MANA 3320 Human Resources

Study Guide #2

HR Planning and Recruiting

Internal vs. external recruiting

Job posting

Choosing a message

Steps in the hiring process

Evaluating recruiting methods

Realistic job preview

Job progression / career path

Career stages / career development

Where are you? - assessment

Where do you want to be?

How do you get there?

Testing and Assessment

Principles of assessment


Threats to reliability


Types of validity

Content validity – work sample

Criterion-related validity



Process for validating selection tools

Uniform Guidelines

Pre-Employment Screening

Initial Selection


Application blanks

Substantive Selection


Personality test

Assessment centers

Ability / proficiency tests

Integrity / honesty tests

Contingent Selection

Drug tests

Background checks

Common screening used by Fortune 1000 companies

Criminal checks

Negligent hiring


Managing the interview

Structured vs. unstructured interviews

Types of interview questions


Behavior / Experience


Appropriate and inappropriate questions

Training and development

Definitions of training and development

Training needs assessment

Training design

Training delivery methods

Training evaluation

Four level training evaluation model

Pre and post tests – level 2

Formal vs. informal training

On-the-job training (OJT)

Performance Appraisal

Reasons to do performance appraisals

Potential outcomes

Rater errors

Types of performance appraisals

Trait / Behavioral / Outcome

Rating scales (all of them)

Strengths and weaknesses

360 degree feedback

Management by Objectives

Balanced Scorecard

Conducting the appraisal

Performance diagnosis


Job specifications – Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

Civil Rights Act – race, color, sex, religion, national origin

Sample Essay Questions:

Define the concept of reliability as it relates to selection tests.

Explain the different steps used in the selection process.

Describe some of the more common background checks that companies use to screen-out applicants.

Explain some of the principles of learning used to ensure that transfer of training has occurred.

Describe at least 3 ways that companies can increase the effectiveness of their recruitment process.