NAME: Executive Committee–MINUTES
DATE:August 5, 2015 / Time:
10:00 a.m. to Noon / Presiding:
Deborah Hartel / Recorded By:
Shauna Moses
Present: Deborah Hartel, Harry Postel, Pete Scerbo, Cheryl Marks Young
Staff: Shauna Moses, June Noto, Debra Wentz
Absent: Carolann Cavaiola, Anthony DiFabio, Deborah Megaro, Greg Speed
Approval of June 3, 2015 Minutes / N/A / The minutes were approved. / N/A / N/A
Committee Meeting Attendance / A question was raised about Board members’ requirement for attending a certain number or percentage of Board Committee and Practice Group meetings. / Shauna Moses will check the Bylaws. / Following this meeting. [The following statement is from Article VI, Section 1: “Each Board member must also parti-cipate in a mini-mum of 50 percent of meetings of at least one Board Committee and one Practice Group.”] / Shauna Moses
Code of Ethics and Breaches of Confidentiality / Debra Wentz reinforced that all Board members must sign and respect the Code of Ethics and Confidentiality policies. / Ongoing / Board members
Report from the Board Retreat / Debra summarized from the report recently shared with retreat attendees that Anne Collier, who facilitated the retreat, asked about the value of the activities, further training needed and action steps to take. The report also provides details on Board members’ problem-solving styles and encourages using this information to select attendees for legislative and policy meeting, complement attendees’ styles and maximize communication effectiveness. (continued) / The retreat report will be shared with Board members who were not able to attend and it will be added to the next closed Board meeting agenda. / October 21, 2015 Board meeting / Agenda: Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
Report from the Board Retreat (continued) / During the retreat, the role of the Past Presidents Council (PPC) was reviewed. / It was decided at the retreat that PPC communications will take place through Deborah Megaro, who will be the PPC Chair and Liaison to the Board, and she will work with Debra Wentz and Deborah Hartel to determine how to proceed with those matters; and that select Past Presidents will be brought in as needed to advise on different issues and initiatives. / Ongoing / Past Presidents, Debra Wentz, Deborah Hartel
Meeting Calendar / Shauna will send updated calendars for all Board, Committee and Practice Group meetings. / Following this meeting / Shauna Moses
Agendas for Open and Closed Board Meetings / Deborah Hartel provided the following guidelines: / Closed sessions at the end of open Board meetings will be limited to emergency topics.
Agendas for open Board meetings will include a Public Policy section and updates from Practice Groups, but not Board Committees. If Finance & Compli-ance or Governance issues need to be addressed, they will be addressed during closed sessions if needed, but ideally, at the next closed Board meeting.
(continued) / As Needed
Ongoing / Agendas: Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
Agendas: Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
Agendas for Open and Closed Board Meetings (continued) / The open Board meetings will not include Board members’ requests for agenda items.
Guest speakers will be invited, beginning with Valerie Mielke, Assistant Commis-sioner, Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services, for the September 16, 2015 meeting. / Ongoing
Shauna Moses to invite Valerie Mielke following this meeting / Agendas: Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
Shauna Moses
Next Executive Committee Meeting / The October 7, 2015 meeting needs to be rescheduled because staff will be participating in Hill Day in Washington, D.C. / Committee members will be surveyed on three possible dates/times: Sept. 28th from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.; and Oct. 1st and 2nd from 10:00 a.m. to noon. / Following this meeting / Shauna Moses
National Council for Behavioral Health “100 percent” mem-bership and dues / Debra explained that the National Council is requiring a significant increase in dues (from $16,000 to $50,000) beginning Oct. 1, 2015 to continue NJAMHAA’s “100 percent” membership. To pay this, NJAMHAA would need to increase their members’ dues. / It was agreed that NJAMHAA members would be asked to confirm their interest in NJAMHAA continuing its “100-percent” membership and about members’ willingness to pay more dues to cover the National Council dues increase.
Debra will request an extension on the dues payment from the National Council. / Debra and Shauna will draft an e-mail to members, for Cheryl Marks Young to review, following this meeting
Following this meeting / Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
Debra Wentz
Governance Committee / Debra reported that the Governance Committee is reviewing NJAMHAA’s dues structure and developing proposed new budget categories and dues for agencies with larger budgets.
Shauna reported that the Governance Committee approved two new membership categories:
Governance Committee (continued) / Individual: Professionals (clinical, CFO, etc.), including those in transition, and retirees; $250 per year; receive subscriptions to Newswire and NJAMHAA News, invitations to participate on Practice Groups, and member discounts to conferences and other trainings. These members would not have access to open Board meetings and they would not be able to vote or run for the Board.
Student: $100 per year; receive subscriptions to Newswire and NJAMHAA News, and member discounts to conferences and other trainings. These members would not have access to Practice Groups or open Board meetings and they would not be able to vote or run for the Board. / The Executive Committee agreed to both of these member-ship categories. The full Board will be asked to ratify this decision at the next Board meeting. / September 16, 2015 / Consent Agenda: Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
Economic Impact Report / Debra announced that the contract was signed with Rutgers Univer-sity and the study will soon be started. / N/A / N/A / N/A
Follow-up to the Strategic Session with Gov. Jim McGreevey / Debra reported that NJAMHAA contacted Senator Joseph Vitale, who agreed to request data from the Office of Management and Budget on the amount of money saved from the Medicaid expansion. The group will reconvene when the data has been obtained. / N/A / N/A / N/A
Treasurer’s Report / Debra reported that the auditors completed their work and will present their report to her and Julia Schneider within the next couple of weeks. Then, they will present to the Finance & Compli-ance Committee on Sept. 21st and then to the full Board on Oct. 21st. / N/A / October 21, 2015 Board meeting / Auditors
New Jersey Mental Health Institute (NJMHI) / New Board members and the group’s focus/activities need to be identified. NJMHI Bylaws state that the NJMHI Board of Trustees must be 51 percent NJAMHAA Board members; currently, Deborah Megaro is the only one. / NJMHI will be the first agenda item at the next Executive Committee meeting. / TBD / Agenda: Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses