/ College of Engineering and Applied Science
Emerging Ethnic Engineers Program
University of Cincinnati
665 Baldwin Hall
PO Box 210018
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0018
Phone: (513) 556-1164 Fax: (513) 556-5007

An affirmative action/equal opportunity institution

Emerging Ethnic Engineers Program

Family Science Academy

Description & Application Instructions

The Emerging Ethnic Engineers Family Science Academy Program is designed to expose students and parents to the fundamental concepts of science, technology, engineering, and maththrough hands-on activities and experiences. The program is project based and requires group collaboration, so it is important that parents and students are able to attend all program dates.

The Family Science Academy will be held on the following Saturdays: June 13, 20, and June 27, July 11, 18, and 25 2015, from 9:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. The academy is open to students entering the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th grades, and their parents. Acceptance into the academy is on a first come first come first serve basis.

Please review and sign the Parent/Student Contract section of the application.

The cost of the program is $100 and covers up to two parents and two students. There is a $25 charge for each additional student. Please submit a money order (non-refundable) for the appropriate amount with your application.

Applications will not be processed without this fee.

Applications must be received by May 4, 2015 to:

Emerging Ethnic Engineers Program (E3)

University of Cincinnati

P.O. Box 210018

Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0018.

For additional information please contact our office at 556-1164 if you have any questions.

/ College of Engineering and Applied Science
Emerging Ethnic Engineers Program
University of Cincinnati
665 Baldwin Hall
PO Box 210018
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0018
Phone: (513) 556-1164 Fax: (513) 556-5007

An affirmative action/equal opportunity institution

2015 Family Science Academy

Application Form

Program Dates: June 13, 20, and June 27, July 11, 18, and 25 2015

Application Deadline: May 4, 2015

Student Eligibility

Students must be entering the 4th,5th,6th, or 7th grade in fall of 2015.

Parent Information

NameCell Phone

Home Address Home Phone

City, State & Zip Email Address


You must include current student report card with application.

Student Information


Current GradeSex Race

Current School:

School Attending in Fall 2014:

Are you a past participant of the Family Science Academy? Yes __ No ____

List the years you have participated in the Family Science Academy ______

What is your favorite school subject?

Give the most important reason for participating in this program.

Complete application and the signed Parent/Student Contract must be returned by May 4, 2015. Make money order payable to University of Cincinnati/E3 Program for $100.00

/ College of Engineering and Applied Science
Emerging Ethnic Engineers Program
University of Cincinnati
665 Baldwin Hall
PO Box 210018
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0018
Phone: (513) 556-1164 Fax: (513) 556-5007

An affirmative action/equal opportunity institution

2015 Family Science Academy

UC College of Engineering and Applied Science

Emerging Ethnic Engineers Program

Parent and Student Contract


1.We do not have the capacity to serve students with an Individual Education Plan.

2.Parents and Student(s) must be responsible for making sure that their student(s) attends each Saturday.

3. Parents and Student(s) must participate in the program evaluation and longitudinal study used for the assessment of the Family Science Academy.

4.Children must have the ability to participate in grade appropriate activities.


1.Students must be able to follow directions, work independently and in groups.

2.Students must exhibit the appropriate social behavior in all activities and classroom

We have read and understand that under terms of the Parent/Student Contract, the Director reserves the right to dismiss any student(s) who does not comply with any of the listed requirements.

Parent SignatureStudent Signature


An affirmative action/equal opportunity institution