SAT/ACT College Prep – Vocab Quiz Terms and Dates

Quiz # 1 – Jan 18/19

1. abate - to reduce in amount, degree, or intensity

2. aplomb - self-confident assurance; poise

3. avarice - greed

4. brevity - briefness

5. dogmatic - characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles

6. drab - faded or dull in appearance

7. egalitarian - characterized by a belief in equal political, economic, social, and civil rights for all people

8. empirical - guided by practical experience and not theory; relying on information derived from observation or experiment

9. feign - to give a false appearance

10. frugal - stingy; unwilling to expend financial resources; thrifty

11. furtive - sneaky; characterized by stealth

12. implacable - impossible to appease or calm down

13. jaded - weary; cynical; spiritless

14. mollify - to calm in temper or feeling; soothe

15. nominal - existing in name only

16. nuance - a subtle or slight degree of difference

17. olfactory - relating to the sense of smell

18. orthodox - adhering to what is traditional

19. perfidy - deliberate breach of trust; treachery

20. pertinent - having logical, precise relevance to the matter at hand

21. plausible - seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable; credible

22. quixotic - idealistic without regard to practicality

23. refute - to prove to be false or erroneous; overthrow an argument by proof

24. self-effacing - not drawing attention to oneself; modest

25. slovenly - untidy as in dress or appearance

26. taciturn - untalkative; silent; shy

27. ubiquitous - omnipresent

28. urbane - polite, refined, and elegant in manner or style

29. vitriolic - bitterly scathing; caustic

30. zeal - enthusiastic and unyielding devotion to a cause

Quiz 2 – Feb 1/2

  1. abstruse – difficult to understand
  2. acolyte – a devoted, zealous follower
  3. polemic – a controversial argument, particularly one refuting a particular doctrine or belief
  4. platitude – a trite or banal remark or statement, especially one made as if it were original or significant
  5. complacent – content; self-satisfied; unmotivated due to success
  6. dilapidated – in a state of ruin or disrepair; falling apart
  7. allusion – an indirect reference
  8. austere – somber and grave
  9. onerous – burdensome
  10. maladroit – inept; clumsy
  11. inhibit – to prevent an occurrence
  12. unorthodox – breaking with tradition, convention, or accepted practice
  13. mellifluous – flowing with sweetness or honey; smooth and sweet
  14. innocuous – benign; harmless; having no adverse effect
  15. inert – unable to move or act; sluggish in action or motion
  16. licentious – lacking moral discipline or restraint, especially in sexual conduct
  17. soporific – sleep inducing
  18. stigmatize – to characterize or brand as ignominious or disgraceful
  19. prescience – foresight; knowledge of actions before they occur
  20. quagmire – a difficult or impossible situation, hard to extricate from
  21. pedantic – concern for book learning or formal rules
  22. perplex – to confuse or fill with confusion or doubt
  23. incite – to provoke or urge on
  24. pristine – remaining in a pure or untouched state
  25. esoteric – intended for or understood by a small or exclusive group
  26. ambiguous – open to more than one interpretation
  27. ambivalent – vacillating between two different or opposing choices
  28. oblique – devious and misleading
  29. convivial – fond of feasting or drinking; sociable
  30. fortuitous – happening by accident or chance

