WIT 8 – Packet 9

BRRR – Packet by University of Maryland

Tossup 1:

Tentoumushi, Voltarec, Mechadon, and Rammstein are all recent contestants on this game show. The contestants compete in a 48' by 48' dome with 20-foot high shatterproof glass where they encounter ramrods, kill saws, and spikes. FTP, name this show, a new addition to Comedy Central hosted by Bill Dwyer and Sean Salisbury, which also features Donna D’Errico.


Tossup 2:

He headed the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe from 1947 to 1957, after being appointed Secretary of Commerce in Sweden in 1945. The author of Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations, his most famous work, commissioned by the Carnegie Corporation, has the subtitle The Negro Problem and American Democracy. FTP, name this economist who shared the 1974 Nobel Prize in economics and wrote An American Dilemma.

Gunnar Myrdal

Tossup 3:

In 1958, he founded the Congolese National Movement, the first political party in Congo with a nationwide power base. His chief political rival, Moise Tshombe, was the leader of the mineral-rich province of Katanga, which seceded in 1960. Belgian and Western forces backed Tshombe to protect access to Katanga's copper and uranium. He was assassinated in January 1961 after being arrested by opposition forces in Katanga. FTP, name this prominent Congolese nationalist, the first prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Patrice Lumumba

Tossup 4:

First published in 1919, The New York Society for the Prevention of Vice declared it obscene and banned all displays and sales of this novel. The story concerns the title character’s search for his wife Dame Lisa, who has been abducted by the Devil. He encounters his old love Dorothy along the way and relives one day with her. The novel ends with husband and wife reunited. FTP, name this novel, the most famous written by James Branch Cabell.


Tossup 5:

Originally, physicists thought that they could only last for an instant, but now think "exotic matter" containing negative energy might keep them from collapsing. The only known stable one can be found near the planet Bajor. FTP, name these astronomical formations, formerly known as *Einstein-Rosen bridges, whose existence in the real world is purely theoretical.

Wormholes (accept Einstein-Rosen bridges before *)

Tossup 6:

When Loki stole Freya’s necklace, this god chased Loki, beat him up, and retrieved the necklace. A watchman of Asgard who guards the rainbow bridge Bifrost, he can see for one hundred miles by day and sleep less than a bird. When Ragnarok comes, he will sound his Gjallarhorn to assemble the gods and heroes. FTP, name this god destined to kill and be killed by Loki at Ragnarok.


Tossup 7:

Born in Valciennes, he studied under Claude Gillot, from whom he gained an interest in commedia dell’arte, shown in the work Pierrot Gilles. He also worked with Claude Audran, curator of the Luxembourg Palace collections, circa 1708. He placed second in the Prix de Rome in 1709 and gained full membership to the French Academy in 1717. FTP, name this artist of Harlequin and Columbine, Gersaint’s Signboard, and Embarkation for the Island of Cythera.

Jean-Antoine Watteau

Tossup 8:

The death of Ines de Castro and the victory of Alijubarrota are both interwoven into the poem. Bacchus serves as the guardian of the Muslims and Venus serves as the guardian of the protagonists. Dealing principally with the Odyssey-like voyage of Vasco de Gama and his "discovery" of India, FTP, name this Portuguese national Epic by Luis de Camoes.

Os Lusiadas or the Luciads

Tossup 9:

Born January 19, 1979, her gymnastics accomplishments include first place in the French International games in 1999 and 1st place in both the 1996 and 2000 Olympics on Uneven Bars. In December 1997, she posed topless in the Russian edition of Playboy. More recently, however, she appeared in the Japanese edition of the magazine. FTP, name this gymnast who is perhaps best remembered for her fall on the low vault at the 2000 Olympics.

