Intelligent Energy – Europe Creation of Energy Agencies

Template for
Final Technical ImplementationReport

Type 2 Actions (Agencies)
Call for proposals 200X

Grant Agreement EIE/Type2/0X/XXX

Establishment of a local/regional Energy agency in …….

Creation of Energy Agencies

(one report for each agency of the consortium,but together in one pack)
(to be updated if necessary)



Full address:




Name of person responsible (Director):



Full address:




Name of person responsible (Director):

DURATION OF CONTRACT:from ...... 200...... to ...... 200......


1 To be completed separately for each agency.


A. Agency Structure (No changes of legal statute)

A1The Management Board (update)

A2Key staff of the Agency (update)

Current staff (part time/full time, seconded)

Estimation for future staff

A3Advisory bodies (Scientific committee/Evaluation committee/others)

A4 Premises of the Agency (update)

A5Relationships with existing energy management agencies or networks

A6Future of the agency

A7Autonomy of the Agency

A8Evaluation of agency’s activities

B.Work programme of the Agency (reporting period 1-36months)

This section should contain the activities during the reporting period and according to final Work Programme. Final Technical Reporting period is from the date of First Amendment until month36. Financial Reporting period is from the date of legal establishment of the Agency until month36.

B.1 Work Packages

N° of work package: / Name of the work package:
Duration in months:
Description of the work:
Please present a concise overview of the objectives achieved in each work package and structure the activities carried out into tasks, numbering the tasks to facilitate reading. Please explain the involvement of any local stakeholders in each task.
Outcome of this work package:
List the most important direct results of the activities carried out under this work package.
Deliverable(s) of this work package:
Annex the main deliverables, which you refer to in the Grant Agreement under each work package, for example publication (flyer / brochure / working / paper / paper / article / press release / slides / Cd-rom), or an event (conference / workshop / training / media event), website / webtool, If it's an event, please provide evidence ie list of participants, agenda, short description and outcome of the meeting .

Work Package 1: Legal establishment of the Agency

WP 2: Management

WP 3: Energy planning

WP 4: Sector Activities

WP 5: Horizontal Activities

WP 6: Communication and dissemination at local, regional & national levels

WP 7: Capacity building through European Cooperation.

WP 8: Common dissemination activities

Work Package 8: Common dissemination activities

N° of work package: 8 / Name of the work package: Common dissemination activities
Duration in months: 36

Description of the workPlease describe the tasks carried out under EACI request and the services provided in the framework of this WP.

This work package covers resources to contribute, upon request by the European Commission (DG TREN, IEEA, Managenergy Sustainable Energy Campaign, etc.) to common dissemination activities shared by the IEE projects in order to increase synergies amongst the projects and visibility of the project results.

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Intelligent Energy – Europe Creation of Energy Agencies

B.2Schedule of Agency Work Programme

Work package / Duration of the project (in months) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36
Work package 2: Management
Work package 3: Energy planning
Work package 4: Sector activities
Work package 5: Horizontal activities
Work package 6: Communication and dissemination at local regional and national levels
Work package 7: Capacity building through European cooperation
Work package 8: Common dissemination activities
Work package 9:
Work package 10
Project meetings a / x / x / x / x
Project reports to EC b / ICR / IR / PR / FR

aIt is recommended to hold regular project meetings. A kick-off meeting should preferably take place in the first month after the Agencies have been established, and a final meeting should also be foreseen.

bAccording to the model grant agreement the minimum number of reports to the IEEA is: 1 Inception Report (ICR within 6 months after the signature of the Amendment N°1 to the Agreement), 1 interim report (IR – technical and financial, covering months 1 to 17), one technical progress report (PR- covering months 18 to 27) and 1 final report (FR – technical and financial, covering the whole 36months of the work programme). Please note that the periods to be covered by each report are specified in the grant agreement (Article I.6), and submission deadlines for all three kinds of reports are to be indicated in the time schedule. PR / IR / ICR must be submitted within 1 month after the end of the period. FR must be submitted at the latest 2 months after the end of the project duration.

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Intelligent Energy – Europe Creation of Energy Agencies


Provide a list of performance indicators for your project, which will permit you to measure and show that your action has been successful. Establish coherent links between the performance indicators and the addressed barriers, objectives and expected impact in the market.

These performance indicators should illustrate, as far as possible quantitatively, to what extent the objectives established for the project in section B2 have been achieved, and they should directly assess the extent to which the relevant barriers that your action addresses have been be lowered or removed and/or the market has been transformed. Performance indicators should also be included to quantify the contribution of your project to the objectives and targets of Community policy and legislation on renewables, energy efficiency, and energy aspects of transport.

Consequently performance indicators differ from deliverables. A simple report on the implementation of the project according to the work programme (such as number of workshops implemented or the number of brochures distributed), is not sufficient as a performance indicator.

To develop your list of Performance Indicators please use the following template. For further guidance on performance indicators, please see Annex 1.

Performance indicator / Foreseen quantification of success (taken from annex I)a / Measured quantification of the performance indicator at the end of the project / Related work package and/or deliverable N°

a For example:
“45 relevant market actors per country at policy seminar” (instead of “Number of participants at seminars”)
”x MWh of potential energy savings from EE project” (instead of “Amount of potential energy savings from EE project”)
”x Number of enterprises assisted, X amount of investment facilitated (instead of “assistance to enterprises and investors)

B.4 Co-financing Please state how the co-financing issue is now updated (maybe more municipalities joining or more local stakeholders collaborating) and describe the business plan for the continuity of the Agency after the period of the EU funding.

Appendices to the Technical Report

Table 1: updated list of submitted deliverables since starting date

Del.N° 1 / WP N° 1 / Deliverable name 1 / Month of completion / Submission with report1 / Deliverable uploaded at website?

1This information must be identical with your List of Deliverables in Annex I of your grant agreement.

For guidance on how to make the most of your project website, how to refer to IEE funding and where to find the IEE logo and disclaimer see .

Before sending theFinal Technical progress report to EACI, please make sure that your submission is in line with the following checklist.

Checklist for submission of Final Report (FR)
Checking before submission
The Final Technical report & Financial Statements are written in English.
The number of pages is in the range of 15 pages per Agency excluding appendices.
The Final Technical report & Financial Statements follow the template provided at the IEE website.
First/updated list of submitted deliverables since starting date is provided in appendix.
External audit report is provided.
Updated full time staff and Management Board is provided.
Updated version of the publishable summary slides, project fact sheet and two case studies is provided in appendix.
Copy of the deliverables produced during the reporting period is provided in appendix. Hardcopy or electronic copy has been agreed with the project officer. If hardcopy, number and languages of the deliverables have also been agreed with the project officer.
The instructions for the use of the IEE logo, disclaimer and reference to IEE funding have been considered, especially for publication of technical deliverables, papers and the project website.
The consolidated package to be sent within 60 days after the end of the period to the EACI address as indicated in the grant agreement includes two hard copies of the Final Technical report including all appendices as listed above and is accompanied by a cover letter indicating the grant agreement number and full names of Agencies.
One electronic version of this consolidated package was sent to . In case of technical deliverables with large size (3-5MB) an electronic CD submission may be agreed with the project officer.
Other important information for project officer
The project website is accessible and updated, considering the IEE guidance for project websites.
All due technical deliverables are available on the project website for public download.
The project officer is provided by e-mail with further information, like minutes of the meetings, login and up-to-date password of your internal website, etc.


Agencies-Final Technical Implementation