Quiz 3 – Feb 15/16

  1. abhorrent – repulsive; repugnant; loathsome
  2. abrupt – unexpectedly sudden
  3. apt – exactly suitable
  4. autonomy – independence
  5. bane – a cause of death, destruction, or ruin
  6. brash – hasty or unthinking; impetuous
  7. chasten – to correct by punishment or reproof; take to task
  8. cogent – appealing to intellect or powers of reasoning
  9. convey – to take or carry from one place to another; to communicate or impart
  10. deficient – inadequate
  11. denounce – to condemn openly as being evil or reprehensible
  12. devour – to eat up greedily
  13. dissolute – lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual pleasures or vices
  14. endorse – to give approval to; to condone or sanction
  15. finite – having bounds; limited
  16. fledgling – a young or inexperienced person
  17. implicit – implied or understood though not directly expressed
  18. inane – lacking sense or substance
  19. juxtapose – to place side by side for the purpose of comparing
  20. jocular – characterized by joking
  21. lugubrious – mournful; gloomy; esp in an exaggerated way
  22. manifold – many and varied; of many kinds
  23. manifest – to make something clearly apparent to the sight or understanding
  24. nebulous – cloudy, misty, or hazy
  25. ostracize – to exclude from a group
  26. pluralism – a condition of society in which numerous distinct ethnic, religious, or cultural groups coexist within one nation.
  27. pathos – the use of emotion for persuasive purposes
  28. prolific – producing abundant works or results
  29. retract – to take back or withdraw a formal statement
  30. rancor – bitter and long-lasting resentment

Quiz 4 – March 1/2

  1. acclaim – to praise enthusiastically
  2. acumen – keenness of judgement or insight
  3. arcane – known or understood by only a few
  4. cerebral – appealing to or requiring the use of intellect
  5. chagrin – annoyance or embarrassment caused by failure or disappointment
  6. caustic – bitter, corrosive; causing a burning sensation
  7. largesse – liberality in bestowing gifts, often in a condescending or elitist manner
  8. myriad – composed of numerous diverse elements or facets
  9. misanthrope – one who hates or distrusts mankind
  10. rebuke – to criticize or reprove sharply
  11. plaintive – expressing sorrow; mournful or melancholy
  12. solicitous – full of desire; eager
  13. presumptuous – going beyond what is proper; excessively bold or forward
  14. prodigious – impressively great in size, force, or extent
  15. tactile – perceptible to the sense of touch
  16. tenuous – having little substance; flimsy
  17. retort – to reply in a quick, caustic, or witty manner
  18. resplendent – brilliant; dazzling
  19. toady – a flatterer; sycophant; henchman
  20. vindicate – to justify or prove the worth of, especially in the light of later developments
  21. stymie – to act as an obstacle or obstruction
  22. subtle – not immediately obvious
  23. subjective – particular to a given person; based on personal opinion; biased
  24. vignettes – brief descriptive sketches; short stories; anecdotes
  25. surrogate – one who takes the place of another
  26. surreptitious – secretive; stealthy; sneaky
  27. succinct – clear, precise, not using excess wordiness
  28. unequivocal – admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; clear and unambiguous
  29. hackneyed – overused; cliché; trite
  30. galling – vexing; disturbing; shocking

Quiz 5 – March 22/23

  1. acerbic – sour or bitter in tone or character; stinging
  2. adroit – skillful; adept
  3. aesthetic – beautiful in an outward, physical way
  4. aloof – reserved; remote; inattentive
  5. belligerent – hostile or aggressive
  6. bombastic – pompous and arrogant in speech or writing
  7. boon – a benefit; windfall
  8. charismatic – possessing personal magnetism or charm
  9. capricious - characterized by or subject to whim; impulsive and unpredictable
  10. chicanery – deception by trickery or sophistry
  11. contrite – feeling regret and sorrow for one’s sins or offenses; penitent
  12. decorum – appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety
  13. dichotomy – division into two usually contradictory parts or opinions
  14. digress – to get off topic
  15. epitome – a representative or an example of a class or type
  16. empathy – identification with and understanding of another’s situation, feelings, motives
  17. elicit – to bring or draw out
  18. duplicity – deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech
  19. fathom – to penetrate to the meaning or nature of; to comprehend
  20. hamper – to prevent the free movement, action, or progress of
  21. hyperbole – deliberate exaggeration used for emphasis or effect
  22. indignation – strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting
  23. jovial – cheery; convivial; good-nature
  24. neophyte – a recent convert to a belief; a noob
  25. niche – a situation or an activity specially suited to a person’s particular interests or abilities
  26. opaque – impenetrable by light; impossible to fathom or understand
  27. parody – intentional mockery
  28. proficient – marked by an advanced degree of competence
  29. usurp – to take power by force
  30. verbose – talkative; wordy

