Speaking Comprehension Test for 8th Form Students

  1. If you create a new subject at school, what would it be?
  2. Would you recommend this subject to someone else?
  3. How do teachers make lessons interesting for you?
  1. What is your hobby?
  • What hobbies do people have?
  • Does your family support you in your hobby? What do your parents think about it?
  1. What are your favourite sports and games?
  • How good are you at sports?
  • What role does sport play in your life?
  1. Tell about your city, town or village.
  2. What is it like? How is it planned? What would you find in the centre?
  3. Is your town famous for anything? What are the places of interest?
  1. What are your preferences in reading?
  • Who wrote your favourite book?
  • Do you prefer to read science fiction or detectives?
  1. What is typical of Ukrainian climate and weather?
  • What kind of weather do you like in winter?
  • Is the climate the same in all regions of Ukraine?
  1. Which kind of sport do you go in for?
  • How often do you train?
  • What are your favourite sports and games?
  1. What kind of films do you watch?
  • When and where can you see commercials?
  • What do they usually show in a trailer?
  1. What city in Ukraine would you like to visit?
  • What are you going to do there?
  • Where are you going to go?
  1. You want to make new e-pals.
  • Tell about yourself
  • Describe your interests and hobbies.
  1. Do you live in a house or a flat?
  2. Give a brief description of your room.
  3. What do you think your room says about your personality?
  1. What is your favourite kind of music?
  2. What music do your friends like? Do you have similar or different tastes?
  3. What music do your parents like?
  1. Pets are important members of the family.
  • Do you agree? Why or why not?
  1. Your best friend is having a birthday soon. You are going to plan a surprise party.
  2. Whom would you invite and why? Describe the party.
  1. Do you have any special holidays in your family?
  2. Have you got any family traditions?
  3. What is special about them?
  1. You were invited by a friend of yours to visit a holiday in a foreign country.
  • What country will it be? Why?
  • What do you know about holidays in this country?
  1. You have just come back from a trip to Great Britain.
  • Share your impressions with your classmates.
  • What did you like the most?
  1. What day of your life brought you the sweetest memories?
  • Why?
  • What did you do on that day?
  1. You are participating in a student conference.
  • Tell about your school and school traditions.
  • What do you like most about your school?
  1. What can we do to make our planet a better place to live in?
  • What do you do to make your city be clean?
  • What do your friends/family do for our planet?

