10 / All necessary aspects are fulfilled (see below). Exceptionally well-written, professional tone.
8 / Clear and complete research question which correctly identifies independent and dependent variables. Hypothesis & explanation make sense and fully explained; references properly cited.
6 / Any of above underdeveloped, erroneous, and/or missing.
4 / Missing more than one part of the necessary aspects.


10 / ALL relevant variables identified and controlled. All necessary aspects are fulfilled (see below).
8 / Most relevant variables identified and controlled. Table is numbered with clear title. Method for controlling variables clear and correct. Explanations for WHY variables important clear, and thorough. Table includes the measurement of the controlled variables.
6 / Most relevant variables identified and controlled. Explanations for how and why underdeveloped.
4 / Missing more than two critical relevant variables.


10 / Exceptionally well-written; reader would not need to make ANY inferences using this procedure.
8 / All specific materials needed are listed. Reader could reliably do lab following this procedure without having to make inferences.
6 / Most materials needed are listed. A few steps are vague or confusing, requiring reader to make inferences if trying to use this procedure. Not specific enough about details.
4 / Missing KEY steps or materials. Could not reliably replicate lab with this methods section.


10 / All necessary aspects are fulfilled (see below). Exceptionally well-formatted, professional appearance.
8 / - All data are recorded accurately & word processed
- Has table number & clear, informative title
- Column & row headings have quantities & units, with proper labels.
- IV/DV are in appropriate columns, trials fitted appropriately.
- Raw data and processed data clearly set apart.
- Quantitative data recorded with appropriate precision.
- When appropriate, both qualitative and quantitative data are included.
6 / All data are recorded, but minor flaws, shortcuts or inconsistencies in table execution. Not computer-generated or word processed.
4 / Missing some data, and/or major flaws in execution make table misleading/incomprehensible.


10 / All necessary aspects are fulfilled (see below). Exceptionally well-formatted, professional appearance.
8 / Graph displays data accurately and scientific conventions observed:
  Has graph number and informative title.
  Is correct type.
  Axes’ labels have quantities & units, with proper labels.
  Axes’ scales are properly spaced.
  Data points occupy at least 80% of graph space.
  A trendline or curve has been “fitted” to data.
  Graph itself is at least half-page in size.
6 / Minor flaws, shortcuts or inconsistencies, poor execution, or omission of one of the above conventions.
4 / Most data not accurately plotted, and/or graph is misleading or incomprehensible due to major flaws in execution. Wrong type of graph. Missing more than one convention above.


10 / All necessary aspects are fulfilled (see below). Exceptionally well-formatted, professional appearance.
8 /   Sample calculation of each type is shown
  Formula for calculation is included
  All appropriate calculations are included
  A descriptive heading or label for each calculation is included
  Results of calculations are rounded appropriately
  Results of all calculations are presented in a table
6 / Minor flaws, shortcuts or inconsistencies, poor execution, or omission of one of the above conventions.
4 / Major errors in calculations, or omission of two or more of the above conventions.


10 / Achieves all of the below requirements but is exceptionally well-written, thorough, professional in tone and appearance. All proper writing conventions are observed.
8 / - Question & Hypothesis are restated.
- Findings are accurately retold, using data from the lab.
- Hypothesis is accepted or rejected, with evidence.
- Most relevant limitations or sources of errors identified and discussed in detail.
- Realistic improvements for each limitation suggested.
- If appropriate, comparison to theoretical data included.
- If references used, proper “Works Cited” section included.
6 / Some elements executed superficially and/or incompletely. May be missing one of the above required points.
4 / Is a loose collection of facts and details that do not provide a cohesive summary. Is missing more than one of the above requirements.

“I confirm that this lab report is completely my own work and that no other student’s work (even in part) was used for this report.”



_____/70 Total Points