Ann Smart MARTIN

Department of Art History

Conrad A. Elvehjem Building, 800 University Ave

University of Wisconsin-Madison,Madison, WI 53706

Office phone: (608) 263-5684



B.A. in History and Anthropology, Duke University, Durham, NC,May 1982. Magna Cum Laude, Graduation with Honors in History. Honors Thesis: "The Distribution of Wealth in Henrico County, Virginia, 1780-1860: Urban Growth and Rural Change."

M.A. in American Studies, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA,May 1986. Thesis: "The Urban/Rural Dichotomy of Status Consumption: Tidewater, Virginia 1815."

Ph.D; History. Early American History/Material Culture, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, May 1993. Awarded distinction in comprehensive examinations.

Dissertation: "Buying Into the World of Goods: Eighteenth-Century Consumerism and the Retail Trade from London to the Virginia Frontier." Supervisors: James P. Whittenburg, Barbara C. Carson, Lorena S. Walsh, John Selby, Bernard Herman.

Positions Held:

Stanley and Polly Stone (Chipstone) Chair, American Decorative Arts, Material Culture. Art History Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Associate (2005-2010), Assistant (1998-2005).

Director, interdisciplinary Material Culture Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2004-

Historian, Research Division, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg, VA, 1994-98.

Adjunct Assistant Professor, American Studies, College of William and Mary, 1995.

Acting Director, Office of Advanced Studies, Winterthur Museum, 1993-94.

Assistant Professor, Winterthur Program in Early American Culture, 1992-94.

Instructor, Program in American Studies, College of William and Mary, 1990.

Instructor, Department of History, College of William and Mary, 1989 (Fall).

Instructor, Department of History, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, 1989 (Summer).

Research Fellow, Department of Archaeological Research, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1986-91.

Laboratory Technician, Department of Archaeological Research, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1983-86.

Research Assistant, Laboratory Assistant, Excavator and/or Field Director for: St. Mary's City Commission, St. Mary's City, MD; Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation (Monticello), Charlottesville, VA; Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA; North Carolina Division of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC, 1980-83

Honors, Awards, and Grants Since Ph.D.:

Selected to be highlighted in first University of Wisconsin-Madison, College of Letters and Science “Fueling Discovery”publication where 22 facultymembersdescribe “how their research promotes understanding of the human condition and/or physical world”Wisconsin State-Journal. May 8, 2016.

Winterthur Material Culture Research Fellowship, Winterthur Museum, 2015.

Vilas Associate Award, Graduate School, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2011-2012.

Award,Summer Funding, Graduate School, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011.

Book Prize, 2009. Buying into the World of Goods: Early Consumers in the Virginia Backcountry, Winner of the annual Hagley Business Prize for the best book in business history (broadly defined). Presented annually by the Hagley Library and the Business History conference.

Book Prize, 2008. Buying into the World of Goods: Early Consumers in the Virginia Backcountry. Co-winner of the Fred Kniffen Award from the Pioneer America Society, Association for the Preservation of Artifacts and Landscapes. In honor of the renowned historical geographer Fred Kniffen, it recognizes the best-authored book in the field of North American material culture.

Travel Grant, Kohler Foundation, student travel to Kohler and Chicago for Graduate Vernacular Art Class, 2009, 2011.

ElectedMember, American Antiquarian Association,April 2008.

Visiting Research Fellow, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, January-June 2008.

Visiting Professor, Global History and Culture Center, University of Warwick February -June 2008.

Short-term Visiting Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, University of Warwick, January 2008.

Travel Grant, Paul Mellon Center for Studies in British Art, London, January-June 2008.

Excellence in teaching with technology, Podcasting Plus Awardee, 2007. Engage, Division of Information Technology, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Grant, Kohler Foundation, for conference and study trip for material culture faculty and students, April 2001.

Interdisciplinary humanities workshop, “Ritual(s) of Everyday Life: A Material Culture Workshop, Wisconsin Humanities Center, 2000-2001. Mellon Foundation Grant. One of only two groups to be awarded second grant in 2001-2002.

