October 6, 7 & 8, 2006


  1. All vehicles enter park from Sayre St. and proceed to registration. Then proceed to the drop off passengers and equipment zone (NO PARKING) noted on the map and return quickly to the parking area. We will be using camping areas 2 and 3. The CampMaster (s) will direct you to your campsites. Cubs/Webelos and Girl Scouts will use Camp Area 2 which can be reached easily from the Registration Area.
  1. Upon arrival present your REGISTRATION sheet(s) showing names and scouting status (School grade, Scouter or non-scout) of all members of your unit(s) and have available for inspection your MEDICAL RELEASES and TOUR PERMIT/TROOP PERMIT APPLICATION.
  1. Since on-site parking is limited, late arrivals will be able to find parking near by in the park. There will be no driving or parking on the grass. A shuttle service will be set up to transport drivers of off-site cars.
  1. At the end of the retreat, all vehicles may again load at the drop off zone (NO PARKING) noted on the map. Have all your equipment ready to load before driving up. Return to the Registration Area for check-out by 11:00 Sunday.


  1. A copy of the Medical Release and Parent’s Permission Slip is enclosed. You need one for each minor in your unit to be completely filled out and signed by the minor’s parent or guardian. These must be kept in the unit leader’s possession at all times while enroute to, present at and returning from the Retreat.
  1. For additional copies, you may reproduce the one enclosed.


  1. This is not a council function. The Archdiocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting has arranged for a location for the annual Catholic Scout Retreat. All units attending must file a “TOUR PERMIT” with their local BSA Council or “TROOP TRIP APPLICATION” with their local GSUSA Council. Insurance coverage (travel, accident, etc.) as in any non-Council or non-district sponsored event, is that carried by the Scout family, unit and local Council.


  1. All Scouts and Scouters are requested to be in uniform. During activities and discussion sessions, breakfast and lunch, T-shirts and neckerchiefs with uniform trouser (jeans or skirts) or Class “B” uniforms may be worn. For Mass (or Scout’s Own) and at dinner, full Class “A” uniform is in order. Jackets, of course, are optional according to the weather.

2.Families with mixed ages, boys/girls, are to use camping area 2.

3.Cubs/Webelos must be per national guidelines (BSA) and all Scout units have a minimum of two (2) deep adult leaders present, on-site, and at the scheduled functions throughout the Retreat.

4.Each unit will be responsible for policing its own area as well as helping to clean the entire retreat area. You MUST provide your own garbage bags to collect whatever garbage and rubbish you generate and take it home with you.

We are NOT using the park’s trash containers. If anything is in them, we (you) may be charged for it.

  1. Any grease, oil or liquid used for, or generated by cooking must be carried out and disposed of properly. Bring adequate containers to carry out grease and oil.
  1. Fire control is essentially the same as in any Scout camp. There are few hose bibs (faucets) near camping areas. Each cooking fire is to be protected by a bucket of sand (equal to a 3# coffee can) and a one (1) gallon of water. Each unit is to provide their own of the minimum sizes noted. (L. A. Co. Code 17.04.590)
  1. No fires are allowed in the campsites except for cooking. Cooking fires are limited to propane stoves or charcoal (in braziers or stoves off the ground). NO EXCEPTIONS! Pit fires, ground fires, hibachis, white gas stoves, etc. are forbidden. No pourable liquid fuels are allowed for stoves, lanterns or fire starters.
  1. No open flames or readily flammable substances are permitted in the tents.
  1. In conformance with the National Boy Scouts of America recommendations, it is suggested that adults and Scouters refrain from smoking during the retreat. Should it be necessary to smoke, please do so away from where the Scouts are assembled.
  1. No alcoholic beverages or non-prescribed controlled drugs will be permitted.
  1. No radios, portable TV’s stereos, walk mans, record players or unauthorized musical instruments.
  1. Units will provide their own food, tents, first aid, cooking equipment, utensils, garbage bags (for their own removal) and grease, sand and water containers.
  1. Unit leaders are in charge of and responsible for their unit’s behavior. Remember we are Scouts. Let’s act like good ones. Quiet after taps.
  1. Water is available at a limited number of outlets. Do not wash dishes or attend to personal hygiene at the faucets. Take the water back to your campsite. Bring a clean one gallon plastic jug for each six (6) people in your Pack, Troop or Crew.
  1. Rock throwing is dangerous and forbidden. If you must pick up something, look for litter and place it in your unit’s rubbish container.
  1. Leave all your pets, sheath knives, slingshots, peashooters, electronic games etc. at home.
  1. All adults, senior patrol leaders and all staff members are expected to attend the scheduled functions.
  1. Each Council will provide at least one CampMaster who will report to the Retreat Camp Master. Each Council Camp Master will please identify himself or herself to the Retreat Camp Master as soon as possible after arriving. The CampMaster will be responsible for a specific group of campsites. Each will enforce the rules and act as an ombudsman for any problems. No unit may leave the retreat until a CampMaster has OK’d and signed off their campsite. Leave the area cleaner than you found it!
  1. “Lost and Found” location at headquarters (picnic shelter).
  1. Report all injuries to the First Aid area whether or not the injury is treated by the unit’s first aid.
  1. Scouts and Scouters alike, please bring a neckerchief slide.
  1. Bring your unit’s flags and stands for each Mass/Scout’s Own.
  1. Bring canteen or water bottles – drink plenty of water.
  1. We intentionally do not group Scouts from the same unit together. Therefore it is VERY IMPORTANT for those arriving Saturday morning to be at the registration area by 07:30 so they may all be formed into St. Patrols on time. For the first session group, TRUST BUILDING, it is very important that all the Scouts start together.


