Authors’ information sheet (8th Plant Biomechanics International Conference, Nagoya 30/11-4/12/2015)
Dear participant
Thank you very much for your submission. Please accompany your abstract with replies to the following queries, to be filled by the contact author (the co-author most likely to attend the conference and present the paper).
(1) Your name, nationality:
(2) Your country, city of residence:
(3) Your present status - please tick:
Academic staff, Student, Company, Consultant, Government, Retired, Other ( )
(4) Employing institution:
(5) Titles of papers submitted:
(6) Possible subjects - please tick:
- Tree and wood biomechanics,
- Scaling of pattern and development
- Trade-offs and multifunctionality
- Mechanoperception
- Growth and morphogenesis
- Plant motion
- Fluid dynamics, within plants
- Fluid dynamics, environmental interactions
- Biomechanics of root and root system
- Plant-animal interactions
- Mechanics of the plant material and plant surface
- Micromechanics of cell wall, cell, tissue
- Modelling and numerical simulation
- Development of experimental devices and methods
(7) Are you interested in giving your paper to the Special Session “500 Million Years History of Land Plant Evolution”?
Yes / No
If yes, does your topic concern mainly woody plant or non-woody plant?
Woody plant / Non-woody plant
(8) We welcome many young or fresh researchers to participate in Young Scientists Forum.In YSF, we encourage the young researchers to be next the generation of this conference.Areyou interested in giving your paper to YSF?
Yes / No
If yes, when did you get your PhD?
We (chairs) hope to have your frank exchange of views!
Thank you very much
Sincerely yours
Title (centeredbold 14 points)
Author 11, Author22 (centered 12 pts)
1Laboratoryof biomaterial physics, Nagoya University, Japan (centered 12 pts)
2Laboratory of plant physiology, Institute of Basic Biology, Japan(centered 12 pts)
Introduction(bold 12 pts, space 12 pts before)
For the whole document: Margins 2,5cm, titlesand text in Times New Roman
All contents (text, figures and tables) must be included within oneor two pages.
Other sub-title (bold 12 pts, space 12 pts before)
Text is 12 pts, justified, single line, for citation: Author (year), citation of figures and tables: Fig. 1 or Tab. 1, see style below.
Please avoid automatic numbering (figures, equations, titles…)
Fig. 1: Titleunder the figure
Tab. 1: Titleabove the table
no / parameter / Value1 / xx / 123
2 / yy / 456
In case of multiple figures, employ a table without borders (example Fig.2and Fig. 3).
Fig. 2: Title figure 2 / Fig. 3: Title figure 3References
Alphabetic ordering of Authors, style ‘Normal’, typical Auteur (date) format + avoidingbold or italics: Smith J., DupondJ.L. (2000) title, name Journal/conference/book…, volume, pages or page number.