Speaking Comprehension Test for 9th Form Students

  1. All schools have rules. What are some of the rules you have to follow at your school?
  2. Which rules do you believe are necessary and which do you believe are unfair?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having rules?
  4. Have you ever been caught breaking any school rules?
  1. What is your favourite subject? Why? How will this subject help you in the future?
  2. Would you recommend this subject to someone else?
  3. How do teachers make lessons interesting for you?
  4. What role do you play in your own education?
  1. The world is becoming bored with popular sports. The president of the international sports association has put you in charge of creating a new sport. What will you create?
  2. Describe this new sport (rules, where it will be played, when it will be played)?
  3. What will it be called and why?
  4. How will you advertise this new sport?
  1. While travelling around Great Britain, you come across an ancient structure that has not been previously discovered. It looks very similar to another prominent place in Great Britain.
  2. Describe what this structure is (what prominent place does it resemble)?
  3. What do you think this structure was used for?
  4. Will you tell people about it? Why or why not?
  1. Tell about your city, town or village.
  2. What is it like? How is it planned? What would you find in the centre?
  3. What are the employment opportunities?
  4. Is your town famous for anything? What are the places of interest?
  1. Speak about your favourite genre of literature.
  2. What are some of examples of works you like from this genre?
  3. Why are these examples good representatives of this genre?
  4. What does your favourite genre say about your personality?
  1. School uniforms are mandatory in some schools around the world, although certainly not in every school.
  2. If you were the headmaster of a school would you want your pupils to wear a uniform?
  3. Imagine the response of a pupil who disagreed with you. What would the pupil say?
  4. How would you respond to this pupil?
  1. Supermarkets are becoming more widespread and popular in the modern world, while traditional markets (i.e., bazaars) are becoming less common.
  2. Where do you and/or your family do most food shopping?
  3. What advantages and disadvantages do you see with modern supermarkets?
  4. Do you think that traditional markets will disappear? Why or why not?
  1. What is art to you? Do you appreciate some forms of art over others? In what ways? What is your favourite piece of art? What draws you to this?
  2. Have you ever created something that you think is artwork?
  3. What process did you use to do this, and how did you feel about the result?
  4. In what ways are you or are you not an artist?
  1. If you had a week to travel out of your native country and an endless supply of money, where would you want to go, and how would you get there?
  2. Would you travel alone, with a few people, or with many people? Why?
  3. What are the top three things you would do in each place and why?
  4. What does your travel style say about your personality?
  1. Films can be used to highlight problems in society. What films have you seen that are about social problems?
  2. What problems did the films present?
  3. Does this method help to bring attention to these problems and offer ways to fix them?
  4. Give an example of how a film has influenced your thoughts on problems in your society.
  1. The way people decorate their rooms usually says something about their personality.
  2. Give a brief description of your room.
  3. What do you think your room says about your personality?
  4. How important is the decoration of your room to you?
  1. You are starting your own band.
  2. What kind of music would you play? Why?
  3. Who would be in your band? What instruments would they play?
  4. What would your songs be about?
  1. Many people consider themselves to be artists.
  2. What is an artist? Why do you think so?
  3. How do artists and their art influence society?
  4. Who is your favourite artist? Why?
  1. Your best friend is having a birthday soon. You are going to plan a surprise party.
  2. Whom would you invite and why?
  3. Describe the party's theme and decorations.
  4. What kinds of food and entertainment will you prepare? Why?
  1. Transportation is very important for the modern economy. However, the increase in traffic has led to an increase in air and water pollution.
  2. What might be done in the area of transportation to decrease pollution?
  3. What effect might this have on the economy?
  4. Do you think a cleaner environment, but worse economy, is OK? Why or why not?
  1. Internet is an important part of young people’s lives.
  2. What are the ways teenagers use internet today?
  3. Can internet be helpful for teenagers?
  4. In your opinion, how can teenagers become addicted to life online?
  1. What do you believe are the most popular free time activities among youth today in Ukraine?
  2. Why do you believe they are so popular?
  3. Are these activities beneficial to Ukraine’s youth as a whole?
  4. What are some constructive free time activities that can help your society?
  1. You have the opportunity to travel to any one time and place in history.
  2. Where and when would you travel?
  3. Why do you choose that time and place above all others?
  4. How would your knowledge of that time and place affect your visit to the past?
  1. There are many advantages to playing sports. Many people believe that it is very important to win each time you play.
  2. Do you believe that this is the case in sporting events? Why or why not?
  3. What advantages and disadvantages are there to playing a sport?
  4. What areas of one's character could sports affect in a good or bad way and how?

Speaking Comprehension

10th Form

  1. List the for and against of doing sports. The sports activities at your school or sports club.Giveyourreasons.
  2. Being an only child has more disadvantages than advantages. Give your reasons.

3. A good education is a necessity in the modern world. Give your reasons.

4. What affects our personality? Give your reasons.

5. What books did you use to read when you were eight? Tell about your tastes now.

6. Have you ever tried to touch with an old friend of your childhood? Why? Did you succeed? Give your reasons.

7. Do you speak differently when you are with different people? Who with? When? Give your reasons.

8. What qualities are very important for those who want to become successful in their lives?

9. Is it necessary to get higher education if you want to become a tour guide? Give your reasons.

10. Talk about advantages and disadvantages of being a policeman. Give your reasons.

11. What’s the difference between education in the Internet and at school? Give your reasons.

  1. What type of school would you choose for your future child? Why? Give your reasons.
  1. Ukrainian hospitality is famous all over the world. Pros and cons. Give your reasons.
  1. You have opened an English restaurant in your town. Is it successful or not? Giveyourreasons.
  2. “One man’s meat is another man’s poison” – one English proverb says. Do you agree? Give your reasons.
  3. Share about your favorite Websites and explain why you like them. Give your reasons.
  1. Do you agree with the claim that email has become the principal way of communication among people? Can you think of any disadvantages of e-mails? Give your reasons.
  2. Explain the statement “If every person swept their own doorsteps, the city would soon be clean. Give your reasons.
  1. Describe the most terrible weather you have ever experienced. Give your reasons.

