Sustainable by Design
Green Visions for copenhagen and l´aqula
UIA Winterschool
Faculty of Architecture Copenhagen
7th to 13th of December 2009
Sunday, 6th of December
Arrival of Students and Teachers
Monday, 7th of December
09:00: Introduction to the UIA Sustainable by Design Winterschool
Sebastian El khouli, Director UIA WP for Sustainable Architecture, Germany
Introduction to the Specific tasks and schedule
Prof. Hans Drexler, TU MSA Münster, Germany
09:30: Introduction to the Case Studies
RoyalDanishAcademy of Fine Arts
Prof. Guendalina Salimei
Facoltà “L.Quaroni” La Sapienza Roma, Italy
Christiano Lepratti
TUD Darmstadt, Germany
10:00: Introduction to the 12 Topics
All Teachers
1. Traffic in the city
2. Renewable energies
3. Urban energy and resource networks
4. Water
5. Resources and building materials
6. Recycling, reuses, waste-management
7. Demography
8. Changing landscape (sea level, nature, renaturation)
9. Social and cultural infrastructure
10. Public and private spaces in the cities
11. Revitalization
12. Affordable living spaces
13. Flexibility and live cycle of buildings
13:00:Visit to Site, Harbour trip and visit to the site
15:00:Introduction to the History of Copenhagen
Jan Christiansen, HeadCity Architect of Copenhagen
16:00:Market place of ideas
Formation of the students team based of topics of research and interest
Tuesday, 8th of December
09:00 Introduction to Daylight & Architecture
Torben Thyregod, VELUX
09:15Daylight, architecture and tools
Per Arnold Andersen, VELUX daylight Expert
10:00 – 16:00Desk critics with student teams
Wednesday, 9th of December
10:00 – 15:00Desk critics with student teams
15:00 Interims Presentation of the students projects
Thursday, 10th of December
10:00 – 12:00Desk critics with student teams
13:00Phillipe Rahme Symposium
Friday, 11th of December
10:00 – 16:00Desk critics with student teams
Saturday, 12th of December
10:00Presentation of the students’ works from the workshop Green Visions for Copenhagen & L´Aquila
Auditorium 2, until 2.30 p.m.
Guest Critics:
Louise Cox, President UIA
Jan Albrechtsen, Tegnestuen Vandkusten, Copenhagen
Prof. Jan Gehl, Copenhagen
Prof. Anna Heringer, University of Art and Design Linz, Germany
Jana Revedin, architect phd, Founder of the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture
Per Arnold Andersen, Daylight expert, VELUX
Sebastian El khouli, Director UIA WP for Sustainable Architecture, Germany
12:30Lunch Break
Auditorium 2
14:30Jury for VELUX Daylight Award and “Sustainable by Design” Student Award
Auditorium 2, until 3.30 p.m.ry for the Winners of the Student Competition and the VELt Award
16:00Sustainable by Design. Strategies.
Responsibility of the Architect
Official UIA Award Event
Presentation of the UIA Copenhagen Declaration
in cooperation with The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts - School of Architecture, Architects’ Association of Denmark, and VELUX
Sven Felding,Principal of The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture(not confirmed)
Rikke Krogh, President, Architects’ Association of Denmark
Moderator and Summing up the week:
Jana Revedin, Architect PhD, Founder of the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture
Presentation of the UIA Copenhagen Declaration Sustainable by Design by
Louise Cox, President UIA, Australia
VELUX Daylight Award
Student workshop “Green Visions for Copenhagen & L´Aquila”
Jesper Salskov Jensen, Managing Director VELUX Denmark
Winners “Sustainable by Design” Student Award
Student workshop “Green Visions for Copenhagen & L´Aquila”
Louise Cox, President UIA, Australia
Sunday, 13th of December
12:00: Visit of Green Lighthouse
Departure of particpants
3.2Winter School Copenhagen
Green Visions for Copenhagen & L´Aquila
During the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (5th Dec 2009 – 18th Dec 2009) the UIA conducts a student workshop for visions of a greener, better future.
Taking two different Cities and situations as an example the students from 4 countries will invent vision how to:
- (Re)build the demolished CityL´Aquila
- (Re)furbish and transformthe existing Copenhagen
into a zero-emission, carbon free, and sustainable environment.
The students will work in international teams together, investigate, and visualize the potential for a green future in Copenhagen and L´Aquila. In a final presentation the results will be discussed by a group of experts from all participating institutions.
The project will discuss the question how criteria’s for sustainable architecture can be integrated into the design of the future cities.
As in inspiration and basis of the discussion for the open forum of the UIA the workshop can give ideas and provide images of how the future cities will transformed to meet the challenges of a sustainable development. The discussion and the project will also include the role that architecture as a discipline can contribute to a sustainable future.
The workshop will take place between 6th Dec and 12thDec 2009.