Svetlana Khorkina (Hor-KEE-nah)

Tossup 10:

The British commander Sir Edward Pakenham’s decision to cross a narrow strip of land to reach enemy lines was a grave tactical mistake. The Americans had dug ditches, stacked cotton bales, and had artillery batteries to cover their flanks, and when the British tried to advance, their fire had little effect on the fortifications. As a result, the Americans won the battle in less than half an hour and inflicted more than 2,000 casualties while suffering only less than 100 casualties. FTP, name this battle of the War of 1812 won by Andrew Jackson that actually happened after the treaty of Ghent.

Battle of New Orleans

Tossup 11:

The xylem cells often form an X-shape in their roots. The xylem and the phloem are grouped in bundles, which encircle a central pith region. The pattern of the veins in its leaves are netted or in a branching pattern. FTP, name this class of angiosperms that include most flowering plants and two parts in its embryo.

Dicotyledons (die-CAH-till-ee-duns) (also accept dicots)

Tossup 12:
The single lit candle in the chandelier represents the all-seeing Christ. The mirror shows that there are two other people in the room, one of them probably the artist. The fact that the couple has removed their shoes shows that they are standing on “holy ground”. The dog that is between the couple symbolizes marital faith. FTP, name the painting that shows a couple exchanging marriage vows by Jan van Eyck.

the Arnolfini Marriage (or the Arnolfini Wedding or the Arnolfini Betrothal)

Tossup 13:

This writer founded his own theatre in Rome with financial backing from Mussolini’s government. His short story “The Wake” has a pessimistic view of human nature. Other works include the novel The Late Mattia Pascal and the play The Pleasures of Honesty. FTP, name this writer who won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1934 who wrote Six Characters in Search of an Author.

Luigi Pirandello

Tossup 14:

This Roman emperor of the late third century A.D. established the Tetrarchy, which in theory would prevent a single military revolt from de-stabilizing the entire empire. He also restored the silver content of the denarius, introduced more cavalry units into field armies, and initiated the last state-sponsored campaign of Christian persecution. Name this emperor who reigned from 284-305, predecessor of Constantine I.


Tossup 15:

The controversy that caused this council to be summoned stemmed from the teachings of a patriarch of Constantinople who refused to refer to Mary as “mother of God”. The patriarch Nestorius thought that Mary was the mother of the man Jesus Christ and not the divine Christ. St. Cyril of Alexandria strongly opposed Nestorius and condemned him at this council. FTP, name this ecumenical council of 431 A.D. invoked by the emperor Theodosius II that took place at a city whose inhabitants received a letter from Saint Paul.

Council of Ephesus

Tossup 16:

The grandson of a clockmaker, he was professor of experimental physics at the University of Graz and contributed to the entropic form of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. He also demonstrated the law of thermal radiation in which the total radiation of a blackbody is proportional to temperature to the 4th power. FTP, name this German physicist who hung himself while vacationing in Trieste, whose namesake constant is equal to 1.38x10^-23 Joules per Kelvin.

Ludwig Boltzmann

Tossup 17:

In his book Heat as a Mode of Motion, this physicist popularized the molecular vibration theory of heat originally developed by Maxwell. He also defended Julius Mayer's claim to be the originator of the Law of energy conservation, because Mayer was the first to discover the mechanical equivalent of heat. FTP, name this man best known for discovering his namesake effect, in which a beam of light becomes visible when passing through a colloid.

John Tyndall

Tossup 18:

This play unfavorably depicts the rise of industrialism in the South and chronicles the greedy and ruthless actions of a Southern family. Regina plots with her brothers Ben and Oscar to steal $80,000 from her terminally ill husband Horace so they can open the first cotton mill in town. Horace finds about the plot and tells Regina he will make a new will leaving her with only $80,000. Horace then suffers an attack , while Regina withholds his medication and watches him die. FTP, name this Lillian Hellman play with a title taken from a biblical verse.

the Little Foxes

Tossup 19:

Provisions of this treaty included the reduction of the Prussian army to 42,000 men and a war indemnity fixed at 120 million francs for the Prussians. Prussia had to cede all its territory west of the Elbe River to the French. Russia recognized the Grand Duchy of Warsaw and Danzig was made a free city. FTP, name the treaty negotiated by Napoleon with Czar Alexander I after the Russian defeat at Friedland.