Quiz 6 – April 5/6

  1. maritime – of, relating to, or adjacent to the sea
  2. insolent – rude and disrespectful
  3. insidious – working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy manner
  4. overwrought – excessively nervous or excited; agitated
  5. paradox – a contradictory statement or situation that must still be true
  6. utilitarian – practical; stressing usefulness over other values
  7. veracity – truthfulness
  8. evocative – tending or having the power to draw forth or bring out something latent or hidden
  9. strident – loud, harsh; discordant
  10. relinquish – to give up or abandon
  11. reticent – shy
  12. risqué – suggestive of or bordering on impropriety and sexuality
  13. redress – to set right; remedy
  14. precept – a rule or principle prescribing a course of action or conduct
  15. plethora – an abundance
  16. panache – dash; verve; liveliness; flair
  17. ornate – elaborately decorated
  18. malaise – a vague feeling of discomfort, like the beginning of an illness
  19. malleable – easily changed and controlled by other forces
  20. interloper – one who interferes with the affairs of others; a meddler
  21. gist – the central idea; the essence
  22. havoc – widespread destruction
  23. histrionic – excessively dramatic or emotional
  24. galvanize – to spur to action
  25. enigma – something that is puzzling, ambiguous, mysterious, or inexplicable
  26. exonerate – to free from a responsibility, obligation, or task
  27. ethereal – intangible; characterized by lightness
  28. exemplary – worthy of imitation
  29. discern – to perceive with the eyes or intellect; detect
  30. prototype – an original form or instance that serves as a model on which later stages are based or judged

Quiz 7 – April 19/20

  1. Pliable – receptive to change; adaptable
  2. acrimonious – bitter and sharp in language or tone; rancorous
  3. anecdote – a short account of an interesting or humorous event
  4. arduous – difficult
  5. condescending – having patronizingly superior behavior or attitude; looking down on others
  6. copious – large in number; abundant
  7. deft – skillful
  8. derisive – mocking; jeering
  9. emphatic – forceful or definite in expression or action
  10. ennui – boredom
  11. enthrall – to hold spellbound; captivate
  12. flourish – to grow well or luxuriantly; to thrive; to make bold, sweeping movements
  13. fluctuate – to vary irregularly
  14. idyllic – simple and carefree; perfect
  15. innuendo – an indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression; an insinuation
  16. judicious – sound and unbiased in judgement; objective
  17. loquacious – talkative; verbose
  18. malicious – deliberately harmful; sinister
  19. meticulous – extremely careful and precise
  20. ostracize – to exclude from a group
  21. parity – sameness; equivalence
  22. pensive – deeply thoughtful
  23. petulant – unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; peevish
  24. sycophant – one who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people
  25. tactless – bluntly inconsiderate or indiscreet
  26. tenacious – holding persistently to something, such as point of view or faith
  27. trepidation – fear
  28. gloat – to feel or express great, often malicious, pleasure or self-satisfaction
  29. indelible – impossible to remove or erase; permanent
  30. inevitable – impossible to avoid or prevent