Students will work in teams of four, which will be composed of students from all schools. In each team will integrate representatives from the different cultures. There will be 12 teams each of which will focus on one specific topic in the realm of sustainability and climate change:
1. Traffic in the city
2. Renewable energies
3. Urban energy and resource networks
4. Water
5. Resources and building materials
6. Recycling, reuses, waste-management
7. Demography
8. Changing landscape (sea level, nature, renaturation)
9. Social and cultural infrastructure
10. Public and private spaces in the cities
11. Revitalization of the city and buildings
12. Affordable living spaces
13. Flexibility and live cycle of city infrastructure and buildings – (in case we have more students and teams)
Ideas will be presented on a very visual level. The students work should be visionary and visual. Each group will continuously work on their presentation. The results of each step will be gathered in one presentation board, where all the material is collected during the work process. During the week workshop the students will add and successively. On those presentation boards sketches, collages, reliefs, photomontages, and other techniques can be combined, replace, and transformed into the final presentation.
During the one-week workshop several experts from the participating schools and research institutes will present state of the art technologies and future developments in the field of energy-efficient architecture and sustainable development to the students. Hopefully many of the participants of the open forum of the UIA can give lectures or take part in the discussion.
1. (Re)build the City. L´Aquila
Location: Two Villages around l’Aquila, destroyed from one Earthquake in April 2009:
- Poggio Picenze (1013 Inhabitants )
- Cesa di Preturo ( 797 Inhabitants)
Plans and information are already in our Hands.
Outcome of the project
The results will be discussed in l'Aquila with the authorities and the residents and the work will be continued into research projects.
2. (Re)organize and (Re)furbish. Copenhagen
Location: We need to find an appropriate location(s) in Copenhagen for the planned interventions: brown field areas, former industrial sights, social hot spots, etc. The sights will be selected by the participating Universities before the workshop.
Outcome of the project
For this second strategy we could involve Velux. We can develop together a strategy for the “extroversion” of the dwellings (more windows, winter gardens, loggias, terraces, balconies, and solar collectors) and try it to systematize and further and also elsewhere use
Modus operandi
We offer to the students the 2 topics or strategies for L´Aquila and Copenhagen. They can choose the city and the topic. In each group are maximally 15 students and 2 teachers. Every group has to be mixed from the different countries.
RoyalDanishAcademy of Fine Arts
Faculty of Architecture, Copenhagen
36 Beds for the students from the 6th to the 13th of December
H.C. Andersen Boulevard 50
1653 København V
Tlf. +45 33 11 85 85
Faxnr. +45 33 11 85 88
Participating School
45 Students from 5 European Universities, teachers and tutors
4 young Architects from l’Aquila
UIA programme: “Call for international solidarity with young architects from l'Aquila”
RoyalDanishAcademy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen
Institute of Architectural Technology
Torben Dahl
Winnie Friis Moller
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Fachgebiet Entwerfen und Energieeffizientes Bauen
Prof. Manfred Hegger
El-Lissitzky-Straße 1
D-64287 Darmstadt
Contact: Dipl. Ing. Mirka Greiner
Tel: +49 6151 16 5485
Mobil: +49 151 24292447
Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Guendalina Salimei -Nicoletta Trasi
+39 (06) 3235 197
Münster School of Architecture
Leonardo-Campus 5
48149 Münster
Tel. +49 251 / 83-65001
Fax: +49 251 / 83-65002
Contact: Dipl. Arch. ETH Hans Drexler
Tel: +49 177 88 72 591
School of Architecture Nantes
Prof. Philippe Rahm
4 Documentation
The Official Side Event, the Open Forum and the Workshop will be documented by The films, the lectures and the work of the students will be published to presented it to a wider public
- through UIA Homepages
- through
- through
During the period of the COP 15 will it be possible to watch the activities in Copenhagen via internet. We will establish an internet based information platform (Homepage), where architects from all around the world can inform themselves about the latest news from Copenhagen. We will establish an internet blog, where we inform about the activities from the day with pictures and short texts.
contacts to inform our target groups about the event are:
- AA
- BAK-Newsletter
- UIA-Network (letter to 138 national Architectural Associations)
- Écologik (Dominique Gauzin-Müller)
Annette Blegvad from AA is preparing the Press Strategy for the Sustainable by design events.
5 Cooperating Institutions or Companies
- AA (responsible for coordinating with UNFCCC, and Danish organizations)
- RoyalDanishAcademy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Institute of Architectural Technology
- Danish Embassy(facilitator of video conference equipment)
- Technische Universität Darmstadt
- Università “La Sapienza” facolta Ludovico Quaroni
- School of ArchitectureNantes
6 BUDget
- 5000 Euros from UIA and Region I for the organization of the Workshop and Open Forum to the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (Organization, Bar/Café, Equipment)
- Financial Support (13500 Euros) and assistance for the organization of the 3 events in Copenhagen during COP 15 by VELUX
For detailed budget see attachment.
7Cooperations and sponsors
Contact: Lone Feifer
Contact: Fred Plassmann
c/o metrogap
10999 berlin
+49 30 61288785