ESL Level 4(ESL 064 A #7237)Fall Quarter 2015

Instructor:Nancy McEachranInstructor:Mila Tari




Office Hours:M & W,12:30pm to 1:30pm,Office Hours:By appointment

T Th, 9:30am to 10:30 am or

By appointment

Course Schedule

Days:Daily (Monday to Friday)

Dates:Sept. 21st to Dec. 10th, 2015

No class on:Oct. 20th, Nov. 11th, Nov. 26th, Nov. 27th, Dec. 7th

Time:7:30am to 9:20am


School Emergency and Closure Information:Call (425) 401-6680

Bellevue College uses a system called Rave Alert to notify students and faculty if there is an emergency or closure on campus. Your Bellevue College e-mail address is automatically subscribed to Rave Alert. If you would like to receive these messages as a text to your mobile phone, you can subscribe at

The Purpose of the ESL Program is to help students to improve their English skills for their college and career goals.

Course Outcomes - College and Career Readiness Standards:

For fallquarter, our English lessons are about Sociology. At the end of this quarter, successful students should be able to do the following:


  • Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to show understanding of details in a text.
  • Find the main idea of a text; find the important details and explain how they support the main idea.
  • Find out what the writer's purpose or what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.
  • Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.


  • Organizewriting appropriate to task and purpose.
  • Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details.
  • Use linking words and phrases (e.g. and, but, so, or) to connect ideas.
  • Provide a concluding statement or paragraph.
  • Usecapitalization, punctuation, and spelling correctly.


  • Speak clearly at a speed so other people can understand.
  • Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or tell about an experience with facts and details.
  • Speak in complete sentences when appropriate.
  • Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material.
  • Find the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in media.


  • Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences.
  • Use context of sentences as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
  • Form and use regular and irregular verbs.
  • Form and use the simple (e.g., I walked; I walk; I'm going to walk) verb tenses.

Level 4 Course Standards for Technology

  • Log-in to Canvas.
  • Message your teacher in Canvas.
  • Check your grades in Canvas.
  • Complete assignments in Canvas.
  • Participate in simple discussions with your classmates in Canvas.


You will receive these grades on quizzes, tests and homework assignments:

A (90-100 points)Excellent

B (80-89 points)Very good with a few mistakes

C (70-79 points)Good with some mistakes

D (60-69 points)Work harder, made many mistakes

F (59points or lower)Not good, made too many mistakes

Important! You must turn in ALL homework assignments. Your grade will be lowered if there are missing assignments. If you are absent, you must make up all missed assignments.Ask your teachers or your classmates about the missed assignments.


You need to come to class every time.Attendance is part of your grade and a minimum class attendance of 80% is important to progress to the next level. When you are sick, call Nancyat 425-564-2747 or Mila at 425-564-2157. If you leave the class and cannot come back to Bellevue College, you must tell the teachers. It is very important.


To continue in the ESL program, you must make progress with your English.The teachers will decide your progress by looking at your grades for attendance, homework and tests. You can check your progress in Canvas. 80% or higher is successful completion. You must take the tests including the CASAS reading and listening tests at the end of the quarter to be able to register for the next quarter. The teachers will tell you during and at the end of the quarter what actions you need to do to make progress.

Students progress at different rates. You may advance to the next level after one quarter, after two quarters or after three quarters. If you don’t make progress to the next level by the end of three quarters, you will need to take a break from classes at Bellevue College. After a one-year break, you can apply again and take the CASAS test, but you must place in the level higher than your last class at Bellevue College.

Books and Materials Required

Buy the Level 4 Reading Guide from the BC bookstore. Bring a three-ring binder, paper, pens and pencils.

Bellevue College E-mail and access to Canvas

All students registered for classes at Bellevue College get an e-mail account. Use your student e-mail to login to our class website on Canvas. To create your account, go to:

Passwords expire every 120 days. You will need to create a new password every quarter.

