Department of Administration
County of Dane, Wisconsin


/ Department of Human Services


/ #107134


PURPOSE / The purpose of this document is to provide interested parties with information to enable them to prepare and submit a proposal for specialized transportation services in Dane County.
RFP SUBMISSIONS / 2:00 P.M. Central Time
October 30, 2007


MADISON, WI 53703-3345


/ q  Label the lower left corner of your sealed submittal package with the RFP number
Place the Signature Affidavit as the first page of your proposal
Submit one original and ( 3 ) copies of your technical proposal
Submit one original and ( 3 ) copies of your cost proposal
TITLE / Purchasing Agent
PHONE # / 608/266-4966
FAX # / 608/266-4425
WEB SITE / www.danepurchasing.com
DATE RFP ISSUED: October 1, 2007


Dane County Vendor Registration Program

All bidders wishing to receive a bid/proposal award must be paid registered vendors with Dane County. Prior to the bid opening, you may complete a registration form online by visiting our web site at http://www.co.dane.wi.us/purch/purch.htm, or you may obtain a Vendor Registration Form by calling 608.266.4131. Your completed Vendor Registration Form and Registration Fee must be received prior to the bid award.



1.1 / Introduction and background
1.2 / Scope - Rural Senior Group Transportation Program (RSG)
1.2.A.1 / Program Description
1.2.A.2 / Service Description
1.2.A.3 / Ride Scheduling and Routing
1.2.A.4 / Passenger Assistance
1.2.A.5 / Fare Collection
1.2.A.6 / Performance Standards
1.2.A.7 / Other Service Standards
1.2.A.8 / Operators
1.2.A.9 / Vehicles
1.2.A.10 / Fuel Efficiency and Alternative Fuels
1.2.A.11 / Customer Satisfaction
1.2.A.12 / Reporting
1.3 / Procuring and contracting department/division
1.4 / Definitions
1.5 / Clarification of the specifications
1.6 / Reasonable accommodations
1.7 / Calendar of events
1.8 / Contract term and funding
2.1 / General instructions
2.2 / Proprietary Information
2.3 / Incurring costs
2.4 / Submitting the proposal
2.5 / Proposal organization and format
2.6 / Multiple proposals
2.7 / Oral presentations and site visits
3.1 / Preliminary evaluation
3.2 / Proposal scoring
3.3 / Right to reject proposals
3.4 / Evaluation criteria
3.5 / Award and final offers
3.6 / Notification of intent to Award
4.1 / Organization capabilities
4.2 / Staff qualifications
5.1 / Insurance coverage
5.2 / Financial statement
5.3 / Vehicle Inventory
5.4 / Communication Equipment
5.5 / Project policies
5.6 / Proposer references
6.1 / General instructions on submitting cost proposals
6.2 / Fuel Escalator/De-escalator Clauses
6.3 / Fixed Price Period
7.1 / Payment requirements
7.2 / Liquidated Damages
A. / Signature Affidavit
B. / Vendor Data Sheet
C. / Reference Data Sheet
D. / Designation of Confidential and Proprietary Information
E. / Cost Summary Page/s
F. / Fair Labor Practices Certification
10.0 / APPENDIX A – Oregon Adult Day Program Ridership as of August 2007


