Shrewsbury Town Council

Recreation & LeisureCommittee

Meeting held at Guildhall, Frankwell Quay, Shrewsbury

At 6.00pm on Wednesday 12 February 2014

PRESENT – Councillors J Tandy (Chairman, Mrs H Fraser (substituting forA Bannerman), I Jones, M Kenny, P Nutting, Mrs K Owen and K Roberts.

IN ATTENDANCE –Helen Ball (Town Clerk), Gary Farmer (Operations Manager) and Rebecca Oliver (Committee Clerk).

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Mrs B Baker, A Bannerman and K Pardy.


There were no declarations of interest.


The minutes of the Recreation & Leisure Committee meeting held on 11 December 2013 were submitted as circulated and read.


That the minutes of the Recreation & Leisure Committee meeting held on
11 December 2013 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Re Min 43/13 – Place Plan – The Town Clerk confirmed that work is still being done on the Place Plan which will be reviewed in March 2014.

Re Min 39/13 – Christmas Lights– Members were happy to discuss Christmas Lights at the next meeting on 02 April 2014 when it is expected that the favourable tenderers shall give a presentation to this Committee.

Re Min 47/13 – WWl CommemorationsMemorial – Councillor Jones clarified to membersthat the memorial has been requested to remember the eight British soldiers that died in the bus explosion in Ireland in 1988. A memorial has been installed in Ireland too.


(i)Butcher Row Toilets– The Town Clerk reported that all the equipment had now been received to complete this project, the last toilet pans are being fitted and the remaining tiling finished off this week. The snagging process will begin next and by 01 March 2014, the facilities will be open to the public.

(ii)Weeping Cross Depot–The Operations Manager reported that the keys have been received for the new depot. The fire inspection will be carried out next week, the landscaping will be completed when the weather improves and then the painting of the workshops in-house will be carried out before the phased move in. The Operations Manager would be happy to show members around the new premises and it was decided that this would be best later in the year once it is established and staff have settled in.


(i)Shrewsbury Town Council’s Planned Treeworks - The Town Clerk provided an update of the treeworks completed and those outstanding. There are a number of applications for treeworks that have been granted permission and a current application has been submitted for works on a cherry and pear tree in the Dana Gardens. Some of the work has been delayed due to the inclement weather and flooding of numerous sites.

This year 150 standard trees and 7500 whips have been planted plus 29 fruit trees in Primrose Drive. Next year 150 more standard trees and 9000 whips shall be planted.

Some Councillors were concerned that too many whips are being planted which are not managed effectivelyand therefore cause problems once fully grown. They questioned the choice of tree specimens and their appropriateness in some locations. The Town Clerk informed members of the work the Council is carrying out to manage the stock of around 30,000 trees, with the help and expertise of Steven Shields. She assured them this work is progressing but, with such a large tree stock, takes time.

The Town Clerk reported that the large copper beech in Monkmoor that needed removing had been. Where possible, the Town Council manages the tree stock in-house to keep the costs to a minimum. Tenders have gone out for the removal of a cedar tree and various stump grinding jobs.

The Operations Manager reported on number call outs to fallen trees and branches the tree team were that evening attending to. Shrewsbury Town Council staff were assisting Shropshire Council in responding to these calls.

(ii)Resident’s Request To Remove Trees - The Town Council has received a request from a resident in Merlin Road asking that trees be removed to improve signal to her sky dish and to increase the light levels reaching her solar panels. Steven Shields assessed the trees and provided a detailed report concluding that the trees have an economic value and that removing the trees would not significantly increase the light levels reaching the solar panels; the trees were also healthy. His recommendation was to not remove the trees.

This prompted a debate between members with a final vote showing three in favour of keeping the trees, two objecting and one no vote.


That no further action be taken but to act on the recommendation from Steven Shields to not remove the healthy trees.

(iii)Areas for tree/bulb planting - Members are requested to provide a list of locations where they would like trees and bulbs planting this year. Requests must be received by the end of March.


(i)Events in the Quarry 2014 - An updated list of events to be held in the Quarry this year was circulated. It was noted that the 5k Severn Loop race had been cancelled due to the success of the park run which takes place every weekend and involves up to 300 runners.

The Town Clerk ended rumours of Olly Murrs playing in the Quarry this July as he isnot in the country. The Promoter is working hard to find an act for the weekend of 11th – 13th July which is hoped to be resolved by the end of February.

(ii)Quarry Depot Working Group - Notes from the Quarry Depot Working Group (QDWG) were distributed.

The QDWG have viewed the existing facilities including the greenhouse which is structurally unsound and beyond economic repair. The redevelopment could see the Warden’s Lodge upgraded, the toilet facilities revamped, the addition of storage and growing space and potentially the moving of the Queen Mother’s Garden which would be done without losing the quality or respect for the site. The group are working towards a brief of requirements to begin discussions with an architect.

Councillors were keen to maximise the potential of this site and develop a facility that has the potential of driving a revenue stream which will pay for its on-going running costs.

Councillor Jones was fully supportive of the redevelopment and hoped that this development may help the argument for keeping the swimming pool facilities in the town centre.


That the brief be discussed at the Finance and General Purposes Committee to take the project forward.

(iii)Potential Wedding Reception Venue- The Town Clerk has received a request from a member of the public to hold a wedding reception in the Quarry. This highlighted a number of considerations, issues and questions including whether the premises licence would cover weddings, how the security and access would be managed, what parking requirements would be needed, the logistics of erecting marquees, setting up generators for lights etc.

