Cottage Grove High School
Miscellaneous Information
August 15, 2017
Lindsay Laycock – Athletics (Work 7:30am - 4:00pm, Lunch 12:30pm-1:30pm)
Accounting for Student Body and Staff Accounts (Includes receipting money, paying bills, and reconciliations)
Athletic Grade Checks
Athletic Passes
Athletic Registration
Athletic Reserved Seats for Football
Athletic Rosters
Athletic Signups
Awards for Athletics and Activities
Coaching Staff Support
Fines/Fine Letters
Hall of Fame
Student Body Cards
Student Insurance
Train/Supervise Student Treasurers
Vehicle Registrations – Back Up to James Berry
Kathie Flagg – Registrar (Work 7:00am - 3:30pm, Lunch 12:30-1:30pm)
Authorized to call in cases regarding support for Pentamation
Enroll and Withdraw Students
File and Transcript storage
Lost & Found
Maintain Home Access Center (HAC)
Maintain Transcript data
Master Schedule
Monitor Health Room and dispense medications in the absence of the Nurse
Official transcripts/immunizations to various colleges and universities
State Reporting
Print & Mail Report Cards and Interim Progress Reports
Supply leadership with reports
Teacher Access Center downloads and maintenance
Testing information transferred to transcripts (ACT, PSAT, SAT and Essential Skills on transcripts)
Transcribe and Maintain Records
Alyssa Eggen – Attendance (Work 7:00am -3:30pm, Lunch 11:30am-12:30pm)
Attendance Reports
10 day drop letters
Admit Slips
Athletic Attendance
Back-up Kathie Flagg in Health Room
Behavioral Tracking and Correspondence
Request homework for suspended/expelled students
Daily Attendance
Discipline Report
Grades – Collect a hard copy of teachers grades at the end of each trimester
Guest Passes
Loiter/Trespass Letters & Lists
Off Campus Passes
Office Aides
Request homework for suspended/expelled students
Student Data Forms
Suspension Notifications
Truancy Letters
Lisa Thoms – Office Mgr. (Work 7:30am - 4pm, Lunch 11:30-12:30pm)
Athletic and District Purchase Orders
Back-up Alyssa Eggen in Health Room
Bell/Time Schedules
Business Practicum Students
Copy Machines
Friday Updates
Maintain Employee Files
Monthly Calendars
Parent E-mail Lists
Picture Distribution
Reader Board
Student/Parent, Staff and Emergency Handbooks
Student/Staff Accident Reports
Website - Updates
Work Orders
James Berry – Campus Security (Work 7:15am – 3:45pm, Lunch 12:50-1:20pm)
Campus Supervision
Focus Room
Guest passes for dances
In-School Suspension
Processing and Delivering Minor Discipline Referrals
Safety Team Coordinator
Vehicle Registration
All accidents, staff or student, must be reported regardless of the severity within 24 hours. Accident forms are available in the main office. The supervisor in charge is responsible for completing a form if a student gets injured. Also, if a staff member has an accident that requires medical attention an additional form 801 must be completed along with a packet of information that must be taken to the doctor with you. Please exercise a pro-active approach and be extremely safety conscious.
Daily announcements will be read by students at the beginning of 4th period on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and at the beginning of 5th period on Wednesdays. Announcements will be posted on our website. Announcements will be e-mailed to all staff and a copy will be posted in the commons area and on the bulletin board in the main office.
Announcement requests are due in the main office by 3:30pm to run the following day with the exception of athletic or evening activities to post results. All announcements received after the 3:30pm deadline may be delayed by a day.
We are obligated as school district employees to report any possible child abuse whenever you believe that a child with whom you come into contact, either on or off the job, has suffered abuse. If it is during school, report your findings to an administrator. There is a form on file in the office to document your report. The form must be submitted to an administrator and DSC for your protection.
Teachers have access to a risograph and xerox copy machines in the copy center in the front entry of the Health Center. James Berry will be assigned an aide who will assist teachers with their copy needs. Only students in designated roles are allowed to use the copy machines. Copy request forms are available in the copy center. Please fill out the form completely and return to the copy center. Copy paper will be provided in the copy machines. The risograph machine should be used whenever possible or when 50 or more copies are being made. If you need less than 50 copies, please DO NOT use the risograph.
See Lisa for your ID number or color copy access.
Thunderbird and webmail are e-mail services used for communicating to staff.
Employee Access Center (EAC) is an online application that allows employees to access their own payroll and leave history as well as their personnel information. The information that can be accessed from EAC includes:
ü Employee Information (address and contact information)
ü Salary and Benefits
ü Leave Information
ü Payroll Check History
ü Tax Information including W2’s
ü Deductions and Benefits
To log on, your user ID is your employee number. If you haven’t already changed your password, your temporary password is your social security number-no dashes.
You can log into EAC from any computer by linking to the following address:
At times you may get requests for information about students. Please remember that student records are protected by Federal Law and we only give out information about students to appropriate individuals identified by Law. It is not legal to post grades by student name or any method that allows other students to figure out which grade belongs to which student, including alphabetically by student #. Please post all grades sorted by score and using student #. If you have a question, see Mr. Ingman.
The high school has $2000.00 allotment for instructional field trips. Field trips are funded at 70% by the district and 30% of the field trip cost MUST be paid from your department or another source. It is recommended that you estimate trip costs prior to scheduling for department head approval if you plan to us your department money to fund the 30%. The charge is $18.25 per hour for the driver and .55 a mile for mileage. Bus requests must be submitted online. See your department head if you need help with this process. All requests will be submitted to Lisa for Mike’s final approval.
Please complete the field trip check-off form that must be completed for all field trips. In addition, the staff member in charge of the field trip must have a permission form signed by a parent/guardian for each student attending the activity. All out-of-state travel must have prior board approval. Such approval is predicated on an acceptable plan for travel arrangements, parental involvement, orientation of students and supervisors and support of the appropriate administrator. Before leaving on your field trip, a list of student names MUST be submitted to Alyssa in attendance.
When a student is dropped or withdrawn, fines for books, materials or unpaid fees need to be submitted to Lindsay Laycock within a week so that a letter can be mailed home. If you wait until the end of the year,we will probably not be able to collect the items or money.
District foodservice has party deals available if you would like to plan a special party. Contact Monica Yoss at the district office for planning purposes. If you suspect a student is not getting proper nutrition, is homeless or having family difficulties, please bring this to an administrator’s attention. It is possible they may qualify for our free/reduced lunch/breakfast program. “This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”
If you have information you need to share with staff, get information to Lisa by 10:00am on Friday.
Brandi Baker-Rudicel is the Homeless Liaison for our district. We are all her eyes and ears here at school. If you know of a student parenting themselves, living on their own, couch hopping, or living on the edge with little or no resources, please make Brandi aware. You can contact her by phone at (541) 942-2104 or email .
Open Enrollment for the 2017-2018 plan year has begun and will need to be completed by September 9th. Enrollment is mandatory and needs to be completed by September 8th. Everyone should have received an e-mail and a packet in the mail with enrollment guidelines to help you make your benefit plan selections. If you didn’t receive this information or have questions, please contact Tracy Ollivant (541) 942-3381, Ext. 114 or Tami Bush (541) 942-3381, Ext. 117.
It is important that we have a current inventory of equipment and supplies in your area. A copy of the current inventory on file for your room and a new blank form will be distributed. Please update your inventory and return to Lisa by Friday, September 29, 2017.
Jeff Wright the district courier will pick up mail daily. He will be here around 2-3pm each day. Please DO NOT put personal or Lane ESD mail in the blue courier tub in the main office. All CGHS and courier mail go in the blue tub in the cupboard closest to Mike’s office (right side), under the mailboxes. The Lane ESD gray mail tub is located in the same cupboard on the left. Remember to use Lane ESD for all Lane, South Lane, LCC and U of O deliveries.