1.1 / Introduction and Background
The purpose of this document is to provide interested parties with information to enable them to prepare and submit a proposal for specialized transportation services within Dane County.
The County, as represented by its Human Services Department, intends to use the results of this process to award contracts for specialized transportation services.
1.2 / Scope
Service A. Rural Senior Group Transportation Program (RSG) for the following service area:
South Central Dane County, Service to the Oregon Area Senior Citizens Adult Day Program. Eligible riders are from the Towns of Oregon, parts of the towns of Rutland and Dunn; the Village of Oregon, and the southern portion of the City of Fitchburg. The service area corresponds with the Dane County portion of the Oregon School District.
Additional riders from the Green County portion of the school district may ride with the program (one rider currently does so), but the cost of the ride is paid by the family through the Senior Center, and the Center is separately billed for the cost of the ride.
1.2.A / Rural Senior Group Transportation Program (RSG)
1.2.A.1 / Program Description
This program provides routed, scheduled specialized transportation services to groups of older adults and persons with disabilities. The program is a door-to-door service, as described in Section 1.2.A.4, below.
Trip Purposes: The RSG Pogram provides trips are provided to designated locations, including congregate meal sites (nutrition sites), senior/community centers, shopping, and selected social activities, however, this bid covers only adult day program trips to the Oregon Area Senior Center. Medical trips are not provided. Medical Assistance is not billed for these services.
Eligible Riders: Riders are adults sixty (60) years or over or persons with disabilities who live in their own homes or apartments. Residents of Community-Based Residential Facilities (CBRFs), Residential Care Apartment Complexes (RCACs) or nursing homes are not eligible.
Service Hours: Service includes pre-scheduled trips arriving at the senior center at 9:00 a.m., and returning home at approximately 12:30 p.m. Service is approximately 30 hours/month. Occasional variation in schedule may be arranged at the request of the senior center, by mutual consent of the provider and the senior center.
Service Usage: Service generates approximately 30 service hours, and 675 miles monthly. This estimate is based upon current usage. Ridership may change, or service levels may be adjusted up or down with 30 days notice to Provider. Ridership as of August 2007 is detailed in Appendix A.
1.2.A.2 / Service Description
Ride arrangements: Ride reservations and cancellations for individual trips will be made to the Contractor by the rider or local senior service organization staff.
Service Scheduling: The Department of Human Services sets service boundaries, approves trip destinations and service schedules, and creates capacity and waiting list policies. Local senior and community service organizations may negotiate directly with the Contractor in the event of temporary schedule adjustments. The Contractor is responsible for daily routing and scheduling.
1.2.A.3 / Ride Scheduling and Routing
Local senior and community service organizations work cooperatively with the Department of Human Services to establish schedules for trips. At the time the ride is scheduled, the Contractor shall designate and communicate to the rider (or individual arranging ride on behalf of the rider) a range of time not to exceed 30 minutes during which the rider will be picked up at his/her home. Contractor shall return for riders at pre-arranged times.
Trip schedules are established annually, but may be changed occasionally by mutual agreement of the Contractor and the senior service organization, in order to accommodate special events. The Contractor will make reasonable attempts to accommodate requests from senior service staff for occasional schedule changes.
1.2.A.4 / Passenger Assistance
Drivers will provide passengers with door-to-door assistance. Drivers will go to the door to announce their arrival (e.g., face-to-face or intercom). Honking at the curb will not be accepted as sufficient notification of arrival.
Drivers will provide assistance, which will ensure the passengers’ safe passage to and from the door of their origin or destination, and to and from the vehicle seat. Assistance is required for curbs and stairs to a maximum of 3 stairs at any origin or destination. In cases where the rider states that she/he does not require assistance, the driver shall still attend sufficiently to the rider’s progress to ensure the passenger’s safe passage.
Drivers will assist frail passengers with a small number of packages. This occurs infrequently.
Attendants and service animals may ride with the registered passenger.
1.2.A.5 / Fare Collection
The Contractor will not collect donations or fares in this program. Passengers will not be expected or requested to pay a gratuity to drivers. Drivers shall be prohibited from accepting gratuities. Attendants and service animals may ride with the registered passenger free of charge.
1.2.A.6 / Performance Standards
  1. The maximum amount of travel time for each passenger is 60 minutes per one-way trip. Any variation from this standard, except in emergencies, must be approved by the Department of Human Services prior to provision of the service.
  1. Schedule adherence is defined as 95% of passengers picked up and dropped off within 15 minutes and 100% within 30 minutes of scheduled pick-up and drop-off time.
  1. The standard for service provision shall be not more than 0.5% missed trips, defined as scheduled rides where the Contractor failed to show up to pick up the passenger.
  1. Safety standards shall be defined as more than 25,000 miles per non-injury accident and 60,000 miles per injury accident.
  1. Passenger safety standards shall be 100% of wheelchair passengers properly secured according to the current Code of Federal Regulations.
  1. Maintenance standards shall be defined as more than 4,500 miles per road call. A road call shall mean mechanical vehicle failure requiring a mechanic to inspect or repair the vehicle while still in service.
Failure to attain these standards (a-f) in any given month will result in a one-percent reduction in the monthly compensation for each standard not met. Failure to attain one standard for four months in a row or four standards in any given month will be consideration for default of this Contract, as defined in Section 9, below. Performance standards may be waived by the County in emergency situations such as inclement weather.
1.2.A.7 / Other Service Standards
Service issues such as rude operators or personnel, inadequate passenger assistance, unsafe or uncomfortable vehicle conditions, or other circumstances or behaviors which have a substantial adverse effect on the passengers will be negotiated between the County and the Contractor so as to achieve a Service Improvement Agreement (SIA) consistent with satisfactory performance. Repeated failure to adequately resolve such service problems according to the negotiated SIA in any given month will be consideration for financial penalty not to exceed 5% of monthly compensation.
1.2.A.8 / Operators
  1. The Contractor will recruit, hire, train, and supervise the drivers who are to operate this service. These operators will be employees or agents of the Contractor, not the County, and will not act as, or represent themselves as, employees or agents of the County.
  1. The Contractor is responsible for paying these operators’ wages and benefits. Wages shall be in accordance with the Dane County Living Wage Ordinance.
  1. The Contractor is responsible for the accuracy of any vouchers, billings, manifests, logs, or invoices submitted by operators pursuant to this Contract, including errors which result in over-billings.
  1. Operators engaged for this service will be required to possess a valid driver’s license. Contractor will have, for each driver, a copy of her/his driver’s license on file, as well as a documented State of Wisconsin Department of Justice criminal background check, a documented national criminal background check, a driving abstract from Wisconsin Department of Transportation, and record of sensitivity training as coordinated by local transportation companies.
  2. The Contractor shall be responsible for monitoring operators’ driver’s licenses, permits, and criminal background to ensure that all operators providing services under this Contract possess the appropriate licenses, permits and background.
  1. The Contractor agrees to comply with all Wisconsin Department of Transportation drug and alcohol testing requirements applicable to any operators providing service under this Contract. Cost of compliance with said requirements are the responsibility of the Contractor.
  1. The Contractor must provide driver training for each operator providing services under this Contract. Minimum training must include defensive driving techniques, first aid including current standards of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), proper use of restraint systems and securement devices, emergency procedures during the transport of passengers, and sensitivity training for working with elderly and disabled passengers.
  1. The Contractor shall supply the County with operator driving records upon request. Nothing in Section 9 of this contract related to Affirmative Action shall affect the County's right to refuse to permit a particular operator to drive for services covered by this proposal, if the County determines that the operator is unacceptable to the County for reasons including, but not limited to, the following:
·  Involvement in more than two accidents in any 12 month period, whether on or off duty;
·  Operating a vehicle under the influence of, or the use of, a controlled substance or alcohol while on duty;
·  Permitting unauthorized persons to perform operating duties;
·  Conviction of any of the following:
  1. more than two moving violations in any two year period (please note: this relates to conviction, as opposed to involvement, covered above);
  2. operating a motor vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant or a controlled substance or under the influence of any other drug, or operating with a prohibited alcohol concentration;
  3. violence to a person or animal, theft or embezzlement, or any felony, misdemeanor, or other offense, the circumstances of which relate to vehicle operation, service provision, or working with vulnerable persons.
  1. The Contractor will perform a criminal conviction records check on all new employees prior to their employment in connection with all of these contracted services. The Contractor shall supply the County with these records upon request. Nothing in Section 9 of this contract related to Affirmative Action shall affect the County's right to refuse to permit a particular operator to drive for services covered by this proposal, if the County determines that the operator is unacceptable to the County.

