Travellers' discount for the attractions must fill in a form.

15_____To get a Rail Travellers discount at the attractions, visitors need a return rail ticket

16_____Canterbury Heritage can be visited on any Sunday.

17_____You can only enter Canterbury Heritage until 4 p.m.

18_____It is possible to do the Canterbury Tales tour in under an hour.

19_____The Roman Museum only closes for one day each year.

20_____Two of the attractions charge exactly the same prices.


Special money-saving offers for Rail Travellers

Why not come for a short break to Canterbury? For more information on the 'following attractions in Canterbury please contact the Visitor Information Centre, 34 St Margaret's Street (Tel. 01227 766567). The Centre can arrange accommodation and book theatre and concert tickets, and sells a wide range of gifts, guides and souvenirs.

Canterbury has two stations:

Canterbury East

Canterbury East is served by two trains an hour, from London Victoria to Dover. The journey from London Victoria to Canterbury East takes about 1 hour 30 minutes.

Canterbury West

Canterbury West is served by one train an hour from London Victoria (journey time about 1 hour 55 minutes) and one train an hour from London Charing Cross (journey time about 1 hour 35 minutes).

Both stations are within easy walking distance of all the attractions described in this leaflet and both routes offer fine views of the Kent countryside.

To benefit from the special offers described in this leaflet, please complete a green form at the cash desk of the attraction visited. Remember, you must also show your return rail ticket.

Stour Street
(Tel. 01227 452747)
Walk through the past connecting the great events, famous people and valuable objects from Canterbury's 2,000 year history.
Opening Times:
Open all year Monday to Saturday 1 0.30-17.00
(last entrance 16.00)
and Sundays from June
to end October 13.30-17.00
(last entrance 16.00). / CANTERBURY TALES
Tourist Attraction and Gift Shop
St Margaret's Street
(Tel. 01227 454888)
The Canterbury Tales is one of Kent's most popular tour attractions. This 14th Century walk from the Tabard Inn to Canterbury Cathedral lasts 40 minutes. Along the way you will see and hear some of Chaucer's colourful stories brought to life by actors.
Opening Times:
Open daily all year. From November to February: 10.00-16.30 Sunday-Friday 09.30-17.30 Saturday From March-October 09.30-17.30 every day.
Closed Christmas Day / ROMAN MUSEUM
Longmarket, Butchery Lane
(Tel. 01227 785575)
A new attraction, underground at the level of the Roman town. Visit the market place with 1Is stalls
and the town house with the sights and smells of the kitchen. Opening Times:
Open all year Monday to
Saturday 10.00-17.00
(last entrance 16.00)
and Sundays from June
to end October
(last entrance 16.00).
Closed Good Friday and Christmas week.

Prices Rail Travellers' Discounts

Adults / Senior Citizens / Children
Canterbury Heritage / £1.50 (15p OFF) / £1.00 (10p OFF) / £0.75 (10p OFF)
Canterbury Tales / £4.75 (£1.50 OFF) / £3.95 (£1.00 OFF) / £3.50 (£1.00 OFF)
Roman Museum / £1.50 (15p OFF) / £1.00 (10p OFF) / £0.75 (10p OFF)

READING PART 3: (5 Marks) ___ /5

Look at the text in each question What does it say?
Tick (√) the correct letter A, B, or C.

Example: / A You may not leave your rubbish here.
B Picnic food is provided in this place.
C Picnics are not allowed in this area.
/ A There are three changing rooms in this shop.
B You cannot change any items bought in this shop.
C You can try on a maximum of three things at a time.
/ A If necessary, ring the bell for attention.
B There is no one working here at the moment.
C Please ring the bell when you arrive at the desk.
/ A This post office does not accept large parcels.
B Large parcels can only be sent from some windows.
C You must take all parcels to windows 9, 10 and 11.
/ What is Sam going to do?
A go to the cinema at the weekend
B call Harry on Saturday
C make a new arrangement
/ A Non-swimmers need a pass to enter this pool.
B If you can't swim, you mustn't use all of the pool.
C Wait at this point if you are having swimming lessons.

LISTENING (___ /25M)

PART 1 (7 Marks) ___ /7

Listen and tick () A, B, or C. You will hear each recording twice.

1.Where did she leave the keys?

A  / B  / C 

2.How did she get to work?

A  / B  / C 

3.Where is the supermarket?

A  / B  / C 

4.What was the weather like yesterday?

A  / B  / C 

5.What are they going to give their daughter?

A  / B  / C 

6.What date is her sister coming?

A  / B  / C 

7.What ingredients does she need to get?

A  / B  / C 

LISTENING PART 2 (6 Marks) ___ /6

You will hear someone talking about what do do when you visit a historic town. For each question circle the correct answer A,B or C.

  1. The tourist information office is
/ A in the centre of town.
B on most good maps.
C in the town's station.
  1. The castle is original, except for
/ A the entrance and the walls.
B the entrance and the roofs.
C the walls and towers.
  1. The castle guides are
/ A trained teachers.
B good at entertaining.
C trained to take school groups.
  1. Bernard's Tower is part of
/ A the science department.
B a home for old scientists.
C Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
  1. The park can be found
/ A to the east of the town.
B in the centre of the town.
C to the north of the town.
  1. The hotels in Somerford are
/ A cheap and rather old.
B rather old and costly.
C small and old.

LISTENING PART 3 (6 Marks) ___ /6

You will hear someone talking on the radio about Brandon Forest Park.

For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.

The Country Show and Fair

The show …

Opens at 9 o’clock and closes at (14) ______

The hand-made products are cheapest in the
(15)______section of the showground.

The colour of the all-day ticket is (16) ______
and the price is (17) £______

The fruit and vegetable competition is in the tent in the
(18)______of the showground.

The traditional sports are usually more than
(19) ______hours long.

LISTENING PART 4 (6 Marks) ___ /6

Look at the six sentences for this part. You will hear a conversation between a man, Chris, and his wife, Sandra, about cars. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, tick () the box under YES. If it is not correct, tick (√) the box under NO.

  1. Sandra was late for an appointment because of the car.
/  / 
  1. Chris thinks the car is a high quality model.
/  / 
  1. Sandra says that other things are more important than the colour of the car.
/  / 
  1. Chris agrees that a second-hand car will be cheap.
/  / 
  1. Sandra says that keeping their old car could cost quite a lot.
/  / 
  1. For Chris, buying the new car is only a question of money.
/  / 

WRITING (___ /25M)

PART 1 (7 Marks) ___ /7

You were planning to play tennis with your friend, Bill, next Saturday. Unfortunately you have to work that day.

Write an email to Bill. In your email, you should

  • say you are sorry
  • explain why you can’t play
  • suggest another time and date for the match

Write about 35-45 words.


WRITING PART 2 (18 Marks) ___ /18

A newspaper is running a story-writing competition. Write about a terrible holiday you’ve had, to send to the newspaper. Answer the following questions. Write about 150 words.

  • When and where did it happen?
  • Who were you with? Why?
  • What went wrong? What happened? How did you feel?
  • What happened in the end?
