The Chinese Connection to the European Holocaust

English 10

Berean Academy

Hixson, TN

Leah Huguenin

Curriculum Guide: Holocaust study to integrate literature (reading Night by Eli Wiesel), history (personal and classroom research of events and people of the Holocaust), and writing (synthesizing research information into a 4-6 page paper).

Two- 50 minute class period with an out-of-class assignment following instruction.

Objectives for lesson:

1.  Students will have been introduced to Oscar Schindler in an earlier lesson.

2.  Students will be introduced to the idea that Hitler’s European Holocaust caused Jews to escape to many different countries, including China.

3.  Students should be able to compare and contrast Oscar Schindler and Ho Fengshan.


Students will be asked what countries Jews may have escaped to after the Nuremberg Rules had been enacted and enforced in Germany and any country that became part of the Third Reich. Students will be introduced to Ho Fengshan by reading pages 20-21 in Education About Asia Fall 2015 issue ( Students will watch a short newscast from youtube sharing about Ho Fenshan ( Following the video, students will be asked make a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Oscar Schindler and Ho Fengshan; if the diagram is not finished in class, it will be finished for homework. (Students may be provided other websources for further study of Ho Fengshan.)


Students will be asked to report the results of the Venn Diagram from previous day’s work. Students will then watch a youtube video providing a history of the Jews that were able to escape Austria because of the entry visas provided by Ho: Ark Shanghai (


Students will be responsible to fill in a Venn Diagram and interact in whole group discussion identify the similarities and difference between Oscar Schindler and Ho Fengshan. Following this unit (Holocaust studies), students will be given a comprehensive test covering the content of Night as well as any other Holocaust literature read during the unit, including specific questions regarding the acts of Ho Fengshan.


“Ark Shanghai—A History of Jewish Refugees in Shanghai, China.”, Published December 31, 2014. Accessed April 6, 2017.

Chang, Wayne. “Ho Feng Shan: The 'Chinese Schindler' Who Saved Thousands of Jews.” CNN, July 25, 2015. Accessed April 6, 2017. schindler-ho-feng-shan/.

“Feng Shan Ho: Austria.” Accessed April 6, 2017,

Gordan, David B. “A Tale of Two Diplomats: Ho Fengshan, Sugihara Chiune, and Jewish Efforts to Flee Nazi Europe.” Education About Asia. vol. 20 no. 2, Fall 2015. Accessed April 6, 2017. 153715-010.

“Ho Fengshan helped thousands of Jews escape in WWII.” CCTV News. Published Dec. 10, 2015. Accessed April 6, 2017.