School of

Life Sciences





1.0 Introduction

For the purpose of this document, fieldwork is defined as any practical work carried out by employees, students or visiting research workers of the School for the purpose of teaching and/or research in places which are not under University control but where the School is responsible for the safety of its employees/students/visiting workers and others who may be exposed to their activities.

2.0 Responsibilities

The Dean of the School has overall responsibility for health and safety within the School and shall ensure that fieldwork activities undertaken by members of the School are effectively managed and risk assessed. They must ensure that any member of the School supervising or undertaking fieldwork activities:

·  Is trained in the appropriate techniques and procedures to be used;

·  Appreciates the potential hazards and risks which may arise;

·  Is capable of leading operations in the field;

·  Has, where appropriate, attended a course of training in first aid for fieldwork situations (for work in remote locations, open country-side, etc).

It is the responsibility of the person organising/supervising the fieldwork to ensure that for each fieldwork activity/excursion, a suitable and sufficient assessment is carried out of the hazards and risks to health and the significant findings recorded, prior to the fieldwork taking place. The significant findings of each risk assessment , together with the preventive or protective measures to be taken must be effectively communicated to all those persons who will be engaged in the fieldwork operations. They must also be made fully aware of the arrangements for dealing with accident and emergency situations.

It is the responsibility of any individuals partaking in fieldwork activities to immediately raise any concerns they may have regarding the safety of such work.

3.0 Guidance

The University has adopted the UCEA Guidance on Safety in Fieldwork. The definition of fieldwork is wide and embraces activities as diverse as social survey interviews, archaeological digs and environmental sampling. The guidance should be followed for all fieldwork activities.

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