1.2.A.9 / Vehicles
  1. The Contractor shall have access to a sufficient number and capacity of scheduled and back-up vehicles to ensure meeting the capacity demand for each day, for both ambulatory and non-ambulatory (wheelchair) passengers, within 15 minutes of the scheduled pick-up and drop-off times.
  1. The Contractor shall provide vehicles of sufficient capacity to accommodate scheduled passengers. In each case of vehicle breakdown, the Contractor may only invoice for one replacement vehicle.
  1. Replacement vehicles must be provided within 30 minutes of the scheduled pick-up or drop-off time. The Contractor must have access to sufficient back-up vehicles to provide adequately for preventive and repair maintenance and vehicle breakdowns.
  1. Any change in the number of vehicles and/or equipment used to provide transportation services requires prior approval from the Department of Human Services. Replacement of vehicles listed in the Vehicle Inventory (see Section 5.3, below) for a period of time greater than two weeks must be reported in writing to the County contract manager.
  1. All vehicles used for this service shall have a current Certificate of Inspection by the State Patrol in compliance with Wisconsin Department of Transportation Administrative Rule Chapter TRANS 301.
  1. The contractor shall comply with all applicable mobility and accessibility requirements in the current Code of Federal Regulations.
  1. The use of vehicles marked or registered as school buses shall not be permitted for this service.
  1. The Contractor's vehicle seats shall comfortably accommodate adults and each bus or van-type vehicle must have adequate aisle space to allow for passenger movements. Adequate space shall be provided in each vehicle for the storage of passenger packages, walkers, canes, and folding wheelchairs, if necessary.
  1. Every vehicle must have a 100% operating heating and air conditioning system.
  1. Every vehicle must have 100% operative radio or telephone communication capable of immediate communication with a base dispatch center. The dispatch center shall have 100% operative radio or communications equipment capable of immediate communication with all vehicles in service at all times. If cellular phones are used for communications, all vehicle phones must have a push-to-talk communications feature which enables immediate contact with dispatch.
  1. The Contractor will provide storage and maintenance space for its vehicles. The Contractor will supply tires, fuel, tools, and spare parts, and will maintain the vehicles in good working order through a program of prompt repair and routine maintenance. Vehicles shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary manner. The Contractor will keep the vehicles clean through a program of daily cleaning of the interior and at least quarterly major cleaning.
  1. The Contractor shall maintain accurate vehicle maintenance records and shall provide copies of these records to the County upon request.
  1. The County reserves the right to inspect vehicles utilized by the Contractor for this service. The Contractor shall keep complete vehicle maintenance records, including both routine maintenance and repairs. The County reserves the right to inspect vehicle maintenance records, and Wisconsin State Patrol vehicle inspection records during normal working hours with 24 hours notice, and to require the removal from service of any revenue vehicle not in compliance with the standards set forth herein.