Andrew Mellon Research Fellowship, Virginia Historical Society, 1995-1996, 2000-2001.

Visiting Research Associate, Commonwealth Center in Early American Culture, 1994-1995.



Buying into the World of Goods, Early Consumers in Backcountry Virginia (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, February 2008).

Edited Volumes:

Editor of Creators, Collectors Communities: Making Ethnic Identity through Objects. An E-book Accompaniment to The Driftless Historium’s Inaugural Exhibition

Editor (with J. Ritchie Garrison) of American Material Culture: The Shape of the Field (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press for Winterthur Museum, 1997). Essay, “Shaping the Field: The Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Material Culture.” 1-20.

Guest editor of special issue devoted to Material Culture in Early America in William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd series, LIII, no. 1 (January 1996). Introductory essay, "Material Things and Cultural Meanings: Notes on the Study of Early American Material Culture." 5-12.

Catalogues and exhibitions:


Contributing curator to “Merchant Era 1770-1850s” in American Enterprise, permanent exhibition at the SmithsonianMuseum of American History. (Class Spring 2013; data entry, research, object selection and blog based on18th-centuryVirginia merchant’s account.) Exhibition opened July 1, 2015.

Museum Links: Exhibition Photographs

Detail of part of student work:

Museum The Merchant’s Role, including interactive account book

My blog post to Smithsonian Museum site:

Some nice press:

Wisconsin State-Journal

University of Wisconsin _


Ceramics from the Chipstone Collection(with Robert Hunter), exhibition at New York Ceramics Fair, National Academy of Design, New York January 2000.


Creators Collectors & Communities: Making Ethnic Identity through Objects,” Driftless Historium, Mount Horeb Historical Society, Mt. Horeb Wisconsin. June 2017. (Academic advisor, co-curator, collections research and student supervision).



Media coverage:

NBC July 18, 2017 435294133.html

“Handmade Meaning: The Value of Craft in Victorian and Contemporary Culture,” James Watrous Gallery, Overture Center, December 2010-February 2011. (Class, Spring 2010.)

Campus Art History Museum

What’s in a Jug:? Art, Technology, Culture” exhibition, (Chazen Museum of Art, Mayer Gallery, (Feb 9-April 8, 2018).

“Capturing Nature: Instruments, Specimens, Art” with Prof. Lynn Nyhart. Objects from Physics, Zoology, and Art collections for display at four campus locations December 2013-April 2014. (Class, First-year Interest Group, fall 2013)


Video: Making

The World at Hand: Ceramics in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Britain, exhibition and website. Chazen Museum of Art, permanent gallery 2007-

Virtual exhibition at .)

Related programming

Reflections: Early American Furniture, Portraits and Silver, exhibition and catalogue (Elvehjem Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003).

Makers and Users: American Decorative Arts, 1620-1860 from the Chipstone Collection, exhibition and catalogue (Elvehjem Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1999

Other Campus Locations:

(From above.)“Capturing Nature: Instruments,Specimens, Art” Birge Hall, Physics Department, Zoology Department.

The Chamber Pot: Culture Contained, exhibition,Kohler Art Library, November-December, 2004.


“’Open the Mind and Close the Sale’: Consumerism and the Archaeological Record” in Material Worlds: Archaeology, Consumption, and the Road to Modernity, edited by Barbara J. Heath, Eleanor E. Breen, and Lori A. Lee, (New York: Routledge, 2017)

“My Top Ten:Ceramic Scholarship that Shapes my Work” in Ceramics in America (2014), ed. Robert Hunter. (Milwaukee: Chipstone Foundation, 2014)

“Before the Light Bulb: A Material Culture of Luminousity and Reflection,” in Writing the History of Material Culture” ed. Anne Gerritsen and Giorgio Riello (London: Bloomsbury Publishers, 2015)

“Scottish Merchants: Sorting out the World of Goods in Early America” in Transatlantic Craftmanship: Scotland and the Americas in the 18th and 19th centuries. Simon Gilmour and Vanessa Habib, eds. (Edinburgh: Society of Scottish Antiquaries, 2013).

