Professor Pranee Liamputtong (formerly Liamputtong Rice)

School of Public Health

La Trobe University

Bundoora, Victoria, Australia 3086

Tel. 61-3-94791760

Fax: 61-3-94791783



Born 23 July 1955, Thailand.


Personal Chairin Public Health (full professor), School of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University, 2006– present.




Thai, English, Lao


PhD (Health Science Education: Anthropological and Sociological perspectives), Monash University, Australia, 1989.

MEd (Educational Technology), Srinakharinwirote University, Thailand, 1977.

BEd (Physics), Srinakharinwirote University, Thailand, 1975.

DipEd (Primary Education), Yala Teachers' Collage, Thailand, 1971.


Personal Chair in Public Health (full professor), School of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University, January 2006 – present.

Acting Head of the Health and Social Care Department, School of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University, 2006 – 2007.

Course Co-ordinator:

Postgraduate Diploma in Health Research Methodology, School of Public Health, La Trobe University, 2002 – present.

Master of Health Sciences, ‘Health Evaluation and Research’ major, 2011– present

HonoursProgramme, School of Public Health, La Trobe University, 2002 – 2006.

Teaching and co-ordinating (Past and Present):

Undergraduate Level:

Culture, Society and theHealth of Women and Men

Advanced Issues in Health

Research Methods in Health

Integrating evidence into practice

Qualitative Research Methods in Health Care

The Health of Immigrants and Refugees

Health and Australian Society

Health, Culture and Society

Community Groups and the Health Care System

The Social Contexts of AIDS

Introduction to Behavioural Health Science

Psycho-Social of Health, Illness and Health Care

Postgraduate Level:

Health Research A

Health Research C

Qualitative Methods in Health Research

Health Data and Decision Making

Community Groups and Public Health

Gender, Ethnicity and Health

Cross-Cultural Midwifery

Sociological Foundations of Public Health

Associate Professor, School of Public Health, La Trobe University, Australia, 2001 – 2005.

Senior Lecturer, School of Public Health, La Trobe University, Australia, 1998– 2000.

Lecturer, School of Public Health, La Trobe University, Australia, 15 July 1996 – December 1997.

Senior Lecturer, School of Sociology and Anthropology, La Trobe University, Australia, January 1994 – July 1996.

Resource person (academic) responsible for teacher training in Science, Mathematics and Technology, the Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST), Thailand, 1978 – 1982.

Lecturer: Physics, Educational Technology and Health Education, Surin Teachers' College, Thailand, 1977 – 1978.


Research Fellow, funded by the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation and Public Health Research and Development Council, conducting research into childbearing, childrearing and reproductive health amongst Southeast Asian women in Australia, Centre for the Study of Mothers' and Children's Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University, 1 January - 14 July 1996 (I was funded as a Senior Researcher on this project for three years, but I resigned as I obtained a tenured full-time lecturing position at the School of Public Health in 1996).

Research Fellow, Public Health Training Position involving with socio-cultural aspects of women's health, Centre for the Study of Mothers' and Children's Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University, 1992 - 1995.

Research Officer involving with crosscultural health issues of immigrants in Australia, Victorian Transcultural Psychiatry Unit, Offices of Psychiatric Services, Health Department Victoria, 1989-1992.

Senior Research Assistant on the research project conceptions of teaching in higher education, funded by Australian Research Council, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, Department of Educational Development and Evaluation, The University of Melbourne, 1989.

Research Assistant on the research project health beliefs and practices in Cambodian refugee community, funded by National Health and Medical Research Council, Refugee Research Project, Transcultural Health Unit, Department of Child and Family Psychiatry, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, 19881989.

Research Assistant on the research project students' conceptual framework for learning about their environment, Faculty of Education, Monash University, 1984 and 1985.


Being invited to be a Foreign Scholar, Faculty of Public Health, Thammasat University, Thailand, June-August 2013.

Being invited to give a Keynote Address at the 10th Advances in QualitativeMethods Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 8-10 October, 2009.

Being awarded the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Visiting Scholars Program to visit the Institute for Gender Research, Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 20 September-3 October 2008.

