Formative Assessment Plan

Grade/ Subject: 5th Grade Science
OBJECTIVE: 5.P.1Understand force, motion and the relationship between them.
–5. P.1.1 Explain how factors such as gravity, friction, and change in mass affect the motion of objects.
Learning Target / Criteria for Success / Collecting Evidence / Documenting Evidence
I can explain forces and giveexamples of forces.
I can explain how gravity affects the motion of objects.
I can explain how friction affects the motion of objects.
I can explain how change in mass affects the motion of objects. / 5.P.1.1
I will observe and explain the motion of objects being pushed and pulled.
I will observe and explain the motion of falling objects and objects moving on a ramp.
I will observe and explain the motion of objects on various surfaces.
I will observe and explain how the mass of an object affects its motion / 5.P.1.1
The students will conduct mini experiments using various objects to see how forces affect their motion:
  • Students will be collecting data on how these different types of balls react to the forces being applied to them.
  • The students will investigate the force of gravity and see its affect on the motion of balls and Matchbox cars. Investigation will include dropping different balls and rolling matchbox cars up and down a ramp.
  • The students will investigate friction. They will investigate with wood blocks and matchbox cars on different surfaces (smooth, slick, and rough) to see the affects of friction.
  • The students will investigate howthe motion of a vehicle changes because of its mass.
(See 5.P.1.1 Support Doc_Support Document_HWhitley) / 5.P.1.1
Mental notes: Special notice should be given to vocabulary (force, gravity, friction, and mass), peer discussions, and students justifying their answers. (example “Are you a Scientist?”)
Students will begin a S.E.E.D. entry in their science journals to keep up with their new vocabulary.
(See 5.P.1.1 Support Doc_Support Document_HWhitley)
  1. What misconceptions do you think students might have?
There is no difference between motion and a change in motion. Students think that only starting and stopping are changes in motion or that all motion (even at constant speed) is a change. Motion can change without any external cause. Students may observe that objects seem to slow and stop on their own (not recognizing friction as an externally applied push), or that falling objects increase speed on their own (not recognizing the gravitational pull of Earth).
  1. What will you do to address the misconceptions to move learning forward (e.g., how will you adjust instruction, what descriptive feedback will you provide)?
* I will allow for time for reflection andstudent conferences.To help address misconceptions, I preload vocabulary and have students speak about what they are doing while they are investigating. I will have one student explain what a peer states and turn it into class discussions. As the investigations are being conducted, I have preloaded questions to help stop these misconceptions. It is important for students at this age to work through the investigation to see the end result. ** Please note: all questions and vocabulary are included in the support documents (5.P1.1, 5.P1.2 and 5.P1.3).

North Carolina Department of Public Instruction