Christ our Hope Pastoral Cluster Council Minutes

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Protivin Community Center, Protivin, Iowa

The Pastoral Cluster Council of six parishes: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Little Turkey (ABVM), Holy Trinity in Protivin (HT), Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Lawler (OLMC), St. John Nepomucene in Fort Atkinson (SJN), St. Luke in St. Lucas (SL), and St. Mary in Waucoma (SM) held its meeting on Thursday, April 14, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at the Protivin Central Office across form the Community Center in Protivin, Iowa. Attendance is below.

Attendance: *2 – Denotes they are no longer eligible for re-election.

Member / 8/6/15 / 9/3/15 / 10/1/15 / 11/5/15 / 2/18/16 / 4/14/16
SL / 2016-2 / Franzen, Jim – Chair / P / P / P / P / A / P
OLMC / 2016 / Sheridan, Patrick - Vice-Pres. / P / A / P / A / P / P
OLMC / 2017 / Kout, Julianne, Secretary / P / P / P / P / P / P
ABVM / 2016 / Barloon, Gary / P / P / A / P / P / A
ABVM / 2017 / Busta, Steve / P / P / P / A / P / A
ABVM / 2018 / Reicks, Chris / P / P / A / P / P / A
HT / 2018 / Humpal, Edith / P / P / P / A / A / P
HT / 2016-2 / Swestka, Joan / P / P / P / P / P / P
HT / 2017-2 / Dietzenbach, Donna / P / P / P / P / P / A
OLMC / 2018 / Loftus, Jeanne / P / P / P / P / P / P
SJN / 2018 / Kuennen, Adrian / P / P / P / P / A / P
SJN / 2016 / Schmitt, Steve / P / A / A / P / P / P
SJN / 2017 / Vsetecka, Barb / P / P / P / P / P / P
SL / 2018 / Bodensteiner, Melvin / P / P / P / P / P / P
SL / 2017 / Larson, Pete / P / P / P / A / P / p
SM / 2018 / Adams, Bruce / P / P / A / P / P / P
SM / 2016-2 / Hemesath, Ken / P / A / P / A / P / P
SM / 2017 / Schmitt, Wayne / P / P / P / P / P / P
SM / 2016 / Klimesh, Dave / P / A / A / P / A / A

Others Present were:

Rev. Nick March, seminarian: Jacob Rouse of Mundelein, Seminary.

The meeting opened with a prayer led by Rev. March at 7:00 p.m.

The pastoral cluster council reviewed the minutes. No changes were noted.

Jim Franzen –Chair, addressed #6 on agenda first. Cluster Council memberships have been updated; 2016 terms will not be replaced this year. Archbishop Jackels of Dubuque approved changes. Members that will be affected include the following, Jim Franzen, Joan Swestka, Donna Dietzenbach, Ken Hemesath, Pat Sheridan, Gary Barloon, Steve Schmitt, and Dave Klimesh.

Jacob Rouse gave a brief midterm report. Spoke about his vocations in general. Outbound stewardships, Brotherhood relationships he has with the Archdiocese of Dubuque. Jacob complimented us all having 6 parishes that have worked well together. Discussion of how the Archbishop Jackels requires all new upcoming priests to explorer the small town vs. large town stewardships. This has been a great learning curve for Jacob. From Nursing home visits, school children events, and daily mass participation’. Jacob did share one Child’s comment” Child proclaimed… “Why would you go to school that long…just to work on Sundays”?

Archbishop Jackels on Mission Priority #1: Strengthening programs for ongoing education in the Faith (video and discussion) this was presented by Father March along with a pamphlet. Council members watched video on strengthening programs for ongoing education in faith. Archbishop Jackels proposed that we focus on four priorities. This was #1. Children youth are our future.

April 27, 2016 Year of Mercy: Father March would like to hook up internet/T.V. with wall mounts for our faith formation classes. These will be at the Father Morran Center, OLMC site. Funds that were not used for post card mailings will be used for costs.

Discussions of a Farewell to Fr. Nick March: Welcome for Fr. Kyle Digmann. Purposed: Set date for July 7, 2016. @ The “Waucoma Event center”. Thus, would be for a goodbye party for Father Nick. All are welcome! Open house event, 4-5 hours. Father March would like participation of all 6 parishes. Including games, cards, and catered food items. Each church perhaps, could have an individual goodbye with coffee and donuts after mass. Father March would like to see us all as a group having a joyful day!

July 12, 2016 at 12:00 p.m. Our new priest Father Kyle Digmann will take over. Father March is planning a couple of visits from Father KyleDigmann from now until July 12, 2016. A Welcome committee will be in introduced. If anyone has suggestions please call Grace.

The meeting was adjourned after a closing prayer at 8:25.

Next meeting scheduled on June 2, 2016 @ 7pm at Protivin Community Center

In the order stated,

Julianne Kout