Being inducted into the Victorian Honour Roll of Women 2007. The induction was undertaken on the 2007 International Women's Day, by the Victorian Minister for Women's Affairs, Jacinta Allan. I was amongst 20 other individual women and 10 female doctors who have made alasting contribution to women in Victoria. The induction of this honour roll isthe result of my pioneer work on childbirth issues of immigrant women in Victoria as well as my leadership in qualitative research methodology in health in Australia. The honourrollrecognises the outstanding contributions and achievements of Victorian women from all walks of life - past and present. It was launched in 2001 as part of Centenary of Federation Celebrations and continues until 2008, when the centenary of women's suffrage will be marked.

Being nominated as an “Expert of International Standing” by the Australian Research Council (ARC) College of Experts, 2005-present.

Being invited to give aKeynote Addressat the “Global Bioethics: Exploring Alternative Approaches”, organised by the Australasian Bioethics Association, Adelaide, 14-16 February 2002.

An honorary invitation toopen the Birralee Maternity Multicultural Resource Centre and install a plaque of the Centre (with my name on the plaque), Birralee Maternity Service, Box Hill Hospital, February 2001.

An honorary invitation asa Guest Speaker to address issues relating to women of non-English specking backgrounds at The Bill Vorrath Memorial Address, Twenty-eighth Annual General Meeting, Family Planning Victoria, Box Hill, 23 September, 1997.

Receivingthe JA Thompson Public Health Practice Award - Highly Commended Prize Award, for an excellent practice in promoting public health in the area of childbirth of women of non-English-speaking backgrounds, by the Australian Public Health Association, 1994.


Associate Investigator, CRE in breastfeeding, Mother and Child Health Research, La Trobe University, applied to NHMRC 2013.

Living a tansgendered life in a new homeland: The lived experience, health and well-being among transgenders from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in Melbourne.A current research project being developed;Collaborators are being sought and hope to apply for Research Focus Area – Building Healthy Communities, La Trobe University,in late 2013.

Experiencing parenthood and migration: A mixed methods study of first-time parenthood amongst migrant and refugee women and men in Australia. A current research project being developed in collaboration with Virginia Schmied, Hannah, Stephen Matthey (University of Western Sydney), and Debra Lupton (The University of Sydney) will be applied for ARC Discovery grant, 2013.

Maternal and child health among migrant women in Thailand.A current research project being developed in collaboration with NiphattraHaritavorn, Thammasat University, Thailand, applied for Thammasat University Research Grant, 2013, received funding in 2013.

Motherhood and infant feeding practices: The lived experience of HIV-positive women in Southern Thailand. A current research project being developed in collaboration with DusaneeSuwankhong,Thaksin University, Thailand,applied for Thailand Research Fund, 2013.

Breast cancer:Meanings and experiences among Thai women in southern Thailand and Australia. A current research project being developed in collaboration with DusaneeSuwankhong, Thaksin University. It was funded by the International Collaboration Research Grant, ThaksinUniversity, Thailand, 2012. The second phase of this project will be applied for funding from the same funding agency in 2013.

Transcultural aspects and lived experiences of mothers in the first year after birth in Ayudhthaya, Thailand and Bali, Indonesia. A current research project being developed in collaboration with staff at Saint Louis College of Nursing, Thailand and STIKES Bali, Indonesia, applied for Saint Louis College Research Grant and the Health Promotion of Thailand, 2012.

Community-based research on ethical risk communication for HIV vaccine trials. A current research project being developed in collaboration with Cynthia Jardine (University of Alberta, Canada), Michelle Driedger (University of Manitoba, Canada) and others, applied for funding from Canadian Institutes of Health Research, HIV/AIDS Vaccine Discovery and Social Research – LOI, received funding in 2011 to allow us to develop a full application in 2011, requested CAD$4.5 millions but unsuccessful in 2011.

Mobile phone peer and community support project. A current research project being conducted in collaboration with Rae Walker, Lee Koh and Dennis Wollersheim, received funding from theJack Brockhoff Foundation, 2011.

The perceptions and experiences of vaccine trials, HIV risk and motherhood among female injecting drug users in Thailand. A current research project, received funding from the Faculty of Health Sciences Collaboration Grant, 2011.

Motherhood and the discourse of responsibility: Infant feeding practices among women in northern Thailand (Faculty Collaboration Grant). A current research project, received funding from the Faculty of Health Sciences Collaboration Grant, 2010-2011.

