Medea Creek Middle School: 7th Humanities, Mrs. Stein

Week 9: Quarter 2: 12-14-15 to 12-18-15

12/14 / Finish sharing “I Am” items
Return Papers/File
Character & Conflict:
  • Work on project
/ Ch. 7
  • Complete Lesson Review ?’s complete sentences on own paper OR
Complete Activity 7.4: use color / R 7. Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author distinguishes his or her position from that of others. / LA: Work on Character Project: due Thursday
SS: Complete 7.4 ?’s or boxes
SS: Study for Wed. Test
12/15 / Character & Conflict:
  • Work on project
/ Ch. 7 China:
  • Discuss Lesson 4
  • Review for Test: Look at website
/ SS 7.3.3: Analyze the influences of Confucianism and changes in Confucian thought during the Sung and Mongol periods. / LA: Work on Project: due Thursday
SS: Review for tomorrow’s test
SS: Bring Chinese food/drinks Fri.
12/16 / Character & Conflict:
  • Finish project
  • Be ready to present tomorrow
**Any digital projects should be turned into GoogleClassroom (L Arts): Name(s), Title / Ch. 7 China:
  • China Unit Test
  • Begin Current Event: Complete Initial Steps only
/ SS 7.3.1: Describe the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty and reasons for the spread of Buddhism in Tang China, Korea, and Japan. / LA: Work on Project: due tomorrow
SS: “China’s Money Crunch”
*Complete Initial Steps only
SS: Bring Chinese food/drinks Friday
12/17 / Character & Conflict:
  • Project presentations
/ Ch. 7 China:
  • Check in Current Event: China’s Money Crunch
  • Answer questions in scholarly groups and discuss
  • Collect China Packets
/ SL 6.Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. / LA: None
SS: Bring Chinese food/drinks Fri.
12/18 / Character & Conflict:
Video Connection with Chinese cultural foods/drinks / Video Connection with Chinese cultural foods/drinks / / Have a great winter break!
1.Be sure to use your planner.
2.Keep your weekly schedule.
3.Plan your work! Work your plan!
4.Use study & learning strategies for success!
5.Be organized! / QUOTE TO PONDER:
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
–Martin Luther King Jr. / REMINDERS:
*12/21-1/3: Winter Break
*1/4: No School / TESTS/ DUE DATES:
-12/17 China Test/Char.
-1/28: Skills III Due
-2/5: Skills III Test