SECTION ONE: What We Believe
We believe that God reveals the truth, His Divine Revelation, through both Scripture and Tradition. Create a two-part collage or other artistic display that portrays some of what we have learned about god from both Scripture and tradition. One part of the collage should portray things we know about God from Scripture, and the other part should portray some of what has been passed on to us through tradition. For some ideas for the Scripture part of your collage, you can read these Scripture passages: Genesis 1:1, Exodus 3:13-15, Samuel 7:28; Psalm 139: 1-16; Isaiah 44:6; Isaiah 54:10; John 10:30; John 15:5; Ephesians 2:4-7; 1 John 1:5; 1 John 4:8.
Attach your collage or art project to this form.
Option 1: On a separate sheet of paper, write a reflection or poem about Scripture and Tradition using what you discovered by completing the required activity above. Ask your teacher for permission to share your reflection or poem with your class. After sharing your reflection or poem, have your teacher sign here______
Option 2: We believe that the saints are examples of holiness for us. With your parent’s permission go online saintsresource.com, then click on “Saints in Blest are We”, then click on your grade. Choose and read about one of the saints listed (if you don’t have computer access please see Ms. Santana or Mrs. Vinson for a list of saint names). Read about that saint and write a report about that saint (click on the saint’s name). Make sure you include a picture of the saint (if possible), a short biography, interesting facts, feast day, patronage, and any other interesting information you learn. You may make a power point instead of the report including all the above information (you may include music). Burn the power point onto a cd. Attach either the report or cd with this form.
SECTION TWO: How We Worship
REQUIRED ACTIVITY: As Catholics, we believe that “the Sunday celebration of the Lord’s Day and his Eucharist is at the heart of the Church’s life (CCC 2177). It is important that we gather as a Church family each Sunday and on Holy Days to worship. Say hello to the priest or deacon after Mass on least 10 of the following weekends/Holy Days and have the priest or deacon initial next to the appropriate date:
Nov 26/27______Dec 3/4______Dec 7/8_____Dec 10/11_____ Dec 17/18___ Dec 24/25____
Dec 31/Jan 1_____Jan 7/8 _____ Jan 14/15____Jan 21/22______Jan 28/29____Feb 4/5_____
Feb 6/7____Feb 11/12____Feb 18/19____Feb 25/26____Mar 1_____
Mar 4/5____Mar 11/12____Mar 18/19____Mar 25/26_____Apr 13_____Apr 15/16_____
Option 1: Take up the gifts at a Sunday Mass with your family. Parents should call Mrs. Rachel Daigneault to schedule this. Write the date you took up the gifts here______
Option 2: Participate in the Children’s choir at the Christmas Family Mass on December 24th. Concert is at 4:30 and Mass is at 5:00. (Practice time will be announced).
OPTION 3: With your family, serve as greeters at a Sunday Mass. You should arrive 15 minutes prior to Mass to greet people and open the church doors for them as they arrive for Mass. Write the date you served ______have an usher sign here______
Option 4: We believe that the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is a celebration of God’s love and forgiveness. As a family, go to the Advent and/or Lenten Parish Penance service.
Write the date here______
We believe that, as disciples of Jesus, we have the responsibility to care for others.
Option 1: We care for others when we perform the Works of Mercy. Learn both the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy and recite them for Ms. Santana or Mrs. Vinson. Have them sign here ______
Option 2: Choose two of the Corporal Works of Mercy and two of the Spiritual Works of Mercy to perform during one week’s time. On a separate sheet of paper, keep a journal of how you performed these Works of Mercy during the week/ Attach your journal to this form.
Option 3: Lead your family in a family project to choose two of the Corporal Works of Mercy and two of the Spiritual Works of Mercy during one week’s time. On a separate sheet of paper, keep a journal of how your family performed these Works of Mercy during the week. Attach your journal to this form.
Option 4: Serve as a mentor for a younger student. Choose a student who is in Kindergarten through the 4th grade (can be a sibling) and share the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37). Explain that Jesus used the story of the Good Samaritan to teach us how to treat others. You will also need to explain that a person who does something kind for another is called a “Good Samaritan”. Help the child think of a modern day Good Samaritan story (either real or fictional). Attach the story to this form. On a separate sheet of paper, write a paragraph or two to describe your experience in mentoring and attach to this form.
Prayer is the life of a new heart. It ought to animate us at every moment. “We must remember God more often than we draw breath.” (CCC 2697)
Option 1: Visit the Padre Pio shrine the church. Pray the Rosary for your own person intention. Write the date you visited the shrine here______
Option 2: The basic forms of prayer are: Adoration (Praising God), Contrition (Asking for God’s forgiveness), Petition (Asking God for a favor) and Thanksgiving (Showing God gratitude).
Research these different forms of prayer (you can use the Catechism of the Catholic Church. If you don’t have a copy you access information from usccb.org and type in Catechism). On a separate piece of paper create a short prayer of each type. Attach your prayers to this form.
Option 3: With your family attend First Friday Eucharistic Adoration (held on every First Friday of the month from 5 to 9 pm). Write the date you attended here______
Option 4: Pray the Advent Wreath prayers with your family. Write the dates here______
Option 5: Attend Stations of the Cross with your family. Write the dates you attended here______
Award Completion and Submission Form
When you have completed all the requirements for the Discipleship award, complete this information below and submit it with all the necessary paperwork and attachments. All forms and attachments are due no later than Wednesday April 26.
Check One: ______Most Holy Redeemer Faith Formation
______Catholic School ______Home Schooled
In case we have any questions, please complete the following information:
Parent’s Name ______
Parent’s Email______
Parent’s Phone Number______