All bulk mailings must be approved by Mr. Ingman and paid out of your department money. See Lisa for processing. We must give DSC at least a two-day notice prior to mailing.
See Lisa for instructions to mail a package UPS. Costs will get charged to individual budgets.
Please check your mailbox daily for time sensitive material.
There is a red Emergency Handbook along with MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) handbooks located in the cupboards below the mailboxes in the main office, 2nd from right. It is essential that all staff be familiar with these handbooks and their location. MSDS forms provide information about chemicals or potentially hazardous substances such as art and science supplies that are in our school.
After school hours on Friday will be designated as a no meeting time for staff except in cases of an emergency. Teachers will have this time to conclude the week’s activities and to plan and prepare for the next week. Staff meetings, IEP’s and other building meetings will not be scheduled during this time.
Cindy Sustaire is our school nurse. Cindy will be here Mondays, Thursdays from 7:30 am-3:30 pm and every other Wednesday. This schedule is subject to change. She will be available to assist students with medical needs on these days only, but students do not necessarily need to miss class to see the nurse. The health room will NOT be staffed Tuesday, Friday and every other Wednesday. Kathie Flagg (phone ext. 133) will be the back-up to handle medication distribution and emergency situations. You can call Alyssa Eggen (phone ext. 132) if Kathie isn’t available. On days that Cindy is not in the building, please DO NOT send students to the health room. If you feel a student is really not feeling well and may need to go home, have them call from your classroom and transfer the parent/guardian to Mrs. Eggen, Ext. 132 for verification.
Office Assistants willdeliver messages and pick up attendance sheets for subs sometime during the 1st 10 minutes of the period. They will also make a 2nd delivery the last 10 minutes of the period. We will try to keep disruptions to a minimum, but there may be other times students are needed by administration.
All staff members must obtain a parking permit from Mr. Berry to be displayed on the front windshield or rear view mirror.
Payroll is due to district office by the 15th of each month unless requested earlier by district. Payday is on the 25th of each month unless the 25th falls on a weekend or holiday. If the 25th falls on Saturday, payday will be on Friday prior and if the 25th falls on a Sunday, payday will be on the following Monday. Pay vouchers are sent to your e-mail. If you have any problems or questions, contact Tami Bush at DSC.
We must have a personnel emergency information sheet on file for all staff members. We need to have a completed form for Teachers, Student Teachers, EA’s, Secretaries, Custodians, Cooks and any Specialist that spend time in our building. New staff members will be given a form to complete. Returning staff members, please see Lisa if you need to update your form.
Phones will be answered by our business practicum students each period of the school day. Let Lisa know if you have any problems getting messages. Long distance access codes are established for all staff members for tracking purposes. Long distant phone calls should NOT be made from school unless they are school related. If you are in doubt, check with an administrator. See Lisa for long distance calling instructions and your code.
Please DO NOT change the password for your voice mail access. Your password needs to stay the same as your extension number. Our phone system has a few flaws and we are unable to default password settings. This presents a problem when someone leaves or forgets their password. Leaving your password the same as your extension number eliminates future complications.
Progress reports will be completed on 9/29, 10/12, 11/9, 1/12, 2/2, 2/23, 4/13, 5/4 and 5/25 and available for parents to view in Home Access Center (HAC). On 2/2 and 5/4 progress reports will be mailed home. Final grades will also be done by teachers through TAC (Teacher Access Center) at the end of each term and available for parents to view in HAC.
A purchase order request form must be filled out completely and turned in to Lisa. The forms are located in the 2nd set of cupboards from the left under the mailboxes in the main office. Please be sure to write any special requests on the order; fax order, confirming order, etc. to ensure quick, accurate processing. Please include shipping costs with your order. All PO’s must be signed by your department head.