Form 2 - Brisbane MIND

Application for Group Therapy Program

‘Brisbane MIND’ is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health, and forms part of the Primary Mental Health Care Activity. Brisbane MIND aims to address service gaps in the provision of psychological therapies to underserviced and/or hard to reach populations. A person who meets the Brisbane MIND eligibility criteria can be referred by their General Practitioner (GP) or another approved referrer for individual and/or group therapy services. General Practitioners and other approved referrers within the Brisbane North PHN region are able to refer a capped number of clients to Brisbane MIND each financial year.

Client eligibility for group services

To be able to attend a group therapy service funded by Brisbane MIND, clients must have a valid Brisbane MIND referral in place. For some clients, their GP will identify the need for group therapy services at the time of referral. In this case, the GP would identify which group therapy program would be most suitable, and a purchase order will be issued to the relevant Brisbane MIND Provider.

For other clients, throughout the course of individual services, a Brisbane MIND Approved Clinician may identify that the person would benefit from group therapy services. The Approved Clinician will identify which group therapy program would be most suitable, complete the FORM 3- Approved Clinician Referral to Group Services form, communicate this referral with the GP, and a purchase order will be issued to the relevant Brisbane MIND Provider. An Approved Clinician referring a client to a group program will not affect the capped number of referrals for the GP. Please note, where a client is attending individual services with one Brisbane MIND provider, they are able and eligible to attend any approved Brisbane MIND group therapy program.

Clients without a valid Brisbane MIND referral in place are not eligible for group services funded by Brisbane MIND; however they may attend group services via another funding stream (eg. Better Access, private-paying).

Practitioner eligibility

Applications must be submitted by the Contractor Representative for the Brisbane MIND program. Group program facilitator/s must be a current approved Brisbane MIND Approved Clinician.

Applications may be submitted at any time during the financial year and will be assessed based on the client needs addressed, viability of the group program, and capability of the applicant to deliver group services within their current service delivery model. Suitable applications will be approved based on available funding.

Group therapy services

Group therapy programs must be delivered in a mannerconsistent with the Brisbane MIND program objectives and evidence-based therapeutic interventions with regards to program content, session duration and session regularity.

It is expected that group sessionshave between 6 and 12 participants, however please note groups are able to be made up of clients under a variety of billing arrangements (ie. Better Access, Brisbane MIND, private-paying). Group therapy programs are expected to be between 3 and 12 sessions in length and pre- and post-intervention measures must be collected and reported for all Brisbane MIND clients.

Submitting an application

The completedapplicationform is to be submitted as a single-documentto . Receipt of an application will be acknowledged within two (2) business days. Applications will be assessed within 30 days of receipt.

PART A: Details of applicant

1. / Name of Applicant
(the legal entity which holds an existing Brisbane MIND contract with the PHN)
2. / Business/Practice Name
(Trading as)
3. / Name of Contractor Representative
4. / Physical Address of Proposed Group Services

PART B: Selection criteria

Note: Please limit each response to a maximum of 300 words.

1. / Group Title
2. / Target population
Please describe the target population of your proposed group program
3. / Overview of group program
Please provide an overview of the content and intention of your program
4. / Group Facilitator Name
5. / Details of the proposed program / Proposed Start Date
Number of sessions
Frequency of sessions
Co-Facilitator Name (if applicable)
6. / Number of clients
Please provide an estimate of the number of Brisbane MIND clients likely to participate in your proposed group program
7. / Pre- and Post-Intervention Measures
All group participants will be required to complete a DASS. Please identify any other measures you will use.

Partners 4 Health Ltd (ABN 55 150 102 257), trading as Brisbane North PHN

Brisbane North PHN gratefully acknowledges the financial and other support from the Australian Government Department of Health