BC offers computer and learning labs to enhance learning and student success. Find current campus locations for all student labs by visiting the Technology Help Desk at

Classroom Learning Atmosphere: Instructor’s Expectations

• Switch off your cell phone while in class.
• No texting during class.
• Bring the Level 4 Reading Guide, a three-ring binder, paper, pens and pencils. Bring everything to class each time you come.
• Come to class on time. Do not leave class early.
• Do all homework, and be a graceful student in class. This means that you need to work well in groups and be polite with classmates.
• Practice English outside of class every day.

Affirmation of Inclusion

Bellevue College is committed to maintaining an environment in which every member of the campus community feels welcome to participate in the life of the college, free from harassment and discrimination.We value our different backgrounds at Bellevue College, and students, faculty, staff members, and administrators are to treat one another with dignity and respect.For more information, see

Public Safety and Emergencies

Public Safety is located in the K building and can be reached at 425-564-2400. Public Safety serves as BC’s center for parking permits, Lost and Found, and emergency notifications.

Please call Public Safety if you have safety questions or concerns at any time, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. You may also visit the web page at

If there is a major emergency, please follow these three rules:

1) Listen and take directions from leaders in charge of the emergency situation.

2) Do not get in your car and leave campus. Emergency leaders will tell you when it is OK to leave. Roads must be open for emergency help and vehicles.

3) In an emergency, call 911 first, then Public Safety.

Important College Information, Links and Policy Statements

1)Religious Holidays

It is important to let your teacher know as soon as possible if you will be absent because of religious holidays. Your teacher will offer you an opportunity to make up the class work or test if you give notice ahead of time.

2) College Anti-Discrimination Statement (Title IX)

Bellevue College does not discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity; color; creed; national origin; sex; marital status; sexual orientation; age; religion; genetic information; the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability; gender identity or veteran status in educational programs and activities which it operates.For more information, see

3) Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity

Any act of academic dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism (using the ideas or words of another as one’s own without crediting the source), and inappropriate or disruptive classroom behavior are violations of the Student Code of Conduct at Bellevue College. Examples of unacceptable behavior include, talking out of turn, arriving late or leaving early without a valid reason, allowing cell phones to ring, and inappropriate behavior toward the instructor or classmates. The instructor can refer any violation of the Student Code of Conduct to the Dean of Student Success for investigation. Specific student rights, responsibilities, and appeal procedures are listed in the Student Code of Conduct at

Important Links

4) Disability Resource Center (DRC)

The Disability Resource Center serves students with learning challenges and disabilities. If you are a student who has a disability or learning challenge for which you have documentation or have seen someone for treatment and if you feel you may need accommodations in order to be successful in college, please contact the DRC as soon as possible.

If you are a person who requires assistance in case of an emergency situation, such as a fire, earthquake, please meet with your teacher to develop a safety plan within the first week of the quarter.

The DRC office is located in B132 or you can call our reception desk at 425.564.2498. Please visit the website for application information into our program and other helpful links at

5) Accessibility

The online elements of this course are designed to be welcoming to, accessible to, and usable by everyone, including students who are English-language learners, have a variety of learning styles, have disabilities, or are new to online learning. Be sure to let me know immediately if you encounter a required element or resource in the course that is not accessible to you. Also, let me know of changes I can make to the course so that it is more welcoming to, accessible to, or usable by students who take this course in the future.

Policy Statements

6) Student Concerns

If you have a problem with this class, we hope that you will talk to your teachers and tell us your problem. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to us, you should speak to Jean Pauley, the ESL Program Chair of Developmental Education in R 130 Z at

You can also talk to Tuan Dang, Associate Dean of Basic Studies and ELI at or Maggie Harada, the Arts and Humanities Division Dean at , you and to talk to Ombuds Office

7) Privacy Policy

We do not wish other people (parents, spouses, and friends of students) to speak for students about school performance because this can slow student growth and progress. We do this because we would like students to speak for themselves and be independent. We also do it because federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or FERPA) says that we must protect the privacy of student education records. It is BC policy to keep school performance between the school and the student. If a student asks for a parent, spouse, or friend to be at any instructor-student discussion of academic performance, instructors will look at each situation and make the final decision. You can see all of this policy, Arts and Humanities Commitment to Student Growth and Development, at: