
Church Office, 279-9270

9th Sunday after Pentecost, July 26, 2015

SettingFive (WOV) blue book

We welcome visitors and ask that you fill out a card found in your pew and place it in the offering plate. Thank You.

VISION STATEMENT: We ring out a joyous message of welcome and togetherness to neighbors near and far through the spirit of Christ.

Prelude & Meditation


Confession and Forgiveness p. 10

The Peace p. 34

HymnPraise to the Lord, the Almighty (LBW) greenbook# 543

Greeting p. 28

Kyrie p. 28

Hymn of Praise p. 29

The Prayer of the Day p. 30

Gracious God, you have placed within the hearts of all your children a longing for your word and a hunger for your truth. Grant that we may know your son to be the true bread of heaven and share this bread with all the world, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen

Children’s Sermon

First Reading: 2 Kings 4:42-44 p.31

Today’s reading is part of a larger section of 2 Kings that describes the miracle of Elisha, the successor to Elijah. Here the prophet gives food to a hungry crowd. Though there is not enough food to go around, Elisha trusts God, who provides enough and even more to satisfy the need.

Psalm 145:10-18p. 286

Second Reading:Ephesians 3:14-21p. 31 We have been rooted and grounded in the love of Christ, which surpasses all human knowledge. Because Christ dwells in our hearts, our lives are continuously strengthened and empowered by the ongoing presence of the Spirit.

Gospel Verse p.31

Gospel: John 6:1-21 p.32

In John’s gospel, the miracles of Jesus are called “signs,” because the reveal the true character of God. As such, they remain within the mystery of God and cannot be brought under human control.


HymnLord, Whose Love in Humble Service (LBW) green book# 423

Apostles’ Creed p. 33

The Prayers p. 34


Offertory p. 34

Offertory Prayer p. 35

The Great Thanksgiving p. 36

Holy, Holy, Holy p. 36

Eucharistic Prayer p. 37

The Lord’s Prayer p. 39

Lamb of God p. 39

We commune by dipping the wafer (intinction). The second cup is grape juice for those who desire.


Post Communion Blessing p. 40

Post Communion Canticle p. 40

Post Communion Prayer p. 41

Benediction p. 41

HymnMay We Your Precepts, Lord, Fulfill (LBW)greenbook #353

Dismissal p. 41


Key to Order of Service

“p.” indicates the page number in the front of the blue With One Voice Book“#” indicates the number of the hymn, not the page number.

WE GIVE THANKS for everyday miracles!

PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS those who cannot be with us. They are Alberta Kreiger, Clarence Newton,Beulah Lockrow, Ken Button, Fran Fiet andJune Boomhower.

WE PRAY FOR: Marion Gardner,JulieAnn Anthony,Marilyn Kahill,Suzanne Alderman,Connie Baker,Cindy Bode, Marlene Brennan, John Grassmann, Nick Cappabianca, Sharon Gully, BethAnn Macey, Michael Gully, Dick Passarelli,Joan Mowers, Beth Brant and her son TJ.

SPECIAL PRAYERSfor allpeople who have served this country and are serving in this country and abroad.

“Caring Connections has provided “Stars for our Troops” on the table in the rear of the sanctuary. If you know or meet a veteran, please feel free to present a veteran (or veterans) with a “Star.” Thank you.”

GILEAD: Listen and Follow Jesus to Share the Way.

Leader: Christ

Ministers: Everyone

Pastor: Deacon Jim Netzer

Minister of Music: Joan Wocher

Psalm Cantor:

Reader: Glenn Hayner

Ushers:Betty Britt and Glenn Hayner

WE WELCOMEand thank Deacon Jim Netzerwho will lead us in worship today.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Allen and Kathleen Sheffer today.


July 30th Body and Soul Pantry 3-5pm

THIS WEEK’S BODY & SOUL request is school supplies.Community Ministry is collecting school supplies to be distributed to the Food Pantry and Tamarac Elementary. Walmart has items on sale NOW! Please pick up composition notebooks, pencils, glue sticks, folders, colored pencils and 24pack crayons.

WEBSITE Please visit Gilead's web site, It is still in progress, but please visit the site. Feedback is welcome. Glenn Hayner, Lou Kurrelmeyer and Eleanor Bode are working together on this project.

MESSENGER articles for September need to be in to Andrea by August 24th. They can be emailed to



July 30th Body and Soul Pantry 3-5pm

THIS WEEK’S BODY & SOUL request is school supplies. Community Ministry is collecting school supplies to be distributed to the Food Pantry and Tamarac Elementary. Walmart has items on sale NOW! Please pick up composition notebooks, pencils, glue sticks, folders, colored pencils and 24pack crayons.

WEBSITE Please visit Gilead's web site, It is still in progress, but please visit the site. Feedback is welcome. Glenn Hayner, Lou Kurrelmeyer and Eleanor Bode are working together on this project.

MESSENGER articles for September need to be in to Andrea by August 24th. They can be emailed to