  1. No unit will be allowed in the retreat without: TOUR PERMIT/TROOP TRIP APPLICATION, MEDICAL RELEASES and ADEQUATE LEADERSHIP.
  1. Violation of rules pertinent to alcohol or drugs will result in dismissal from the Retreat.
  1. Violations of rules relative to fire, water usage, rock throwing, littering, sheath knives, noise, etc. will be dealt with at the discretion of the Retreat Chairman.

ADDITIONAL ITEMS AVAILABLE - Come prepared. The following patches will be available for purchase:

Duty to God National Catholic Committee on Scouting ……………$1.00

Glorious Mysteries Rosary Patch …………………………………… $4.00

Additional Retreat XV Patches (if available) ………………………...$2.00

Vintage Retreat Patches ………………………………………………$2.00

OPTIONAL: a leather cross TO BRAND …………………………………...$1.00


As an ongoing service project please bring old eyeglasses to donate at the Retreat.





Page _____ of _____

UNIT/NUMBER: PACK _____ TROOP _____ CREW _____ COUNCIL ______YEAR _____




  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  7. ______
  8. ______
  9. ______




A.Total number of pre-registered participants _____ x $12.00 = $ ______

(Paid & pre-registered postmarked no later than 09/29/06)

B.Total number of on-site registered participants_____ x $15.00 = $ ______

C.Total number on Non-Scouts_____ x $ 6.00 = $ ______


Make checks to:Catholic Committee on ScoutingTotal:______$ ______

Mail to:Mary Ann Moore, Treasurer

277 Sunset Drive

Channel Islands, CA 93035

NOTE: If more than one page needed, sign all pages, but carry total to final page.

I certify that I have in my immediate possession a "Parent's Permission Slip" and Medical Release Form for each minor named about plus a Unit Tour Permit. I and all adults named above hereby release The Catholic Committee on Scouting, the Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, its officers, leaders, agents or members, Boy Scouts of America and all municipal agencies whose property and / or personnel are used from responsibility for any injuries or damages we may suffer as a result of our participation in or transportation to or from the retreat.

Unit Leader ______Position ______Date ______


Address______City______State ____ Zip ______

April 25, 2005R2

Parent's Permission Slip - Required for Youth

To be Submitted to Unit Leader

I request that my son ______be permitted to attend the Catholic Committee on Scouting, Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Cubs/Webelos/Scouts/

Explorers/Venture Retreat.

He is in good physical condition. Should any illness or accident occur to him on the trip, I will not hold the Boy Scouts of America. The Catholic Committee on Scouting, Archdiocese of Los Angeles, its officers, leaders, agents or members liable for medical or other expenses incurred in the care of my son.

My son may receive medical attention by a licensed physician. He may be admitted to a hospital in case of emergency. (Parents will be contacted immediately, if possible)

Parent’s Phone ______Medication my son is currently taking______

Emergency Phone ______

Doctor's Name ______


DateParent/Guardian Signature


Parent's Permission Slip - Required for Youth

To be Submitted to Unit Leader

I request that my son ______be permitted to attend the Catholic Committee on Scouting, Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Cubs/Webelos/Scouts/

Explorers/Venture Retreat.

He is in good physical condition. Should any illness or accident occur to him on the trip, I will not hold the Boy Scouts of America. The Catholic Committee on Scouting, Archdiocese of Los Angeles, its officers, leaders, agents or members liable for medical or other expenses incurred in the care of my son.

My son may receive medical attention by a licensed physician. He may be admitted to a hospital in case of emergency. (Parents will be contacted immediately, if possible)