Overcoming social isolation and disadvantage among refugee women through mobile phone peer support. A current research project being conducted in collaboration with Rae Walker and Dennis Wollersheim, received funding from VicHealth Innovative Grant, 2010-2012.

Formative evaluation of health education resource for Vietnamese women with gestational diabetes.A current research project being conducted in collaboration with Sansnee Jirojwong, Virginia Schmied, & Sharon Hillege (University of Western Sydney).

Parenting among Cambodian immigrant women living in Victoria. A current research projectconducted in collaboration with Liz Hoban, received funding from the Faculty of Health Sciences Research Grant, 2010.

Increasing health literacy among Vietnamese women with gestational diabetes. A current research project being conducted in collaboration with Sansnee Jirojwong, Virginia Schmied and Sharon Hillege, University of Western Sydney, received funding from the Chronic Disease Self-Management/Lifestyle and Risk Modification Grants, Department of Health and Ageing, 2009-2010.

The meaning and experience of motherhood and infant feeding practices among women living with HIV/AIDS in central Thailand. A current research project, received funding from the Faculty of Health Sciences Collaboration Grant, 2009.

Using wiigames as a method of intervention to improve social health of those with chronic illnesses and diseases. A current research projectbeing conductedin collaboration with Dennis Wollersheim, Monika Merkes, Nora Shields and Lara Wallis, received funding from the Faculty of Health Sciences Collaboration Grant, 2009.

Online dating and risk amongst young online users: Implications for sexual health promotion and public health intervention. A research projectbeing conductedin collaboration with Marian Pitts, Australian Research Centre in Health, Sex and Society, received funding fromthe Faculty of Health Sciences Collaboration Grant,2008.

Immigration and parenting among Cambodian and Iraqi women in Australia. A research project being conductedin collaboration with the Social Sciences and Health Research Centre, Monash University (Lenore Manderson), received funding from ARC Discovery, 2008-1010, extended to 2011.

HIV/AIDS vaccine, drug trials and women living with HIV/AIDS in Thailand. A research projectbeing conducted in Collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, received funding from the Faculty of Health Sciences Collaboration Grant, 2007.

Motherhood and “moral career”: Discourses of good motherhood and embodied experience among “Afghan”immigrant women in Australia, received funding from the Faculty of Health Sciences Research Grant, 2003.

The social construction of childrearing and infant feeding practices in Northern Thailand. A research project conducted in Chiang Mai as part of OSP program in 2003, in collaboration with the Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, with Susanha Yimyam, Sukanya Parisunyajul and Chavee Baosoung, received funding through OSP support, 2003.

The experience of childbearing and motherhood among Thai women in Northern Thailand. A research project conducted in Chiang Mai as part of OSP program in 1999, in collaboration with the Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 1999-2000, with Susanha Yimyam, Sukanya Parisunyajul and Chavee Baosoung, received funding through OSP support, 1999.

Women's knowledge and attitudes about prenatal diagnostic testing for birth defects. A research project conductedin collaboration with the Murdoch Institute, Royal Children's Hospital (Jane Halliday), Department of Perinatal Medicine, Royal Women's Hospital (Robin Bell) and Centre for the Study of Mothers' and Children's Health, La Trobe University (Lyn Watson), received funding for 1997-1999.

Childbirth and the health of women from Southeast Asia (Cambodian, Lao, and Vietnamese women). A research project conducted in collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Mothers' and Children's Health, La Trobe University, received funding from the NH&MRC for 1996-1999, with Lyn Watson.

Childbearing, childrearing and motherhood: The case of Thai women in Melbourne. A research project conducted at the Centre for the Study of Mothers’, 1995-1996, with Charin Naksook.

Hmong women and reproduction. A research project conducted at the Centre for the Study of Mothers’ and Children’s Health and the School of Public Health, 1993-1998.

Mothers in a new country project - Experiences of pregnancy, birth and early mothering: home interview with Vietnamese, Turkish and Filipino women. A research project conducted in collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Mothers' and Children's Health (Rhonda Small, Jane Yelland, and Judith Lumley), received funding from the NH&MRC and Victorian Health Promotion Foundation for 1993-1997.