“Mirrors” “Ribbons” in “The World of a Slave: Encyclopedia of Material Slave Life in the United States African-American Material Culture, ed. Martha Katz-Hymen and Kim Rice, Greenwood Press, 2010.

“Ribbons of Desire: Gendered Stories in the World of Goods,” in Gender, Taste, and Material Culture in Britain in America in the Long Eighteenth-century, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006.

“Tea Tables Overturned: Rituals of Power and Place in Colonial America,” in Furnishing the Eighteenth Century London: Routledge Press 2006.

“Magical, Mythical, Practical and Sublime: the Meanings and Uses of Ceramics in America,” Ceramics in America, vol. 1, no. 1 (2001) 29-46.

“Early Stores,” Lost Virginia: The Vanished Architectural Landscape, ed. Bryan Clark Green, Calder Loth, and William M.S. Rasmussen. 94-97 Charlottesville: Howell Press, 2001. Catalog to accompany exhibition at the Virginia Historical Society.

“Commercial Space as Consumption Arena: Retail Stores in Early Virginia,” Sally McMurry and Annmarie Adams, People, Power, Places: Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture VIII Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2000.

"Frontier Boys and Country Cousins: The Context for Choice in Eighteenth-Century Consumerism," Historical Archaeology and the Study of American Culture, 71-102, ed. LuAnn DeCunzo and Bernard Herman. Wilmington: Winterthur Museum, 1996.

"Common People and the Local Store," Common People and their Material World, Special Publication, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg, VA 1995.

With George L. Miller and Nancy S. Dickinson, "Changing Consumption Patterns: English Ceramics and the American Market, a Case Study," Everyday Life in the Early Republic, 1789-1820. 219-249. New York: W.W. Norton, 1994.

“Fashionable Sugar Dishes, Latest Fashion Wares’: The Creamware Revolution in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake," The Historic Archaeology of the Chesapeake, 169-188, ed. Paul Shackle and Barbara J. Little. Washington: Smithsonian Museum Press. 1994.

"Makers, Buyers, and Users: Consumerism as a Material Culture Framework," Winterthur Portfolio 28 2/3 (Autumn 1993): 141-157.

"The Role of Pewter as Missing Artifact: Consumer Attitudes Toward Tablewares in Late Eighteenth-Century Virginia," Historical Archaeology, 23 (2) (Fall 1989) 1- 27. Selected for volume of articles reprinted from the journal, in Approaches to Material Culture Research in Historical Archaeology, 248-74, ed. George L. Miller, Olive Jones, Terry Majewski, and Lester Ross. Society for Historical Archaeology Special Publication, 1991.

"Reflecting on Things Past: Archaeology, Material Culture, and the Written Record," History News, Vol 45 (4) (July/August 1990) 17-23.

With George L. Miller, "English Ceramics in America: A Select Annotated Bibliography," Decorative Arts and Household Furnishings Used in America, 1650-1920, 201-219, ed. Kenneth L. Ames and Gerald W.R. Ward. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia for the Winterthur Museum, 1989.

"The World the Slaves and Slaveholders Made," "The Establishment and Development of Public Welfare Institutions," and "Management Plan for York County," Towards a Resource Protection Process: James City County, York County, City of Poquoson, and City of Williamsburg. Marley Brown, et al, Virginia Division of Historic Landmarks, Richmond, VA,1985.

Book Reviews:

Patricia Phillips Marshall and Jo Ramsay Leimenstoll, Thomas Day: Master Craftsman and Free Man of Color (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010)

Journal of Modern Craft vol 6-Issue 2 July 2013: 235-238.

