101 T Th – Class Calendar*fall 2013

The class calendar is arranged as follows:

Read: The reading assignment, which is due when you arrive in class on the date listed above the box, will be posted in the top box. All reading will refer to the text California Dreams and Realities unless otherwise noted.
Quizzes in response to the readingsare listing in the bottom box when assigned and can be found in “Assessments, Test, and Surveys” in Etudes. These need to be completed before class as they will close.

Subject to change *

Semester Theme: California Paradoxes

Week 1


Syllabus Review and Course Discussion


In-class Diagnostic Essay
Login to Etudes and accept the syllabus. Etudeslinks will not activate until you do this. Next, click on “Assessments, Tests and Surveys.” Take the syllabus quiz. (4 pts)

Week 2


Read: “Meaning-Making Concepts” by Barbara Bird, p 1-7. The link to this reading is on Etudes
Quiz:“Meaning Making Concepts” in Etudes(3 pts)

Th 9/5

Read:Rules for Writers “Writing about Texts” 5a-5e, p -70-83

Week 3


Read: Introduction: California – The Bellwether State p1-11 and “Of Cholos and Surfers” by Jack Lopez p11-16
Quiz: “Intro and “Cholos and Surfers” in Etudes (4 pts)


Read: “California” A Place, a People, a Dream by James Rawls, p 22-30 and Rules for Writers: “The Writing Process”1a-d, p 2-22
Quiz: “Rawls and Writing Process” in Etudes(4 pts)

Week 4


Read: “Looking and Listening for My Voice” by Toby Fulwiler, p 214 – 220. The link to this reading is on Etudes.
Quiz: “Fulwiler”in Etudes (3 pts)
Print out paper 2 from Etudes and bring it to class to discuss.


Read: Rules for Writers: “Constructing Reasonable Arguments:” 6 a-e - p - 84-101 and “Evaluating Arguments” 7a-c p- 102-110

Week 5


Peer Review and Conferences Paper Two - Bring two copies of a typed 3-4 page draft of Paper 2 along with two Essay Peer Review Handouts from Etudes. (10 pts)


Read:Rules for Writers: “Supporting a thesis:” 56a - c, p 460- 464, “Citing Sources:” 57a – 57c, p 464-468, “Integrating Sources” 58a-c, p-469-479

Week 6


When the Killing’s Done: Chapters:“The Wreck of the Beverly B”, “Rattus Rattus”, ”The Wreck of the Winfield Scott”,p 3-65
Write a separateresponse to each chapter of the novel. Summaries will not be graded. (3 pts)

Due: Paper 2


Read: Chapter 2 – The Great Migration- Immigrants in California History, p81-84; and “The World of Our Grandmothers” by Connie Young Yu, p 100-108; and “Manzanar, USA” by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James Houston, p 109-113
Quiz: “Grandmothers and Manzanar” in Etudes (5 pts)

Week 7


Read:“Maid in L.A.” by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, p 116-129 and “Invisible Men” by William Langewiesche, p 130-140 and we will continue the discussion of 3/18 readings
Quiz: “Maid and Invisible” in Etudes (3 pts)


Mid-Term Exam – Paper 3 – The Paradoxes of California based on readings from week 7. Large Blue Book required.

Week 8


When the Killing’s Done: Chapters: “The Paladin”, “Boiga Irregularis” p 66-115
Write a separateresponse to each chapter of the novel. Summaries will not be graded. (3 pts)


Read: Chapter 4- “The Geography of Desire” p 229- 232; “As If the Farmer Died” by David Masumoto, p 248-254; “Barrio Boy” by Ernesto Galarza, p 263-272; "Interesting Times” by Judith Lewis
Quiz:“Farmer, Barrio, Times” in Etudes (6 pts)
Print out paper 4 from Moodle and bring to class to discuss

Week 9


MLA Day – Reread Rules for Writers as assigned on 9/26
Quiz: “MLA” in Etudes (4 pts)


Peer Review and Conferences paper 4 - Bring two copies of a typed 3-4 page draft of Paper 4 along with two Essay Peer Review Handouts from Etudes. (10 pts)

Week 10


When the Killing’s Done” Chapters: “Coches Prietos”, “Scorpion Ranch”p116-165
Write a separateresponse to each chapter of the novel.Summaries will not be graded. (3 pts)

Th10/31 Boo!

Read: Rules for Writers “Conducting Research” 53a-g, p 420-437; “Evaluating Sources” 54a-e, p437-448; “Managing Information” 55a-c, p 448-456
Print out The Research Paper – paper 5 - from Etudes. Bring to class to discuss

Due: Paper 4

Week 11


Library Research Day- Further info to be given


Write: A typed paragraph on your focused research topic and works cited page
You will present your planned research project to the class. Each student will have three minutes to present. As a result, you will need to be focused and prepared prior to class. Come see me if you need help.

Week 12


When the Killing’s Done: Chapters: “Qvaris Aries,” “Sus Scroga,” “Prisoners’ Harbor,” p 166-232
Write a separateresponse to each chapter of the novel.Summaries will not be graded. (3 pts)

Th 11/14

Peer Review and Conferences Research Project –Bring two typed copies of at least 3 typed pages of your paper and your outline and works cited page. Bring two research paper peer review handouts from Etudes. (10 pts)

Week 13


When the Killing’s Done: Chapters: “The Black Gold,” “Willows Canyon,” “El Tigre” p 233-309
Write a separateresponse to each chapter of the novel. Summaries will not be graded. (3 pts)


Peer Review and Conferences Research Project – Bring two copies of your research project that are at least 5 pages along with 2 research peer review handouts from Etudes. (10 pts)

Week 14


When the Killing’s Done: Chapters: “Crotalus Viridis,” “The Wreck of the Anubis,” “The Separation Zone,” “Scorpion Ranch,” p 310-369
Write a separateresponse to each chapter of the novel.Summaries will not be graded. (3 pts)

Due: Research Project Paper

Due: All Peer Review Sheets – Place in chronological order with oldest on top, write the paper number on top of each peer review, and staple. (40 possible points)

Th 11/28

Happy Thanksgiving!

Week 15


Final Exam – Paper 6 – When the Killing’s Done. Large Blue Book required


Semester Wrap- up

Due:Responses to the novel. Place them in chronological order and highlight each chapter title. (18 total possible)

Week 16

Th 12/12: 10-12

Final Class Meeting: Exam 2, Research Project Paper, and novel responses returned.