Clerk to: Longhope Parish Council
17 High Street
GL17 0AT / Contact: / Mr Mark Stringer
Direct Line:
Email: /
Our Ref: / P0985/17/FUL
Date: / 18 July 2017

Dear Sir/Madam,

Town and Country Planning Act,1990 (As Amended)
Blakemore Park, Land To The Rear Of Dick Whittington Farm Park, Longhope Road, Little London.
Change of use of additional land to extend the approved facility to enable an additional 60 log cabins and associated works.

The link below relates to forms, plans and any other documents giving details of an application(s) for planning permission which has been received by the District Council. Copies of these documents will be forwarded to you.

You are invited to make any comments you wish regarding the proposal(s) and should do so by using the link above. Any comments will be available for public inspection and displayed on the Council’s website as part of the application record.

As you know, my council has a limited time in which to determine applications. Any observations you wish to make should be received by the 8 August 2017. In the event of no reply being received from you by that date, we will assume that your Council has no observations to offer. If you are unable to meet the target date then you should contact the Case Officer to discuss whether an extension of time for your response can be agreed.

The Council has introduced public speaking at its Development Management Committee meetings. Details of the operation of public speaking are available on the Council’s website.

In the event of any subsequent appeal your observations will automatically be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate and the appellant.

Yours faithfully

Clive Reynolds

Development Manager

Planning Ref

/ DF10155 P0985/17/FUL

Site Address

/ Blakemore Park Land To The Rear Of Dick Whittington Farm Park Longhope Road Little London Longhope Gloucestershire

Proposed Development

/ Change of use of additional land to extend the approved facility to enable an additional 60 log cabins and associated works.
Parish / Longhope

Date of Validation

/ 11.07.2017 / Expiry Date / 05.09.2017

Determined by

/ District / Delegation Level / Delegated Decision

Case Officer

/ Mr Mark Stringer / Grid Ref / E 357460 N 210550
Applicant Details / Agent Details
Mr C Turney
C/o Agent / SF Planning Limited
FAO Mrs B Brown
12 Royal Crescent
GL50 3DA
Consultations / Sent / Expiry
Parish Council / 18.07.2017 / 08.08.2017

Constraints (if applicable)

Ancient Woodland / Ancient Woodlands
Ancient Woodland / Ancient & Semi-Natural Woodland
Public FootPath / DLH/63 - Crosses
Public FootPath / DLH/67 - Crosses
Public FootPath / DLH/61 - Crosses
Public FootPath / DLH/61A - Crosses
Class 1 Road / A4136
Class 1 Road / A4136
Regionally Important Geological Site / Dick Whittington Farm Park Cutting
Outside Settlement Boundary / Outside Defined Settlement Boundary
Coal Authority OffCoal / Off Coalfield - Data Subject to Change
Groundwater Vulnerability / MINOR
Listed Building (if applicable)
Road Classification