20. Art brings people up and makes them more humane and kinder. Give arguments.

Speaking 11th Form

1.Cigarettes and smoking should be banned.

  • Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  • How will forbidding smoking help or hurt your country?
  • With whom would this be a popular/unpopular choice?

2.Our world changes quickly and new trends occur frequently. This is especially true for professions.

  • Which job areas have become the most important in the last twenty years?
  • What will be the most important jobs in the next twenty years?
  • Does this affect your decision-making process for your future studies?

3.Often we can identify a culture through its traditional and popular music.

  • Is one country's music better than another's?
  • Is there good and bad music? Explain you answer.
  • How does your country’s music reflect its culture?

4.Do you believe that the majority of youth in Ukraine prefers watching TV and surfing the Net more than reading?

  • What benefits, if any, does reading provide that watching TV and surfing the Net do not?
  • Should reading be encouraged more among youth? By whom? How?
  • What are the positive and negative aspects of acquiring information from TV, the Internet and books?

5.Do humans have a responsibility to care for the environment and other living creatures?

  • What are the consequences, bad and good, of your belief?
  • What kinds of problems have humans already caused by disregarding the environment?
  • How can people take care of the environment and animals?

6.Everyone has problems in their life that they need or want to solve.

  • What are some different ways to solve problems? Which do you prefer?
  • Is it always important to get advice from friends and family? Why?
  • How and where can you learn new ways or strategies to solve problems?

7.It is the year 2026. Where do you see yourself both professionally and emotionally?

  • What would you like to have seen accomplished? Why?
  • Describe the steps you will take to reach your goals.
  • Where would you like to be living? Why?

8.If you could either live in Kyiv or a small town in the Carpathians for the rest of your life where would you choose and why?

  • How would your choice affect your future career?
  • Compare your choice with where you live now. Will your life be different or the same?
  • Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of your choice.

9.Do you think the private lives of celebrities should be open to the public?

  • Why is the public interested in the lives of the famous?
  • How would you feel if the press investigated your private life?
  • Would you like to know more about the life of a particular celebrity? Why?

10.Do you think a universal language would be useful for modern life?

  • Which language would you suggest as the common language?
  • What are the disadvantages of having a universal language?
  • How do you think knowing more than one language can affect your life?

11.Extreme Sports such as skydiving, mountain climbing, and bungee jumping are very popular, but also very dangerous. What is so appealing about these sports that people will risk their lives to do them?

  • Is there an extreme sport you want to try and/or one you don’t? Which one(s) and why?
  • How would your family react to you doing an extreme sport?
  • If you were going to try an extreme sport, what precautions would you take?

12.You have been chosen to speak at a conference for teachers about what a student wants in a teacher.

  • What would you say to the teachers? What, in your opinion, makes a good teacher?
  • Is it important for a teacher to know a student’s opinion? Why?
  • Tell about one teacher who has been influential for you. How?

13.Learning a language is a long and sometimes frustrating process. Although for some people it is actually quite simple and they learn it quickly. Are you one of these people?

  • How much work do you put into learning a language?
  • Why do you think some people learn English and others don’t?
  • What advice can you give to someone who is having trouble learning a language?

14.Women’s role in society has come a long way over the last few hundred years in many different countries.

•In what ways has women’s status improved in recent years?

•What inequalities still exist?

•What are the perceptions of women compared to men in your country?

15.A teenager’s life can often be more difficult than their parents suspect.

•What real problems do teenagers face today?

•What can you say about generational gaps between you and your parents?

•Do you feel that teenagers need to show more respect to older generations? Why?

16.Everyone has his or her own set of priorities or a list of things that he or she considers more important than other things.

•What is most important to you in your life?

•What made you decide upon your list of priorities?

•Do you think priorities change over time? Why?

17.Many people are afraid of heights, flying, the dark, wild animals, ghosts, etc. In what ways are people affected by fear? When does fear become a serious problem?

•Where do you think these fears come from? What can help people with their fears?

•Tell about a time when you were really scared of something and how you dealt with it.

•What advice would you give someone who was incredibly afraid of something?

18.Sports are played and televised all over the world. People pay huge sums of money to attend events or see their favorite teams or games. Sports obviously have a universal appeal.

•Talk about one sport describing: how it is played, what are its most important rules, and what equipment is necessary for playing it.

•What attracts people to this sport? What are its most exciting moments?