Maureen Daly Goggin and Beth Fowkes Tobin, “Women and the Material Culture of Needlework and Textiles, 1750-1950,” for Material Culture. Vol. 44, no. 1 (Spring 2012): 88-90.

David Hussey and Margaret Ponsonby, Buying for the Home: Shopping for the Domestic from the Seventeenth Century to the Present, for Economic History Review, vol. 63 (1) February 2010: 241-242.

John Styles, The Dress of the People: Everyday Fashion in Eighteenth-Century England for Journal of Fashion Theory December 2009.

Leslie Umberger, Sublime Spaces & Visionary Worlds: Built Environments of Vernacular Artists for Winterthur Portolio, December 2008.

John Crowley, The Invention of Comfort: Sensibilities and Design in Early Modern Britain and Early Americafor Journal of Social History, March 2004.

Jules Prown, Art as Evidence: Writings on Art and Material Culture,College Arts Association Online Reviews. Fall 2003.

Henry Glassie, Material Culture for Studies in the Decorative Arts VIII, Number 2 (Spring-summer 2001).

H.E. Comstock, The Pottery of the Shenandoah Valley for Winterthur Portfolio 32:2/3 (1997) 211-214.

Stephanie Wolfe, As Various As Their Land: The Everyday Life of Eighteenth-Century Americans for Pennsylvania Magazine of History & Biography CXIX, no. 1/2 (January/April 1995):135-136.

Beverly Lemire, Fashion's Favourite: The Cotton Trade and the Consumer in Britain, 1660-1800 for Journal of Economic History 54, no. 4 (Dec. 1994): 923-924.

Charlotte Wilcoxen, Dutch Trade and Ceramics in America in the Seventeenth Century for Historical Archaeology 23 (2) Fall 1989: 131-133.

Diana Edwards Roussel, The Castleford Pottery: 17901821 for Historical Archaeology. 20 (1)Spring 1986:114-115.

Future publications

Book. Banish the Night: Domestic Illumination and Reflection Before the Light Bulb. Research completed; writing begun. 2019

Very Short Introduction: Material Culture, Oxford University Press, contract awarded.

Conferences Organized:

Vernacular Art Tour, Optional Tour to Kohler Wisconsin. For Vernacular Architecture Forum, National Meeting, Madison, WI, June 2012

Consortium of Material Culture Graduate Programs, National Meeting, Madison, WI May 2012

“The Life of the Object: An Experimental Conference and Workshop on Production,Consumption, and Creative Reuse in American Culture” Conference of the Mid-America AmericanStudies Association. 2011.

Selected Professional Talks: Invited and/or refereed nationally or internationally

“Art Environments as Lived Spaces: Rethinking St. EOM’s Pasaquan,”The Road Less TraveledConference, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, September 28, 2017

“William Ramsay’s World” BH and DH: Book History and Digital Humanities conference, Center for the History of Print and Digital Culture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, September 23, 2017

Digital Humanities Workshop, National Institute of American History and Democracy Summer Program,College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8795. July 8, 2017

Material Culture Caucus: “The Artifact’s (Home) Place in American Studies: Material Culture Pedagogy, Objectives, Curriculum”Roundtable, William D. Moore, David Brody, Katherine Grier, David Jaffee, Ann Smart Martin. American Studies Association, Denver Co. Nov. 18, 2016.

Paper, “Company's Coming: Artifacts and Rituals of Early New England Parlors,” Conference,Historic Deerfield, MA. Tea Tables Turned Over: Paradoxes of Ritual and Intrigue in the Parlor,” April 2, 2016.

Chair and Commentator, "Taste in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Aesthetics, Corporeality, and Materiality." North American Conference on British Studies, Minneapolis, Nov. 7-9, 2014

"Call the Lamps: Eighteenth-Century Design, Creativity, and Technology," The Infrastructures of Creativity: Institutions and Innovation in the 18th and 21st Centuries” Illinois Institute of Technology, April 10 and 11, 2014.

