Minutes of the Lansdowne Tree Advisory Board Meeting –

Wednesday October 12, 2011, Borough Hall. 7:15 PM, Auditor's Room

Present:Mary Lou Jennings, Jack Kelly (Park & Recreation Board Liaison),

Helen Marcarelli,Elsie Mueller, Joe Parsio, Joyce Prentis


Treasury Report: The donation of $1200 remains the same.

$2000 was spent on the 40 trees for the Fall planting. The Borough covered the balance.

Minutes: The minutes from the September 14th meeting were approved.

New Business:

Lansdowne Sycamore: The bracing on the Sycamore damaged the fence along the park. The tree’s branch was not damaged.

National Arbor Day Association:The association may interview someone about the Borough’s tree planting program.

Old Business:

Replacement Tree List:Princeton Nursery is closing out trees, the Borough will replace the smaller tree planted in front of the Dollar Tree on Lansdowne with a larger balled tree.

Fall Tree Plantings:There will be 42 trees total. 26 trees for 20 residents. 7 replacement trees for 3 locations, 2 onPlumstead at Peppers, 1 at Rite Aid, and 1 at New Life. 12 will go to two of the parks.Board discussed the need for root barriers and the logistics of the planting and mulching. PHS requires “tree checkers” who will check up on trees planted by residents and a spreadsheet of the list of trees will need to be created noting where planted, condition, health rating, etc.

Tree Board Ordinance: Copies of the Ordinance to be passed will be presented at the next Borough Council, and an advertisement will be placed about the Ordinance.

2020 House: There was a meeting October 11th about the ArtsCenter in the house behind the 20th Century Club that is owned by the Borough. The LansdowneArtsCenter will open September of 2012.

Articles: ML brought the Philadelphia Inquirer article A bow to trees,Monday, October 3, 2011 Section D about Tree Tenders.

Next Meeting:The Next meeting will be Wednesday November 9th, 2011.

Meeting Adjourned:8:20PM