Parent’s Phone ______Medication my son is currently taking______

Emergency Phone ______

Doctor's Name ______


DateParent/Guardian Signature


Catholic Committee on Scouting

Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Scout Retreat XV

Time / Raphael - Grades 1-5 / Gabriel-Grades 6-8 / Michael - Grades 9-12 / Adults
6:00 p.m. / Check In / Check In / Check In / Check In
9:00 p.m. / Leaders Meeting at Pavilion / Leaders Meeting at Pavilion / Leaders Meeting at Pavilion / Leaders Meeting at Pavilion
9:30p.m. / Facilitator Meeting at Pavilion / Facilitator Meeting at Pavilion / Facilitator Meeting at Pavilion / Facilitator Meeting at Pavilion
10:30p.m. / Lights out / Lights out / Lights out / Lights out
6:30a.m. / Rise and Shine / Rise and Shine / Rise and Shine / Rise and Shine
8:45a.m. / Form Groups / Form Groups / Form Groups / Form Groups
9:00a.m. / Flag Ceremony / Flag Ceremony / Flag Ceremony / Flag Ceremony
9:15a.m. / First Decade of the Rosary / First Decade of the Rosary / First Decade of the Rosary / First Decade of the Rosary
9:30a.m. / Move to Group Areas / Move to Group Areas / Move to Group Areas / Move to Group Areas
9:45a.m. / Name Games / Name Games / Name Games / Name Games
10:00a.m. / Theme: Evangelization / First Reading: Matt. 28:18-20 / First Reading: Matt. 28:18-20 / First Reading: Matt. 28:18-20
10:15a.m. / First Reading: Matt. 28:18-20
10:30a.m. / Break / Break / Break
10:45a.m. / Break / Second Decade of Rosary / Second Decade of Rosary / Second Decade of Rosary
11:00a.m. / Headbands & BSA Rosary Program / Second Reading: Heb 13:1-8 / Second Reading: Heb 13:1-8 / Second Reading: Heb 13:1-8
11:15a.m. / Patron Saint: St. Isaac Jogues
11:30a.m. / Second Decade of Rosary / BSA Rosary Program / BSA Rosary Program / BSA Rosary Program
11:45a.m. / Mass Banners
12:00p.m. / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
1:00p.m. / Gather at main assembly area / Gather at main assembly area / Gather at main assembly area / Gather at main assembly area
5 minutes / Announcements / Announcements / Announcements / Announcements
5 minutes / Third Decade of Rosary / Third Decade of Rosary / Third Decade of Rosary / Third Decade of Rosary
1:15p.m. / Mass/Nondenominational Service / Mass/Nondenominational Service / Mass/Nondenominational Service / Mass/Nondenominational Service
1:45p.m. / Fr. Marco Ortiz/ Rev. Paul Clark / /Rev. Paul Clark / Fr. Jim Maher/ Rev. Paul Clark / Choice of location
2:15p.m. / Pow-Wow / Pow-Wow / Pow-Wow / Presentations on the Catholic
2:30p.m. / Hoop Game / Basketry / Woodcarving / Committee on Scouting:
2:45p.m. / Indian Headbands / Branding / Religious Emblems, Scouter
3:00p.m. / Face Painting / Paint Slide / Rapelling / Development, 10
3:15p.m. / Metalizing Slides / Wooden Cross / Commandments Hike, Scout
3:30p.m. / Sunday, Pope Paul VI Quality
3:45p.m. / (Palm Crosses, Indian Game & / Unit Award, Announcements
4:00p.m. / Dance) / And on to the Midway Events
4:15p.m. / Indian Strength Test / Indian Strength Test / Indian Strength Test / Indian Strength Test
4:45p.m. / Indian Dance / Indian Dance / Indian Dance / Indian Dance
5:15p.m. / Dinner / Dinner / Dinner / Dinner
7:00p.m. / Benediction / Benediction / Benediction / Benediction
7:15p.m. / Deacon Wayne Rascati / Deacon Wayne Rascati / Deacon Wayne Rascati / Deacon Wayne Rascati
7:30p.m. / Fourth Decade of Rosary / Fourth Decade of Rosary / Fourth Decade of Rosary / Fourth Decade of Rosary
7:45p.m. / Campfire / Campfire / Campfire / Campfire
9:15p.m. / Go Back to Unit Campsites / Go Back to Unit Campsites / Go Back to Unit Campsites / Go Back to Unit Campsites
10:00p.m. / Lights out / Lights out / Lights out / Lights out
7:00a.m. / Rise and Shine / Rise and Shine / Rise and Shine / Rise and Shine
Breakfast / Breakfast / Breakfast / Breakfast
Clean Up / Clean Up / Clean Up / Clean Up
9:00a.m. / 5th Decade of Rosary / 5th Decade of Rosary / 5th Decade of Rosary / 5th Decade of Rosary
Mass/Nondenominational Service / Mass/Nondenominational Service / Mass/Nondenominational Service / Mass/Nondenominational Service
/ Rev. Paul Clark / / Rev. Paul Clark / / Rev. Paul Clark / / Rev. Paul Clark
10:00 a.m. / Closing Ceremony / Closing Ceremony / Closing Ceremony / Closing Ceremony
10:15a.m. / Camp Inspection/Check Out / Camp Inspection/Check Out / Camp Inspection/Check Out / Camp Inspection/Check Out
11:00a.m. / Camp Closed / Camp Closed / Camp Closed / Camp Closed
All Campers Checked Out / All Campers Checked Out / All Campers Checked Out / All Campers Checked Out