Treaty of Tilsit

Tossup 20:

They were predicted by Hideki Yukawa, though the behavior he believed these particles to exhibit actually described the pion. It was first observed in cosmic rays by Carl D. Anderson and Seth Neddermeyer in 1936, and they are produced by the weak decay of pions. FTP, name this lepton, 207 times heavier than the electron.


Tossup 21:

In recent years, the computer industry has been clamoring for more of this particular class of visas. In 1998, Congress authorized the INS to issue 115,000 of these visas annually. With the continued
economic boom in the tech sector, the 115,000 visas were quickly exhausted. So in early October 2000, Congress voted to increase the number of these visas issued per year to 195,000. FTP, give the name of
this class of visa which grants a foreign worker temporary permission to stay and work in the United States for a sponsoring employer.

H1-B visas

Tossup 22:

Two reversals occur in this game, one at five seconds into play, the other at 20 seconds into play. In boards 1-4, the heroine is faster than her opponents, and they are eventually faster than her at board Blinky, nicknamed "shadow" is the most dangerous of the opponents. Inky is apparently really complex. Pinky is the easiest of the opponents to outwit, since she is shy. Sue just follows the same pattern, so she is not a threat either. FTP, name this game whose name implies the girlfriend of a yellow pellet-eating character.
MS. PAC-MAN do not accept PAC MAN

Tossup 23:

This mathematician gives his name to a pair of tetrahedra that mutually circumscribe and inscribe each other. In 1818, he formulated barycentric calculus, in which numerical coefficients were assigned to points. In 1840, four years before becoming professor of astronomy at Leipzig, he first defined the least-color map problem, but he is best known for a topological figure with only one side and one edge. FTP, name this German discoverer of his eponymous strip.
August Ferdinand Mobius

Tossup 24:

The idea for this field is included in Plato’s Republic but the modern concept did not become prominent until the second half of the 19th century. Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, was considered the founder of this science. FTP, name this science aimed at improving the genetic quality of the human race which caused sterilization laws to be passed in 24 states between 1911 and 1930.


Tossup 25:

The year is After Colony 195; the United Earth Sphere Alliance rules the space colonies with an iron fist. Five young pilots with advanced mobile suits are sent to Earth to defeat the Alliance in a plan called Operation Meteor. They quickly realize the real problem lies with an internal organization of the Alliance called OZ led by Treize Khushrenada. The pilots are Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Quartre Rabera Winner, Duo Maxwell, and Chang Wufei. FTP, name this series, part of a successful franchise in Japan, a recent addition to the Cartoon Network’s Toonami line up.

Gundam Wing

Bonus 1:

Identify these types of microscopy FTPE.

Useful in studying the surface topology of cells, this type of microscopy utilizes a beam of electrons to move over the surface of the sample.
scanning electron microscopy or SEM

Similar to scanning electron microscopy, in this technique, a platinum-iridium tip scans the surface of the specimen by allowing electrons to jump between the tip and the cell surface.
scanning tunneling microscopy or STM

Using fluorescence probes and a laser beam, this type of light microscopy illuminates a single plane of the specimen via computer image technology.
confocal light microscopy

Bonus 2:

Given the Communist Party name of a famous Bolshevik, give his real name FTPE.

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (OOL-YAN-OFF)

Josef Stalin
Iosif Vissarionovich Dzughashvili (JEW-GOSH-VEEL-EE, be charitable with pronunciation)

Leon Trotsky
Lev Bronstein

Bonus 3:

Identify characters from Madame Bovary FTSNOP.

(5) Give the first name of the second Madame Bovary Junior


(10) Name the druggist of Yonville, friend to the Bovarys


(15) Give the first name of the first Madame Bovary Junior.


Bonus 4:

Name these Christian festivals and holy days FTPE.

The ceremony of washing the feet of pilgrims on this day was instituted in commemoration of Jesus’ washing of the apostles’ feet. It’s on the Thursday before Easter.

Maundy Thursday