Online Language Learning Materials
The Video Library evaluated online language learning materials and websites students and faculty can use on their own devices to explore and learn a language. These websites are not supported by OIT, so the Helpdesk could not offer any help if you have issues, but we found their interfaces easy to use and useful in the pursuit of learning a new language.
The list below provides a breakdown of the sites we have evaluated:
Name of Online Info Link Cost
Hello-Hello One App: 2 courses, 13 languages $59.99
Practice read, write, speak and listen.
Reminders push notifications, word of
The day. Follow your lessons & course
Mango Languages
Integrated learning that’s simple to use
With a mobile app that has over 70 language Free at Princeton
Courses. Public Library
Princeton student can have the Princeton Public Library card
and the use the Mango Languages, an online service from
which you can learn foreign languages.
Go to their site and in the search box type
in “Mango Languages”
Log in with Princeton ID and create a pin number
LingQ 23 languages, audio conversation format Sign up for free
Create LingQs, download audio vocab, Free for 5 lessons
Speak to tutor and have written assignments 20 LingQs, then pay
Graded. For more lessons. 12 Language, flash card with audio, Try for free Languages
Name of Online Info Link Cost
Babbel 14 languages (for now), record audio,
Shows you how you should pronounce Create account, the words, type words to complete sentences, beginner’s courses Free.
available in mobile app. .
Message board, chat with native
Duolingo 21 languages for now (Romance
Languages), record audio from
Sentences, translate and type in words,
Accents and grammar are also tested Free account
When new words are introduced. Can
Follow people and text chat with native
Speakers. Available in mobile app.
Memrize 220 languages (and growing), associate
Words with images or phrases to help Free account You memorize, can upload your own
Wordlist and create list for others.
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