Quiz 8 – Latin Prefixes– May ¾

Prefix / Meaning / Examples
A- / not, without / amoral,APATHY,ANOMALY
AB-, ABS- / away from, off, apart / abrupt,ABSCOND,ABSTRACT
AD-, AC-, AN-, AS- / toward, against / advent, accurate,ANNOTATE, assent
AMBI-, AMB- / around, about, on both sides / AMBIGUOUS,AMBIVALENT
ANTE- / before, in front of, early / antecede, antedate, antebellum
ARCH / main, chief / archangel, archbishop, archenemy
BI- / two / bifurcate, biannually
BENE- / well / BENEFACTOR, benefit, beneficial
CIRCUM-, CIRA- / around, about / circumflex, circumference, circa
CIS- / on this side of / cislunar, cisalpine
CON- / with, together / concur, concede,CONSCRIPT
COM-, COR-, COL- / together, with, very / COMPRISE, corrode, colleteral
CONTRA- / against / contradict, controversy, contravene
COUNTER- / against / counterfeit, counterclockwise
DE- / down, down from, off, utterly / deformed, defoliate, descend, depress
DEMI- / half, partly belongs to / demisemiquaver, demigod
DIS-, DI-, DIF- / apart, in different directions / DIGRESS, divorce, dispute,DISCERN
DU-, DUO- / two / duet, duplicate
EM- EN- / in, into / embrace, enclose
EX-, E-, EF-, EC- / out, out of, from, away / EXTOL, event, expel, evade,ELUCIDATE
EXTRA-,EXTRO- / outside of, beyond / extraordinary, extrovert,EXTRAPOLATE
FORE / before / forestall, forgo, forebear
IN-, I-, IL-, IM-, IR- / in, into, on, toward, put into, / incision, impel, impulse, irrigate,
not, lacking, without / illegal, ignominious, impure, immoral,
(same as above) / immodest, indecent,INCOHERENT
INDU-, INDI- / a strengthened form of IN- / indigent
INFRA- / below, beneath, inferior to,after / infrared, infrasonic
INTER-, INTEL- / among, between, at intervals / intercede, intercept, intellect
INTRA- / in, within, inside of / intramural, intravenous
INTRO- / in, into, within / introduce, introspective
JUXTA / near, beside / juxtapose, juxtaposition
MAL-, MALE- / evil, badly / malformed, malicious, malaise, maladroit
MEDI-, MEDIO- / middle / median, mediocre
MILLI-, MILLE- / thousand / millennium, millimeter
MULTI-, MULTUS- / much, many / multifaceted, multiply, multilevel
NE- / not / neuter,NEUTRAL
NON- / not (less emphatic than IN or UN) / nonresident, nonconformity
NUL-, NULL- / none, not any / nullify, nullification
OB-, OF-, OC-, / toward, against, across, down, for / oblong,OBDURATE, offer, occasion, occur
OP-, O- / toward, against, across, down, for / oppose, opposite, omit, offer
OMNI- / all, everywhere / omniscient, omnivorous
PED-, PEDI- / foot / pedestrian, pedicure
PER-, PEL- / through, by, thoroughly, away / PERMEATE, perfidy, pellucid
POST- / behind, after (in time or place) / postpone, postnatal, postorbital
PRE- / before, early, toward / precedent, precept, preposition
PRO-, PUR- / before, for, forth / proceed, purport, pursue,PROLONG
QUADRI-, QUADR- / four times, four fold / quadriceps, quadrisect, quadrangle
RE-, RED- / back, again, against, behind / repel,RELEGATE, redeem, redemption
RETRO- / backwards, behind / retrogressive, retrofit, retrograde
SE-, SED- / aside, apart, away from / secure, seduce, seclude, sedition, select
SEMI- / half / semicircle, semiprivate
SINE / without / sinecure
SUB-, SUC-, SUF- / under, beneath, inferior, / suffer,SUBMISSIVE, succumb,
SUG-, SUM-, SUP- / less than, in place of, secretly / suggest, subtract, suffuse, support
SUR-, SUS- / (same as above meanings) / suspend, surplus
SUBTER- / beneath, secretly / subterfuge
SUPER-, SUPRA- / over, above, excessively / SUPERFICIAL, SUPERCILIOUS
SUR- / over, above, excessively / surcharge, surtax, surplus, surrealism
TRANS-, TRA- / across, over, beyond, through / transoceanic, transgression, transit, transition
TRI- / three / triangle, triceps
ULTRA- / beyond, on other side / ultrasound, ultraconservative
UN- (Old English) / no, not, without / unabashed, unashamed