Members were in agreement that currently given the existing facilities this is not possible but is something they would consider in the future.


The minutes from the meeting held on 03 February were circulated. The Town Clerk reported that the likely Britain in Bloom judging date is 30th July but this will not be confirmed until June. The Heart of England in Bloom judging date has been confirmed as 22nd July and will provide a ‘practice’ for the main competition.

The group are considering the programme for this year’s competitions and are keen to include schools and businesses more and possibly include new facilities such as the Music Hall to vary the experience for the judges, who tend to be the same each year.

The Town Clerk informed the SIB committee of the recent inclusion of sponsorship roundabouts on the Valuation Office Business Rate Register and how this could potentially affect the future of Bloom and its sponsors. The discussions are on-going.


(i)Fencing Issues - The Town Clerk sought members views on two fencing issues:

The first is near Kynaston Road Recreation Ground where a Severnside Housing resident removed Shrewsbury Town Council’s fence to park his caravan in his back garden. The fence has since been replaced at the expense of the Council. Members felt the Police should have been involved initially as criminal damage had been caused and want the Town Clerk to pursue the costs from Severnside Housing.


That the Town Clerk writes to Severnside Housing in an attempt to recoup the expenses. If unsuccessful she will return to the committee to consider taking the matter further.

The second fencing issue was at Church Road Recreation Ground where the Town Council had fenced off changing facility to reduce the behaviour problems which were commonplace on this site. Since it has been fenced off, it has highlighted that youths are accessing the Recreation Ground via private residential land and the resident felt this was a matter for the Town Council to resolve.


That the Town Council does not carry out this work as it is an issue the resident must resolve.

(ii)Improvement Works to Footpaths - The works to various footpaths has been put on hold due to flooding. Work will resume when the flood water recedes.

(iii)Croquet Club Update - The Town Clerk updated members on the on-going desire of the Croquet Club to install an electricity supply to their facilities. The Town Clerk has previously advised the club that there would be a requirement to have an independent metred supply to that of the Town Council. The Town Council has looked into alternative solutions for the site including using a generator and tried to resolve the issue. The various costings were discussed and how other clubs are set up and charged. Councillor Kenny said this issue had gone on too long with the Town Council trying to resolve the issue and now it was a matter for the LJC to determine the outstanding funding offer.

(iv)Memorial Bench in Mardol Quay - The Business Chamber has requested that a memorial bench be erected in memory of Graham Gallier, a prominent businessman in Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury Town Council sent the Business Chamber the prices for a memorial bench which lasts for 10 years.

Members were happy to grant permission for the erection of a bench and provide a suitable site but felt it should be paid for by the Business Chamber.


That upon requestShrewsbury Town Council accommodate a bench on an appropriate site for the memorial but make no financial contribution.


Councillor Jones provided an update. The flower beds are ready for the first memorial planting, the notice boards have been ordered with an 8-10 week turnaround. They are still considering what events will take place in August and require PR coverage.

At the group’s request, the Operations Manager was drawing up a trail of the memorials around the town but has since discovered Stan Steadman is putting together a leaflet of a similar trail. He proposed that instead of duplicating the task, the Town Council contributes financially to Stan’s quality guide which would bear the Town Council’s logo. Stan is also seeking funding from Shropshire Council.


That the Operations Manager finds out the costs requested by Mr Sedman for producing his guide and then present his findings to the Finance and General Purposes Committee.

The Operations Manager showed members a wooden poppy template for school children to paint and bear their name before planting it in a designated flowerbed in the Dingle. Councillors were asked to let him know if they were a governor of a school and can help spread the word about this scheme.


That all Councillors who are Governors of a school, make contact with the Operations Manager.


There is currently a rate of 99% occupancy in the Market with a healthy waiting list. Officers have a marketing meeting with Kate Gittins, Site Facilities Manager which will set out the plans for the forthcoming year.


The Town Clerk provided an update on the Hydro-scheme Project at the weir since the appointment of Thames Renewables. The contract has been signed and the first stage of five has been drafted. The Town Clerk will circulate details to local members. The contractor’s scheduled visit to discuss his findings has been delayed due to the flooding.


The Town Clerk updated members about the new Cemetery; the Council was still waiting for a new specification from Shropshire Council to cost out the work.

The Town Clerk and Operations Manager met with Tim Sneddon to discuss how £150k savings could be made. Discussions are positive but Shrewsbury Town Council need to see a five year extension to the Service Level Agreement before they progress discussions. The existing facility on Longden Road will have to cut costs at Shropshire Council’s discretion but Shrewsbury Town Council will only have capacity to do one or the other.



That in accordance with s1(2) Public Bodies (Admission of Meetings) Act 1960, members of the public be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that the following items being considered involve the disclosure of confidential information.

There were no members of the public present.


(i)Floodlighting at Silks Meadow - The Silks Meadow facilities include a bowling green and two grass tennis courts.

I was reported that tenders were far in excess of the initial costings for the project and beyond the outlined budget.


That floodlighting at Silks Meadow not be pursued and the Silks Meadow Bowling Club be notified accordingly

(ii)Lighting in the Market–Tenders have been received for replacement lighting within the Market Hall. They vary from £8k to £21k depending on the renewable elements of the bulbs.


That the tenders be presented to Finance and General Purposes committee for consideration


The Town Clerk provided an update on current discussions and negotiations regarding land development and adoption. No decisions have yet been made.