Workshop, “The Athens of the West” and lecture “Before the Light Bulb: A Material Culture of Luminousity and Reflection,” Thomas D. Clark Lecture in the Humanities, Gaines Center, University of Kentucky, Feb. 6, 2014.

Organizer and Chair, “Show me the Money: Museum Conversations of Debt and Commerce” Roundtable at for the American Studies Association, November 2013 Annual Meeting.

“Experiencing Artificial Light: How it Worked in Pre-electric Interiors,” Historic Lighting Association Meeting, Canindauga, NY, October 19, 2013.

“Shimmer and Shine: Domestic Illumination and Surface Reflection Before the

Light Bulb.” American Decorative Arts Forum of Northern California,

deYoung Museum, San Francisco, Feb. 2013.

Invited participant, “Working Group on Museums: Biography” at the National Council of Public History/Organization of American Historians Conference. Milwaukee, WI April 2012

“Shimmer: The Materiality of Domestic Objects in Early Modern England and America.“ College Art Association, Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 2012

“Scottish Pots, Scottish Merchants: English Ceramics in America Redux,” Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, Session in Honor of George L. Miller, winner of the Harrington Award, January 2012.

'Flash and Shine: Mirrors, Memories and Meanings.' Invited speaker at 'Commemoration, Collection, Representation: the Material Culture of Memory.' Material Culture Institute, University of Alberta University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, April 2010.

“The Channel…Centering in Glasgow”: Scottish Merchants in Eighteenth-century America, in Transatlantic Craftmanship: Scotland and the Americas in the 18th and 19th centuries,” Winterthur Museum,Oct. 2009.

Region to Ethnicity: the Southern Backcountry, Opening Day speaker at Museum Early Southern Decorative Arts Summer Institute, July 2009.

“Material Culture as Global and Local,‘ 'Global Arts: Material Cultures and Materialities Across the World,’ University/Museum Material Culture Interchange, May 9, 2008 University of Warwick, U.K.

Buying into the World of Goods; Early Consumers in Backcountry Virginia, Book Launch, Philadelphia Center for Early American Economic Studies and the Library Company of Philadelphia, April 22, 2008.

"Suckey's Mirror: Global/Local Material Culture of the Early South." American Studies Department, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. April 16, 2008.

Banish the Night: Illumination and Reflection in Early Modern England and America,Research Department SeminarVictoria and Albert Museum, May 6.

--- Geffreye Museum, London, April 7.

--- Center for Eighteenth-century Studies, University of Warwick March 5, 2008.

Consumer Trade of the Four Parts of the World: Imagining East, West, America and Africa in the Eighteenth Century, Institute for Advanced Study/Center for Global History and Culture Public Lecture, University of Warwick, Feb 20, 2008.

Chair, “New foods, New Diets” at conference “Chiles, Chocolate and Tomatoes: Global Cultures of Food after Columbus,” Palazzo Pesaro Papafavo, Venice & Centro Studi per la Storia delle Campagne Venete, University of Padua, Italy, January 11 and 12, 2008.

“Global Trade and Local Place: Scottish Clocks and Iron Plates in Early Backcountry Virginia” Pioneer America Society: Association for the Preservation of Artifacts & Landscapes, Hagerstown, Maryland, October 11, 2007.

“A Cream-coloured Revolution in Eighteenth-Century British America” Ceramics Workshop, Waddesdon Manor,Aylesbury UK June 2007.

“Object-ness, Archaeology, and Material Culture Discussion Panel” Society of Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, Va January 2007

“Provisioning Early America: Or, Four Hundred Turkeys Just Passed the Door.” Invited Winterthur Museum Keynote at “Food Chains: Provisioning, Technology, and Science" Center for the History of Business, Technology, and Society, Hagley Museum and Library, November 2-4, 2006.

“Object-ness: A Trans-view of Things,” Paper and Session Organizer at “Trans. A Visual Culture Conference, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Oct. 19-22, 2006.