Quiz 9 – Latin Suffixes – May 17/18

Suffix / Meaning / Examples
-ABLE, -ABLY / able to, capable of being. / unalienable, insuperable
-ACY / state or quality of being / intricacy, democracy
-AGE / belonging to, related to / marriage, acreage, postage
-AL / pertaining to, act of / infinitesimal,EPHEMERAL
-ANA / sayings, writtings, facts of / Americana
-AN, -ANT, -ENT / one who is / charlatan, blatant, strident
-ANCE / act of, state of being, thing that / ABEYANCE
-ARY / belonging to, a relation to. / hereditary, subsidiary
-ATE / having / alienate, incarnate, insensate
-ATION, -ITION / the act of, result of / alteration, compilation, nutrition
-AR / relating to, like; the nature of / singular, polar, vicar, scholar
-BULUM, -BLE / means, instrument, place / fable, stable
-CIDE, -CIDAL / killer; having power to kill / insecticide, suicidal
-CRAT, -CRACY / to govern / bureaucracy, plutocracy
-CULUM, -CLE / means, instrument, place / curriculum, fulcrum
-EN / to become, or cause to be / darken, weaken
-ENCE / act, fact, quality, state / conference, excellence, despondence
-ENCY / state of being / clemency, dependency
-ER, -OR / one who / interlocutor, volunteer
-ENT / has, shows, or does / circumvent,INADVERTENT
-ERY, -RY / a place to/for; occupation of / tannery, vinery, dentistry, jewelry
-ESCE / becoming / obsolescent,COALESCE
-FY / to make, cause to be, or become / CLARIFY, horrify
-HOOD / state, quality; group of / childhood, priesthood
-IAN / belonging to, a relation to / vulgarian, plebian
-IER / a person concerned with / soldier
-IBLE / able to be. / susceptible, flexible
-ICE / state or quality of being / avarice
-IL, -ILE / having to do with / docil, missile, civil, fossil
-ION / the act or result of, one who / legion, opinion
-IUM, -Y, -CE, -GE / the act of / colloquium, colloquy, refuge
-CIUM, -TIUM, -GIUM / something connected with the act / consortium, compendium
-ISH / of, or belonging to; like / devilish, boyish, foolish, bookish
-IST / a person who does, makes, practices / ALTRUIST, artist
-ITIOUS / having the nature of. / nutritious, seditious
-ITUDE, (-TUDE) / state of being. / verisimilitude, aptitude
-ITY / state, character, condition / ANIMOSITY,stability
-IVE / one who, that which is / pensive,ELUSIVE, deductive
-LESS / (OE) without, lacking. / relentless, tireless
-LIKE / characteristic of; suitable for / manlike, childlike, godlike
-LY / specified manner, extent, direction / harshly, hourly
-MEN / result, or means / acumen, specimen
-MENTUM, -MENT / result, or means of an act / armament, impediment, moment
-NESS / state, quality of being / greatness. sadness
-OON / one who / buffoon
-OR / act, or condition of / error, terror,PRECURSOR
-ORY / relating to, thing which, place where / AMBULATORY, laboratory
-OSE, -OUS / having, full of, characterized by / IMPERVIOUS, unctuous, perilous
-SHIP / quality, condition, state of / fellowship, friendship
-SOME / like, tending to be / tiresome, lonesome
-TION / state of that which / convocation, commotion
-TUDE / state of being / verisimilitude, aptitude
-ULUS, -ULOUS / tending to / CREDULOUS, pendulous
-URE / state or act of / CENSURE, tenure
-UUS, -UOUS / tending to / INNOCUOUS
-VOROUS, -VORE / eating, feeding on / omnivorous, herbivore
-WISE / direction, manner, in regard to / clockwise
-Y / state of being. / nullity,APATHY