Stage 1 Food and Hospitality

Assessment Type: Practical Activity

Area of Study 3: Trends in Food and Culture

The Art of Plating


To demonstrate your ability to:

  • apply knowledge and problem-solving skills to practical activities in food and hospitality and to reflect on processes and outcomes
  • develop and implement practical skills, including management skills, in an individual or a collaborative context
  • select and use appropriate technology to prepare and serve food, applying safe food-handling practices
  • investigate and reflect on contemporary issues related to the food and hospitality industry or to food and hospitality in family and community settings
  • work individually and collaboratively to prepare and present activities that support healthy eating practices
  • reflect on the impact of technology on food and hospitality.

Description of assessment

The task has three parts:

  1. RESEARCH TASK: Students research current trends in entrée plating in the Food & Hospitality Industry. Focusing on technology, techniques and skills.
  2. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Students create an Entrée for service to two paying guests demonstrating their findings and skills in current trends in food presentation.
  3. EVALUATION: Students individually complete an evaluation of report in which they evaluate the opinion developed in the research task, their performance in the practical application, the processes involved in the practical application and the outcome. In the evaluation, they formulate conclusions and recommend possible improvements.


The specific features are as follows:

I1Investigation of contemporary issues related to the food and hospitality industry or to food and hospitality in family and community settings.

I2Identification and use of different primary and/or secondary sources, with appropriate acknowledgment.

l3Application of literacy and numeracy skills, and use of appropriate terminology.

Practical Application

The specific features are as follows:

PA1Development and implementation of safe management practices.

PA2Selection and use of appropriate technology for practical activities.

PA3Application of knowledge and practical skills.


The specific features are as follows:

R1Reflection on the processes and outcomes of practical and group activities, including their own performance.

R2Reflection on the impact of technology on food and hospitality.

R3Reflection on contemporary issues related to food and hospitality.

Assessment conditions

Research: 2 weeks, max 400 words

Practical Application: two double lessons and one single to complete miseen place, production and service.