Jen Hocking Lactation consultants and their roles on breastfeeding in Australia.School of Public Health, La Trobe University(part-time),commencing 2014.

JamunaParajuli Pap smear test: The meanings and lived experiences of Bhutanese refugee women in Melbourne. School of Public Health, La Trobe University(part-time),commencing 2014.

SansaneeChanthasukh Gender relations and decision-making in using emergency contraceptive pills among young women in Thailand. School of Public Health, La Trobe University(full-time),commencing 2014.

SompornSitthisongkramAdolescents and drinking behaviour in Thailand.School of Public Health, La Trobe University(full-time),commencing 2014.

Darren Capalb An exploratory study of sport participation in young people in Victoria: Child and parental perspectives. School of Public Health, La Trobe University(full-time), 2013-present.

Priscilla Lai Han Luun Food acculturation for the Karen/Kareni refugees in Victoria. Deakin University, 2012-present.

PattarapornMoolchaem Sexuality identity, health and well-being: The lived experience of transgendersin Thailand.School of Public Health, La Trobe University(full-time), 2013-present.

RosedianiMuhamadExploring perceptions, prevalence, predictors, experiences and health impact of sexual dysfunction among women who attending primary care clinics in West Malaysia. School of Public Health, La Trobe University(full-time & with scholarship), 2012-present.

Alice Wilkin Through our eyes: Aboriginal employment retention through photovoice. School of Public Health, La Trobe University(part-time), 2011-present.

Pauline Wong Family experiences of their interactions within an Australian intensive care unit (ICU) environment. School of Public Health, La Trobe University(part-time), 2010-present.

Jessica Gill Living with Asperger’s syndrome: The lived experiences of children living with Asperger’s syndrome, their parents and siblings. School of Public Health, La Trobe University(full-time & with scholarship), 2010-present.

Rachel Lennon Stigma and the lived experience of female sex workers in Melbourne, Australia. School of Public Health, La Trobe University (part-time), 2009-present.

ZaharahSulaiman Breastfeeding experiences and decision making in infant feeding choices among working women in major cities, Malaysia. School of Public Health, La Trobe University (full-time & with scholarship), 2009-present.

RihamAbdulla Building bridges: Cross-cultural perceptions on the involvement of Arabic-speaking parents in their children’s school-based speech pathology services in multicultural Australia.

School of Human Communication Sciences, La Trobe University(full-time), 2011-present.

Tammy Rendina Expectations and experiences of parenthood from both mothers and fathers before and after the birth of their first baby. School of Public Health, La Trobe University (full-time & with scholarship), 2006-2013.

Mimmie Claudine NgumChi Contraception, teenage pregnancy and motherhood among African Australian teenagers with a refugee background in Melbourne, Australia.School of Public Health, La Trobe University(full-time), 2012-2013.

MellisaBuultjens The transition to parenthood: A multi-facetprogramme for women (and partners) expecting their first child.School of Public Health, La Trobe University (part-time), 2005-2012.

DusaneeSuwankhong The role of traditional healers in the Thai health care system in the South of Thailand. School of Public Health, La Trobe University (full-time & with scholarship), 2007-2012.

Tanya Serry Supplementary reading support for young low-progress readers at school: Integrating perspectives about experiences and practices from service providers and parents in an Australian context. School of Public Health and School of Human Communication Sciences, La Trobe University (full-time & with scholarship), 2006-2010.

Michelle Ann Kealy Caesarean section – A respond to risk and fear: An Australian study of women’s experiences. School of Public Health, La Trobe University (full-time & with scholarship), 2006-2007.

Helen Rawson Sexual health of young Vietnamese women living in Melbourne. School of Public Health, La Trobe University (full-time & with scholarship), 2003-2007.

Diane Bourne Another country, another culture: Colombian women in Melbourne. A focus on Sexuality, sexual and reproductive health. School of Public Health, La Trobe University (full-time), 2001-2006.

Araya SripairojDrug and Therapeutics Committee (DTC) performance indicators in Thai hospitals: Developing, evaluating and sustaining. School of Public Health, La Trobe University, (full-time), a joint supervision with Ken Harvey (full-time & with scholarship), 2002-2005.